telling tales I could never truly live through is a way of cheating death
I said nothing as everything I never knew cascaded from their lips like rain water from the gutters sputtering as a flood of confessions destroyed the damn I never knew I'd built around the tiny town containing the tears I'd never told and as their ocean of pain infiltrated my pond of Dead Sea ache I could feel myself rolling with the waves of our mutual heartbreak and when our lips collided it was less like the glaciers I was used to and so much more like an earthquake
two tech tonic plates never intended to be brought together creating a catastrophe, pure entropy, with nothing but a black hole between our bodies we were sucked in and before either of us knew it we had drowned and the sea of our tears turned sweet
separate we look back and break away knowing now that we're ok nothing will be the same but this decay we've created will always remain to remind us all that nothing ever came from truth telling and all we ever really wanted was uniqueness but the truth is we were searching for a likeness we never found
You never notice me yet you notice me all the time
All my life I was a slave
Slave for all your requests
"Work harder! This isn't enough"
Is just what you would always muster
For years I've longed for your affection
Yearning for all the attention
You never took notice of me when I'm at my best
But at my worsts, you're first to infest
Now I'm ruined from inside out
All complements, I just laugh it out loud
They all look up but still I look down
You're voice, like record, leaving me broken and damned
Dysfunctional Family
You told me to say sorry
Whenever I made a mistake.
And when I did make a mistake
You told me
Sorry wasn't enough.
You expected me
To grow up and be responsible
When only a week ago
I had to ask for permission
To use the bathroom.
You said you'd always support me
No matter what.
But when I finally began to accept myself
You claimed it was a phase
And told me to get over it.
You called me useless
A failure
I called you cruel
And you kicked me out.
You said I'd be nothing without you.
Well, maybe I'd rather be nothing
Than with you.
the end
haven't written,
haven't slept,
haven't cried,
haven't wept,
haven't walked across the room,
haven't peered up at the moon
well, even if i still loved you,
and even if i wanted to,
you're sure making it easy
to forget
about the reasons
we used to compare our love
to a crowded, happy room--
full of laughter,
full of joy,
full of happily ever after,
well, be both know
this is a long time coming,
we both could see this day
I resent your success.
I hate your corpulence and your life is so fucking nice smiles.
I want to stick you with a knife.
You have everything and still
you bleed that barrel bone dry.
I listen in disgust as you force feed
your bloated gut, pig,
I hate having to use the same toilet as you.
You fart in bed and I have to open a window it's so rank.
Fuck off and die.