From me.
Do your taxes.
Wash your hair.
Buy the good perfume.
Wear socks to the gym.
Wear clean undies.
Wear thongs in public showers.
Don’t be rude to shop assistants.
Always read the label.
Experiment with hair colour.
Get your nails done.
Tell your mum you love her, even when you don’t.
Tell your dad he’s funny.
Call your grandparents.
Don’t walk by yourself at night.
Don’t be fooled by boys with accents.
Don’t leave the party.
Cover your drink.
Wear the dresses.
Wear the bikinis.
Don’t let men make you think you’re a target.
Don’t become a target.
Ask for the pay rise.
Shoot for the stars.
Dream big.
Second guess.
Listen to your gut.
Take pictures.
Write down your dreams and look up what they mean.
Wear your seatbelt.
Shoulder check.
Marry your best friend.
Buy a dog.
Never, never, never underestimate the healing power of a shower.
I bought four oranges from the market
Each fibre of the fruits
Explosive with flavour.
I walked in the sunshine
Eating oranges.
The sky was blue.
The kind of blue they write love songs about.
The clouds danced
And I walked in the sunshine eating oranges.
Shopkeepers greeted me with smiles
As I walked, meandering; nowhere to be.
I stopped again to buy a new hat.
A hat to wear on a sunny day like this one.
A hat to wear on a day like this
With beaming sunshine
And delicious fruits
And friendly, happy people
Lining these familiar streets
Smiles spread wide across their faces,
Them too, admiring the sky -
Smelling the fragrant fruits and
Waving to each other. Community.
And still,
With such an vibrant and wonder-filled world
I was without you.
A day only to be made perfect
By coming home to you.