This is what happens
No please I'm sorry come back we can make this work
This has to be a joke you can't be serious what am I supposed to do now are you sure I love you
I can't stop crying and thinking about you this has to be some mistake please I still love you I can change I swear
I can't believe this is real how do I function now I told all my friends deleted some photos and just focused on work and try to make the pain end
I've taken up writing the pain is still there but it seems to be going away friends try to take me out to help but that doesn't help to much I still feel the love
I got a dating app I'm not looking for anything long term just something to fill a void I guess but this writing thing is the best I never felt more at peace with the situation I still think of you pretty often but not as the love of my life like you used to be now I draw from that past hate sadness and over all sense of confusion to spin it into beautiful works of so called art but it helps so
A year
Wow a year and I didn't notice I found someone kinda of she is a lot like you and very different from you at the same time my writing hasn't changed its become more ambiguous is all but I'm starting to see life for the bigger picture now I want to grow but growing alone makes me sad so I want to grow with someone I knew this with you but you grow more alone I love the romanticized love story and I want that for my life to grow and change together with a person that may take many years to find but I know I can and I can say that you helped you showed me love in a different way then how I wanted it and even if I didn't realize it then you made the right choice
I don't know but probably grand...
Slaves To The Empire
We are all slaves, living an envious life we'll never deserve. Greed is our master. We don't own the land we live on just because some green paper and a signature tells us so. The wildlife was here first. The tall oaks and bright dandelions, they planted their roots before us, weaving them like vines deep into the ground to ensure their stability and safety. But it wasn't enough. The squirrels invaded their surely built walls, taking their young of and using their resources. The humans mow down the dandelions month after month, in hopes to make their lawns pretty. How vain. What about the bears and other creatures that steal the lives of innocent fish from their house of water and weed, just for a simple meal? Or the birds that go after the insects, just because they're smaller than them? What gives anyone the right to destroy another's life, man or beast, plant or animal? What makes your survival more important? Why do you deserve to be alive, while others do not?
We are all the slaves to the empire. We are just trying to survive. But not without sacrifice, a sacrifice that isn't ours to give. Yet we do it anyways.
Our greed, it's an insatiable circle of reality. We choose to be here as we are, destroying the works of another to build our own castle, proving our vanity. It's the poison that runs through our veins. And it will be the death of us all.
We have failed you.
We have failed you. We did not teach you to balance your checkbooks, we did not teach you to cook or do simple first aid. We did not teach you about self sustainability in our current world or the truth about hardwork and success. We didn't teach you about important life skills and values such as responsibility, commitment, sacrifice, happiness and honesty. We did not teach you the most important things in school. But you will learn. You will learn to raise a child. You will learn to start a family and keep a job. You will learn what is important, what is not, and what we do for the simple joys in life. You will learn what success looks like, what makes YOU happy and what doesn't. So we did not teach you what you need to know, but don't lose faith in us yet. We guided you through sports teams and clubs, through class activities, group projects, partner discussions. You were thrown in high school as a Freshman, as if you were a kid learning to swim, and you did it. You learned. You discovered. High school is just one social situation, but you survived. You made it through four years, you made it to today. So congratulations Class of 2016. You may not have learned what you wanted to, but we have taught you TO learn. We have taught you to explore yourself, discover just where you want to be and take it! Here, we guided you to strive to be a part of something, even something as small as our local high school. You will survive in the real world if you apply everything you know, and continue to learn. You will all find your way, I am certain of that. You will learn from our mistakes, and you will inspire a greatness in the next generation. I have faith in you. You will not fail, as long as you find happiness in this world. No matter where you end up, I trust that you will find your place. And you have the rest of your life to do it. Best of luck to you all, and have a great evening. You deserve it.