When the Wrong Person Gets the Wish
"One wish?" asked Kyle.
The genie folded his arms and said, "That's correct."
"Anything I want?" asked Kyle.
"Yes." The genie was starting to get annoyed. "One wish, to solve any problem you want." The kid had been asking him the same question for about a minute straight.
"One wish..." Kyle repeated. "I have an idea,"
'Finally', the genie thought. "Well, what is it?"
"School lunch is crap. Make them serve us better food."
"Your wish is my command."
Dear Will,
You have absolutely no idea the mess you’ve got us scholars into.
Use pronouns, man.
I wrote my dissertation on your bisexuality.
Yes, sir.
Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share them with everyone!
It’s all there in your oh so corny sonnets.
How did you loathe the poor, dark lady so bad?
It’s because she didn’t look like the fair youth, isn’t it?
If only you had seen us bookworms coming at each other...
’of course they had sex, no they didn’t,
he had a wife, yes but all of those phallic references...’
The greatest writer of all times?
Gay? Bisexual?
No fucking way.