to a goddess made of bourbon
i wonder where you are and if the universe has always been cold.
now, that line might not be adjacent nor congruent with each other. but our heart has always been perpendicular because we love in parallel lines.
funny how we let the barbaric ink terrorize our veins. now, we are in an idle state when rivers should never unlearn the ability to flow.
how could distance violate the law of proximity when poetry claws us by its hand and unweave the cloak of pretend.
we were defenseless.
and here i thought, you and i will never fall for the same trap. but i just did. yet i know you were much stronger. he has a tongue that could crack any armor and he strikes you where he could hurt you the most - the part shielded by arched bones. then he leaves you with the truth that lines could never curve into infinity.
well my case was a lot gentler. this is about a boy i met who told me he would love to stay as a boy when i wanted us to grow like vines reaching for the sun - intertwined and knitted.
when he turned away, he left no queries unanswered. yet, i felt that departure brought a feeling of loneliness home and bruised backbone can't help but curl into a question mark.
why do we have to see what was once beautiful eclipse into an estranged memory?
so Luna, where are you and has the universe always been this cold?
pray tell me how to forget.
His velvet fingertips
Follow the full moon
Reflecting stimulation off
My bearing hip imperfections
Vulnerability encouraging
Rides on his soul exposed
And it bounces like tears
Off my stripped translucent flesh
My submitting tattooed back
Naively seducing virginity
His promising strength
And he folds enveloping
My post-ossified shoulder
Into him I blend blues
And resigning childlike
My emotional throbbing
Empathy unconditional
His perfect ancient lips
Brush like down feathers
My exposed neck witnessing
With my tangled hair
Whispering responsively
My follicles steady
Sing moaning cello chords
His culpable fast demons
Let blood spill from history
His shielding pores tightened
Fallen angels
A mother's kiss
Love exploited
Wounds gaping
And carefully between us
Here in this floral patch
Exposed with a razor's edge
His deepest ethological needs
His ugliest, most sinful desires
And floating heartwarming dreams
He is abstract art romanticized
Safe in this quivering space
His broken heartache healing
A crimson splattered crime unveiled
But my used body inspirits
Sheltering him sans expectation
Protectively we are whole
Together juxtaposed dancing
In this gray rabbit hole bed
My darling brilliance illuminati
Loving hands hold
Unfolding TBD
My mood is indescribable. Tightly folded in the bottom drawer of a little girl's vanity. A downspout of misguided rain freezing overnight. A complicated mountain folded, its peak sheltered by sensitivity and fog. Its hardened crust evaporating into sadness. My desolation comforted by his imaginary love. Pain is romanticized inside my mind. Love and delusion reflected in a streak-free mirror. Literary connections found in pulsating isolation love me back. I am disconnected from the norm. I admire the faithful but I only sleep with questions. Relieving cuts pour bleeding onto my canvas blank. I offer explanations unintelligibly through matte abstracting art. I am complexly overwhelmed by simple movement and my mascara smears like a passionate whore. My legs spread wide, knees bent, my aged hips crack with temporary satiation. Heavy sighs are my aphrodisiac into oblivion. The warmth of the sun on my face is my mother. Nature hugs me with its bark folding into rings. Gasping with emotion, my eyelids bow at the thought of him. Moved to tears when Mozart's final notes appear tangible. A grin too wide and too toothy silently churns my stomach to the tone of laughing clowns. Names spelled wrong hanging on the air make me dizzy. Contradicting comfort found in metaphors and algebra. Pages folded into triangles increase my focus. Abhorrent shock at mass blindness ruminates into psychosis. Despair dropping into a bucket of mud in my chest when I think of my image of love. Despondency covers my shoulders, my grandmother's shawl, when the chill of loneliness arises. Inner epiphanies debate over desire and reality. I stand still and stuck from fear, my existential ability questionable. Independence challenges my need. I know my bravery exists, but it is tucked between the folded linens. And I hate to disrupt the familiar aroma. And so, I keep the closet closed.
Drinking in the memory of deep sweet molasses lips
Eyes soulful as the cloudy winter moon
Heroin passion promises main lined straight to the chest wrapped in gypsum taken from the night
Breathless with anticipation you ride the dark horse through the sky in sweet release
Black leather and Zeppelin cries landing and bound into my loving arms eternal
The magnolia waits trembling for our worlds to collide in final resolution
All the lies and fear brought to light cleansed by the holy water of truth
realigning salt shakers
I thought of you today
in million ways
I thought of holding your hand
warming it with my palms
I thought of being with you
even when you've never expressed
such desire.
