The bloody throne
The king sits on his throne, willing to watch his people die in war. There he sits, safe in his tower overlooking the people who call him “King”. Soon, with the soil turning crimson from the bloodshed of selfless fathers and the rivers turning pungent with the tears of sickly wives, the people began to that the man sat upon a throne of blood stained gold, and wore delicacies was no King, no God… but a man who took and never gave… a coward, a master thief of lives. Ignoring the pleas of his people, lives taken in vain… Will you simply continue to take when we have nothing to give?... take our land, our loved ones, our food for? In time’s like this, one must opt for the lesser evil… Save ourselves, or die by the hand of a man who falsely calls himself a King..
Why do we love? If not to try and ease the painfully dreadful voices in our heads longing to get out.. Still, I'm in love with this person but I can't say or they will leave me forever and leave me. So I hide these feelings of love and desire deep inside the depth of my never ending abyss of a heart.. This thing I call my heart they may never never see our feel the embrace of my unrequited love.. Nor will my heart be at ease of these feelings, but I shall try and protect, you, my heart.. until we feel the warm embrace we so desire..
by lovelygirl3047 and schooler
We are all brave, strong and steady even in the most trying situations, yet it seems to all be a lie… is that.. true? You say ‘I’m fine’ in the face of fear, is that truth or did you lie? We all put on a brave mask, some are better than others while the very few choose not to lie to themselves, and don’t fake it at all, they embrace their insecure moments. Will you? Or will you try to fit in with the crowd? The crowd we can’t see but know the stares of fire and flams we all know to well. But we are brave and push on together as one mind and body.
The battle that we can't escape.
When we fight this wars we are fighting ourselves.
Running and running back into war no one saves us, no one can hear you.
We are in a war against durgs and alchol.
Nothing can keep us safe from war bloody bloody war.
Are you ready to fight?
[Help received from Un Pinguino~]
A legends death
Hey shut up! You have no heart; you laugh and joke when a man is dead and his daughter is gone. Their family’s broken, and their life’s trashed! All we have are memories and the past, we can’t stop what happened but that doesn’t mean we have to be rude and disrespect the dead and their legacy!