Three Little Things
It gets on my nerves when someone says something is easy, but does not know much about that something, and that something is actually very hard. I hate it when people say dance is easy, especially ballet and pointe.
It gets on me nerves when people say, "Oh, you're so smart," or "Oh, you're so talented." They take my success for granted, when I have been working my ass off to be/do my best. I hate it when they complain and wish that they could be as 'smart' as me. In my head I say, "You could be this smart if you tried or put any effort into what you do."
It gets on my nerves when people underestimate me and others. Why can't people just acknowledge that they do not know me or my abilities, instead of automatically looking down on me? I hate when people judge prematurely. Sure I might be new, but that doesn't change me.
(To tell you the truth, humans in general get on my nerves.)
Warning: This is a rant about attention addicts
There's a lot of things that irritate me--overachievers, pop quizzes, sloppily-written books, repetitive songs, to name a few--but the thing that tops the list is...
...Attention addicts.
Seriously, am I the only one who gets tired of every chipped nail or split end being a national emergency? It's not that I hate people like this, because I actually have a friend who's like this. But I can only take them in small doses.
And when I say small, I mean small. Like, small small. You know, those rare occassions when sun is brighter than usual, the birds are singing better than ever, and your outfit's totally bomb. (And pigs are like, flying.) know what? I'm just gonna stop before I type an entire novel. Because I can't stand people who text me an entire novel in response to a simple question.
Signing out.
“So Irritating”
Truth be told, so many things get on my nerves: people who can’t drive, hairless cats, sloppy people (I’m a perfectionist), direspectful kids/younger generation, and the comparison of my generation with the older ones (for the most part). I’m also a gamer girl, who has a job and attends college, yet my grandparents say that I’m too lazy (since I play video games and “don’t” work enough) and need to do something since playing a game for four hours out of an entire day is too long. It’s also irritating when I hear them blame the school shootings on just movies and videogames—like the parents shouldn’t be more responsible. I’m freaking 27 people! I’m tired of hearing this crap.
Also, since I belong to the “Millennial” generation, so I get a lot of crap about how I’m not working hard enough, compared to the older generation, and I need more to do in my life. I’m already going to college, work (looking for a second job now) and pay bills. What more do they want? Do they want me to join the military or something? Yeah, it’s like hearing a broken record: over and over...
The other thing I don’t really like, are disrespectful people: I don’t care if you badmouth me, but if you say something terrible about a friend or family member; prepare to get your a** chewed by me. I’m a Libra and I will stand up for anyone I happen to be around. I don’t take crap and I hate it when I see a younger person trying to bully someone else or talk smack.
#xjenvanx, #jenvan91, #challenge, #irritating, #onmynerves, #don’ttalksmack, #suffering