I thought of loving you
Yeah... Of loving you
Even if i think
i already have
since the day i read you.
I thought of giving my heart
for you to tear apart
and i thought
Of making you feel my love
amidst your refusal
to love me back
I thought of the warmth
I love to have
a piece of sunrise
and a million sunsets
in a jar of you
I thought of how
oranges and lemons
blend well
and how you would love the taste
I thought of telling you
all the fears
and all that i desire
and how you make me cry.
I thought of you today
and how this feeling
never sinks with the sun
never goes half moon
and never withers like leaves
And i've gazed up a lot of times
hoping some drunken god
is crazy enough
to rearrange our stars.
Author Notes:
from salt, lemons and poetry series
Bleak Midwinter
The land was barren, the sky was black, despite that a brilliant silvery film shone through the thick silent darkness and over the glistening wasteland of pristine white. Sub-zero winds echoed desolation but managed to moan between iron thick frost. The ice-kissed world served as a moral reminder of death, it had kissed our now frostbitten lips and fingers yet, as dawn drew closer blinding through the silver lustre; the sky and earth seemed to merge and melt together. The horizon was boundless and seemed to have no end...
This new beginning served as an epitome of life and lush fertility..
Hope was once and for all - ignited.
Dusk always left wavers of crimson shades that bore resemblance to denouncement. The halt of light and diminished ignition of life, like scarlet velvet curtains drawn on the illusionists final act. It was the sacred sun that when rose kindled energy in our bloodstream and very nerves like a queen embellished by her beehive. The shone sun, lent hands to sunflowers that swayed obediently like monks who chant mantras with angelic faith while we painted clouds with our fingers to adorn the sun.
It is we, when blinded by the saintly sun at noon..
It is we, when the candle in us is extinguished by the faded sun -
who soulfully weep.
It is we, who cradle evanescent fireflies that glow freckles in the darkness as we choke on salt consumed by the heavy air..
and wait
and wait
for celestial zenith.
Dangling Questions
I do not know exactly how she must have felt
when she arrived home and realized
that the house looked like naked timbers
with saggy, baggy cheeks
that dripped like loose curtain,
waiting for her to notice
that her cabinets hold more spaces
and her mom's collection of lipsticks were gone.
Silence reached her
to wrap itself from fingers to toes
making her curved into a C-shape on the hollow mattress
that seemed to transform into a crib
where smell of tears and stains of fears accumulated
And how she wished she could cocoon back inside womb
transcend time and reestablish the purpose of a navel.
Back to the time when a jelly-like cord
connects a small heart and a big heart
but time had passed
and the meaning of connection got lacerated long time ago
with sears of trashed expectations
and cascaded lies.
when she gets too drunk
and inhibition tucks itself to bed,
that's when she'd scream
and find refuge into my slender arms
and she would ask her questions
with tightly close eyes,
she'd ask me to enumerate the reasons
why people leave their children when they reach 20?
Or why sacrifice for 20 years
and tread towards comfort and security?
Why do people get tired and become selfish?
Why did she become weaker after 20 years of battling wars
between deceit and distant truth?
Why count all the bleeding wounds
and not the possibility of victory?
Why break all the promises
and leave all the dreams we've built
for a so called, "better" man ?
Why walk away when you have 2 sons
and a daughter looking up at you
Hoping you won't let them drown
on wild rapids of too much agony and indifference.?
Why? why ? why?
Weren't they enough? Weren't they enough? Weren't they?
Then, with a fierce flame burning in her eyes,
she said, "I guess we weren't enough."
For a moment, i am tempted to tell her
that someday everything will make sense.
But what kind of comfort can future present to her?
Someday can take days, months
or even hundreds of years
and the questions
dangling like the fake galaxies
inside her wooden crib
needs to be stopped
from eating her faith in humanity
as soon as now.
But no matter where i look,
no matter how many pages of self-help
and inspirational books i scan,
i still could not tell her the words
that will remedy her cancerous rage
or the gangrenous despair
feasting on her soul.
My friend, after 5 years
i still do not know the answer
and maybe even if another 20 years had passed,
and you throw those questions again,
i'll still find myself a scavenger
trying to unearth sensibility in garbage cans,
unable to vocalize any single letter.
