Morning Feast
Waking up early, I slip from bed, to
gather morning components
of eggs, milk and bread
for I know not what you like...
I want you to know, in more
ways than last night, that I care for you,
so here, hopefully without reprimand,
I'm back, fundamentals in hand...
Beginning with the mixture in bowl
to bring them together and fold
the lightest of buscuits and
perhaps gravy too
I pause, maybe just pancakes
just a few, because the one thing I love
is that you can eat, and I love watching, too
the way you have devoured a meal in front of me
The smell has hit you and out you come
as coffee is poured, just for two
With eggs, pancakes, biscuits, jellies and jam,
honey, butter and juice laid on the table
and I open the oven, a frittata, just for you
You hug me from behind, "what is this?"
I turn and look at your beautiful eyes and
Whisper, "why this is all for you,
Just to say I love you.."
You smile and squeeze my hand
you move to take your seat,
just before you do...
a kiss on the cheek
feeding me, too
A word or two, If I may
I have been on Prose for almost two years and I have so many to thank and am thankful for having in this Proser life.
First and like many that have come before me and after... @Sandflea68 for welcoming me and sheperding me through the first postings I made. Thank you for being an ear at times and for your openess and honesty. Now for the inspiring part of this appreciation - Your work that you post here are like paintings in a gallery. They have such imagery and craftsmanship that when I read your work, I read it 4-5 times to attain comprehension and then to study the craftsmanship of the write. If I ever met you in person, I would genuflect and kiss your hand, for you have my respect and admiration.
@estherflowers1 - You were the second Proser I came across. Your challenges and writes are far superior to my own that I read your work over and over to study and appreciate your verbiage and meter. If I were to reach into the wizards emerald bag, I would pull out a Thank You for your challenges, they have been the best therapy I have had, yet. I wonder if we ever met if I could keep up with your wit? Probably Not...
@Samanthalombard - Thank you for your writes and thank you for encouraging my own. I do not know if you will ever return, but I hope you do one day. You are missed. But again, Thank you. You encouraged my second post on the site and I wrote a sequel because of your comments. As always, thank you for your scandoulously delicious writes and for helping me to produce some of my own...as I said before of my writes, some hot...some not.
@Winterreign - Thank you for the smiles, and tears from your writes. You have bled on the page and it shows. I love your honesty and your humor. And I loved that you have asked for help with your cooking. If we were neighbors, I would love to be your tutor in the kitchen as you wrote at the kitchen table. Love is so hard when you are young, but it doesn't get any easier as you get older, you just gain experience...and the experience that you encounter is usually the hurt. Mickey Gilly sings a song - "Here comes the hurt again..." the lyric opens with this line - " Here come the hurt again
You'd think I'd learn...The more that I believe in love...The more I get burned"
@SaltandInk - Thank you for your works, for I do love your writes. I have also enjoyed the commenst we shared here and there. You are another I do not see as often and I hope you return to continue your writing. You are another that has encouraged me and hopefully I have done the same for you. If ever we met, I would just like to have had the opportunity for your company and a cup of coffee and the chance to call you friend.
Of my followers, I am certain that I do not deserve you, but thank you to you all. I haven't written as much as I would have liked lately, well I mean quality writes, but hopefully that will change shortly.