Nightmare On Mulberry Street
One Fish, Two Fish...
grab a crucifix!
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
Printing or publishing is prohibited without seeking permission first from said owner.
To the Pain
To the pain.
I’ll explain.
Small words, and soon,
You buffoon.
You’ll lose your feet,
No more walking on the street.
Then your hands above the wrists,
No more clapping, no more fists.
Next your nose,
No more blows.
Then my tongue?
Wrong, you putrid pile of dung.
Next your eyes, first left then right,
A rough existence without sight.
And then my ears, I suppose,
The same sad fate as my nose?
You are wrong, I’ll tell you why,
Because you’re such a horrible guy.
So you will hear each scream and shriek,
From everyone who takes a peek.
Star Wars
"Luke, I wonder how much that you know,
did Obi Wan tell you, that wicked old crow?"
"Yes," said Luke, "he told me alot.
He told me while we were smoking some pot.
He told me you killed my dad with a sword,
and he cut my umbilical chord."
"No!" Cried Darth Vader, "That isn't right.
That's not at all how it happened that night.
I remember when you were born very well.
I remember because my chest was all swelled.
My chest was all swelled for you came from my seed.
Your my baby boy! Yes, you are indeed!"
The Shining
A retreat for us all,
a fine place to rest.
What could go wrong?
This place is the best.
So let us now go,
let us fleet, flit, and fly.
Nothing will happen.
It's not like we'll die.
You seem so distraught,
is this some type of ploy?
All work and no play
makes me a dull boy.
Wendy, don't run,
for my axe head is brawny.
I'll chop through this door
and shout out here's Johnny.
You think you can hide
inside of this maze?
I'll find you here, Danny
and make this your grave!