Customer Crisis
Inconsiderate customers.
I don't beleive I've ever mentioned this before, but I work part-time for my dad's buisness. I go there 3-4 times a week and just sell all the merchandise he makes to customers who walk in. This "merchandise" by the way is ice cream. People will walk in and say things right in front of me about the ice cream or go off on me for not having a certain flavor. For examle, "OH that watermelon flavor is bomb! You have to try it!"
"Nah, that chocolate looks pretty good though."
"No the chocolate one is trash." Yeah, right in front of me. The chocolate one also just so happens to be my favorite flavor. Me, still trying to make money, act like nothing was even said and keep directing them towards more flavors. It gets me heated, but there's nothing I can really do without it reflecting bad on a buisness that I don't even own.
Oh man, and when we run out of our popular flavors people get mad, and I mean like cussing out you and your mother bad. "You ran out of strawberry! What kind of buisness you trying to run here!"
"I'm sorry ma'am, but strawberry is one of our popular flavors and it goes by very fast. We'll have some more tomorrow."
"Well, I don't want some tomorrow! I want some now!" I'm obviously leaving out the more vulgar comments. And they even try to get free ice cream out of their emotional distress saying ridiculous things like, "Well, you don't have strawbeery that's a shame, but you're probably a good buisness so you hand out free ice cream when a certain flavor is gone right? Most places do." Well, I've never been to one. It makes me angry that people think they can just take advantage of a buisness just because they are the consumer. Not to brag, but the buisness does very well and we could do fine without most of these inconsiderate customers. However, I was told to not go off or show any anger when they walk in, and to try and calmly explain situations. I just wish people had a little more decency when someone else is trying to serve them.
Siblings are the worst. Of course this isn't actual hate, but more of a love-hate relationship between siblings. I personally consider my brother to be the worst of all. He knows exactlty how to push all of my buttons. He is a lazy, selfish, unmotivated know-it-all. I hate the fact that he gets away with his half-ass work by being the youngest in the family. He has no respect for anyone but himself. He walks around thinking he's the best and that he's always right. If anyone in the world knows how to get on my nerves, it's my brother.