But this i know,
there's this comforting warmth in you
that encapsulated me
in a way the sun can never outdo.
Do not let the storm
blow the comfort your soul radiates.
It WASN'T your mistake.
And i'm still here.
I am sitting alone in this cafe and I swear my head is crowded with thoughts of you. Whether I am alone or in another's company, I feel there's no way to breathe but to drown with the talking moments we shared (even if they weren't too much of them lately. I'm not complaining - yet.).
I roll my eyes all over the place and all I could think of was the time when we talked about how you'd like to own a bistro someday. We agreed on what shape the tables would be - round. I told you that i love round tables for they make the people closer and everyone sees each other's eyes whether it's sparkling like Armand de Brignac Rose or as lonely as an empty bottle of beer and how you tried to crush the exuberance I showed when you told me that you like round because it saves space and not because of the stupid sentiments I just poured out. You reiterated how simple minded you are and how dramatic i was. I let your practicality escaped into a cascading laughter. I know you were trying to tell me how your bones have been bleached out of romance.
Let me tell you now, I know how "unromantic" you are.
I know the thought of romance causes allergic reaction to your skin. Remember when i told you how the word hello was invented? Without hesitation, you told me that Graham Bell never really liked that word and how he preferred "ahoy" over the name of his girlfriend. And i smiled because no kind of discouragement can change my mind, my dearest. Believe it or not, happy ever after is something i have in abundance within the confines of my soul. No kind of "faith crushing" can ever make me hope for less - especially about us (even if you don't think that way - well, i do.)
I also told you i like to fill the place with wind-chimes made of shells, bamboos and anything that can breathe out sounds. I love how it saturates the room with its rhythmic melody when the wind kisses its tresses by the window or how it sings when the door swings every time someone comes and leaves. I believe a person's arrival and departure should be taken notice of as a sign of his existence - a reminder that he has been here. Sometimes, memories become so surreal that she starts doubting if they have ever happened, if they have really talked, if they existed or if the conversation was real - like how shooting stars disappear in the sea quicker than the blink of your eyes. You were quiet while i told you these nonsense I was beginning to think i was making you feel bored. It made me think that if ever we were face to face, you'll try to hide every yawn, the itch to stretch your limbs and the urge to turn your other cheek.
I imagine too much - i know.
Then you'll tell me to stop thinking stupid things like you leaving or you finding another prettier girl with 2D breasts (whatever 2D means because 3D is overrated). You said, you don't treat me as an option and i swear if a heart can melt, mine would have evaporated to join the clouds. Yet, i never told you how i felt about those words.
Instead, I told you that i get jealous about you laughing more often with other women and you told me that you laugh the most with me even if my jokes were so overused and nonsense. And i realized how much i needed to hear that to feel better.
The feeling of jealousy was suffocating that it was easier to breathe after.
And I hate your busy days so i try to be busy too and i try to forget you but when i pick the pen, i scribble your name all over the pages of my notebook and i remember the bistro you want to have someday. I listen to my favorite songs and i hear the growling of your metallic music blending with the supposed to be soothing melody of my much preferred choice of music.
You invade the privacy of my thoughts every now and then and I hate how i don't hate it.
I really think it's you who I want to talk with about jealousy, about my stupid dreams, about my love for sweets and how coffee makes me dizzy. And, I want to tell you that I'd love hearing anything about your life even if it's all about flipping pages of Accounting books, watching 2D breasts, smoking and coffee, your bizarre taste of music, your imaginary 8 packs abs and how many times you wrinkled your forehead.
I want you to know I am interested - so interested.
Wounds on a Beautiful Night
Dearest Elijah,
Neptune’s tide aligned with Pluto’s moon.Those nights, constellations formed an emblazoned peacock and my fingers found comfort in granulated crystal I dyed a pale pink and blue – I imagined it was stardust.
Was it the daze of the kaleidoscope that I confused with a gaze into a telescope? I cannot tell. All I knew was that dolphins were swimming in a galactic milky way and that my fingers’ wounds were undergoing the tribal healing process of sugar coating (with stardust).
The tap dancing of the rain on sunflower petals, somewhat brought me joy. The sheer connection of the sky’s clouds with the Earth was magical, almost as if they were in love; love that conceived the spring I was surrounded in. Love, that brought forth the scent of hyacinth flowers through the wet air.
My heart is a crater.