zip that skin off
here wear this, no it's a mole coat
no, it's not for Halloween
For goodness sake shut your fuss and just wear it!
Fit's just right! you can thank me later....
now look here,when you slip round the corner
yes on your left, really!!! there's only one corner, fool!
walk exactly two blocks and then you'll notice a circular metallic disc, it's very shiny you cannot miss it
heave it open-yes of course it'll require strength!! thought you were off for a stroll, eh?
lift it up and roll right in, got it?
just follow the instincts of the coat and you'll be fine.
you're getting that glazed eye again, just go before I lose my patience!
Shot off. Round the bend. Discy metal. Thrown off, skidding off the kerb. Geronimo!! oooh musty, ooo dark wait, I can see?! warm.. twitching nose picking up tempting scents, sniff...sniff...nope not there, mmmh. Barrow Barrow , soft cushy earth, tunnel for me, moley... Ahuh!! scruffle scruffle along, HERE IT'S HERE. HOORAY!!!
Now, now none of it!! What will you be 'avin then? Yes, I am speaking to you you gaping idiot, welcome to the bloody chip shop,now what will yo-
Two packets of fish and the fryest fish you've got ma'am!
Pretty snappy when you hear of food eh? alright then 'ere you go laddy, it's free, it's free, don't fumble in your mole coat for shillings...
How pleasantly this light triangles on the wall
Through the invisible glass of the dawn
Recalling spring in time of fall
In the sunlit painting of the naked throne
Ripens the life betwixt citrus rinds
To the yellow crisp tartness of a lemon
Depresses when shredded through blinds
Winking in and out, a calculating demon
Unsettling it can be through a filthy pane
Blotched and scarred beyond recognition
It pales the rooms of the hermit insane
And those of the plotters of sedition
How gloomily that stained glass stains
The purity of these heavenly rays
Brooding only melancholy pains
In the pilgrim's sighs and the donkey's brays
Cracked glass by the devil's claw
Tears shadows where light ought to be
Awakening one's most horrendous flaw
And forcing good nature to flee.
I lulled myself back to sleep around five o'clock, feeling too lazy to recite the morning prayer and resenting the dawning life outside with it's indifferent cheery twits and ululating roosters. The panorama across my window diluting to the powder blue of washing powder. Commercial jets rising in diagonal flight, red bulbs on their abdomens hungrily signalling for climbing heights. I was awake again after awhile, I know this because I was staring at the ugly black and grey knitted headboard of my bed while listening to the ominous rumble of rainless thunder and the jet drone of the ascending planes.
I wanted to get up, pegged with the soft gongs of a tip-toeing headache from too much sleep but my eyes disagreeably fluttered, lidding my sight alternatively between the rippling lens of dreams and the solid ugly knitted headboard. The door alarm to the car park opposite my apartment squealed unceasingly and then ebbed off into a deaf vacuum.
Half-awake, I revelled in the Saturday sleep-in, surprised by the fleeing speed of a huddle of black birds outside the window, as if catapulted from somewhere behind the balcony as I snuggled against the unusual blanketing chill in this humid country and wavered in and out of leadening sleep.
Through the wall, pages of a book swished too loudly; a harried student was panickingly doing some last minute cramming, sucking his finger noisily to assault the paper with. I wish the neighbours would keep it down, my ears sensitively picking out even the hum of the lightest of vibrations; the snap of light switches, pad of shuffling footsteps, bubble of boiling kettled water...the motorbikes on the freeway mechanically snorting on soothingly. Slowly, dreadfully slowly, a chair scrapping hard and long enough to tear the out the floor boards made me jerk in my sleep. I heard it as distinctly as if my ear were pressed to the very floor....the chair tilting on it's hind legs and it's swing before it hit the floor and motion bore it that hair raising voice.
A movement in my room projected itself in my mind's eye the way one can perceive shadows without seeing them and stirred my comatose sensations to struggle a rise out of my inert form. The ugly knitted headboard, however was constant in my drowsy vision and convinced me that I was still anchored to the real world with the planes, birds and absolute emptiness of my apartment.
The ridiculousness of the presence of strange people in my room made no sense to my staggering consciousness but my body was tremouring as the scrapping chair and the flapping pages engulfed my senses with a continuity that intimated the familiarity of people sharing a room and going about their everyday business. The walls vapoured around me, my transparent mind viewing this with it's uncanny owl-neck ability, their foggy crumblings whorling the ceiling fan.
Something was tapping the floor in a rhythm I confusedly recognised as some form of running..no jogging since it was more measured, short pommels and thuds and the squeak of sneakers unmistakable even through the mesh of scrapping chair and slapping pages. It was a Chinese girl, the blurry jogger behind my mind, wearing blue shorts and a headband to soak the sweat from her forehead.
The ugly knitted headboard reassured me that I was still in my room but I was demented into trusting either my instincts backed up by these taunting sounds or my stunted eye vision now a stagnant vignette of ugly knitted black and grey.
The edge of my bed sheet flapped from the rush of the jogger as she kept at it; to and fro then back again. I counted her breaths with her while trying to push my fright down like a burning drink frothing in my stomach and daring to erupt through my nose and bringing up everything with it.
The bed sheet stopped flapping, the floor was silent and so were the pages and the chair. I was desperately willing my body to roll closer to that ugly knitted headboard, the proverbial port in a storm but it only rocked sluggishly. My back infested with the pinpricks that awake in a deadened arm or leg and warmth from something like a body compressed against it.
My spirit cowered in the folded flesh of my paralysed body and my heart coiled into itself as she stooped. Stooping over my helpless form, she reclined her head and inhaled as if to scream. A round pink mouth funneled out silky soft breaths of icy air breezing my neck making my body shiver with epileptic convulsions, contrictions banding around the shrivelling heart in my chest. Only the black was left in the ugly black and grey knitted headboard before my dimming stare.
Blasted Morning.
Those planes hanging from the celestial ceiling,
I flick with my giant finger,
And they swing swung,
Upward careening arc,
Pissing a doodling trail of cloud...that shade of cigarette smoke,
And they swing swung,
Nose diving arc,
To another poised finger-flick,
And so I amuse myself,
Cuddling the impulse to skip all my morning classes.
legs the scintillating legs
pavement treadmill for the legs
Chinese corner couple entwined vine-like in their legs
transparent umbrella girl legs by business-fast with creamy toned legs
man behind me at the grocer's with lovely leaning bored transvestite legs
on the counter baby spinach, eggplants, cauli flower, beeping vegetables, good for legs?
get that ugly baby away from here rotating tricycle wheels with fat dimpled pumping legs
see how i stroll now how i kick now how i dream walk with these limby befooted legs!
when i fuckin’ cared about
does she care does he care oh but they do waht will they think waht will i do how will i appease the situation oh damn she's mad oh damn he's mad how do i make them unmad i cannot because they will not approve oh but i must care what you think or else oh i dunno but i must i just must i must care waht they think too i must please at all times i was just hardwired to think and behave the way you want me too you wont be mad at me will you waht can i do tell what can do i panik panik shit bite nail toe nails too theyll kill me i know i must reverse this shit i must turn back time is nothing to waht everything will think of me if they find out
how would you like your earth?
Say, how would you like your earth?
round, flat or just an empty wide berth?
it may give a sway
to disorient your way
but be the swinging pendulum
and view your earth in a speculum
defy the diagonal slant
gravity eating plant
tipsy turvy upside down people
the pointy tip of the church steeple
revolving whirling top
you ought to put to a stop
please angle your axis
pay your taxes
yoga your chakra
and find your Agra.