when they said he died
i put my toothbrush down
tears that didn't come
toothpaste that swirls
around and around
when they said he died
she woke up in a stupor
unafraid of the residue
left in my sink
that wasn't washed away
lying through pearly whites
is not a pretty way
of saying you are fine
without him
we are forever changed
teeth that sink
into decay
Really, you don’t say
you criticize my wounds
and offer up your “sound advice”
that isn’t even true.
you say that truth was given
but fell upon deaf ears,
you said a lot of things,
but look at where we are now.
i have begged for answers
for why... just tell me something.
nothing is without reason.
but you refuse me that,
oh what’s it called,
you say it doesn’t exist,
must have been in her pants
which were lost amongst the sheets.
maybe that’s why you had to go back
for second, third, fourth and more glances..
to help her finally get redressed.
so stop lying to me
and yourself
the truth is you played me,
oh so very well
but you also broke me
when i believed in everything you tried to sell.
now only time,
if anything,
can heal this mess.
Happy Reading
Why read if it doesn’t make you smile, at least once in a while, more oft than this Pink Moon we’re having, but maybe less oft than each added sliver of every waxing phase - enthusiasm wanes when I turn the page and frown, so pronounced is the melancholy sound of why must it all be like the end of days when I wake up seven a week in spite of the greenhouse haze which resembles fog at sunrise but lines the horizon brown by noon, too soon to tell but the swell seems only half-past the spine, may sound like I’m whining but promise I’m not ; it’s all just sleepless food for thought ~