Happiness alive between the Lines
Do you feel the miracle of the moment? ...that you can read these words, prepared for you and those like us, who seek to somehow extend individual experience (timelessly!) by tapping into words (worlds!) that exist at this very moment... writ yesterday, or perhaps centuries ago... Precious thoughts and emotions that moments later will spur new contemplations within your own mind, distinctly different from anyone else's?! Here is the unheralded joy of sharing across a collective consciousness. I am relishing my moment; with thoughts of you, basking in yours :)
The Sun Shining Forth
Rain poured continous as Rosemary and Regan walked together to school. Their shoes and raincoats were soaked to their skins. Their day was starting off miserably as the dark, grey clouds that coated over Brimstone. Suddenly a bright light shined over them, drying the pair completely. It wasn't the sun that made the Gravely sisters smile but the presence of their uncle Michael, who safely escorted them to their school under the warm comforts of his majestic wings.
#sinsofthefather #fiction #fantasy #horror #comedy #family #flashfiction #short #paragraph