One Little Light
One little light falls from the clouds
Catch it, catch it, tumbling down
One little light now in your grasp
Lucky, lucky, are you now
One little light shines from your lamp
Sighing, sighing, lying down
One little light now blinking out
Going, going, now it’s drowned
One little light’s time has begun
Growing, growing, brightening more
One little light draws one new gasp
Breathe in, breathe in, shine once more
A journey undertaken full of hope
And promise. Travelling to find a dream,
Discovering things that would help you cope
Romanticized fears, legends at the seam
Immortality helps abate the north
We are young, reckless, led by our own ID
The challenge, solitude helps prove your worth
Abandon foresight, use our own decree
We just assume we are impervious
The call of the wild howls and calls for you
These people we call parents envious
They do not understand they have no clue
You are the fool in the end, as you fall
Into an endless sleep, becoming small