If I love you, I will be so clingy to you. I will crave for your attention always.
I will send you hundreds of messages a day. I will ask you how you are every 10 minutes. I will check on you every hour just to make sure you’re okay. I will tag you in almost every posts I see on Facebook. I will tweet you about any nonsensical things. I will send you random selfies of me or even videos of random things that made me laugh or smile, because I want you to feel the same. I will hold your hands in public. I will hug and kiss you goodbye every night after bringing me home. I will bite you whenever I feel to. I will sing to you. I will dance crazily in front of you. I will pretend not being able to open my water bottle so I can make you open it. I will crack corny jokes and force you to laugh at it.
I will annoy the shit out of you. But that is just because I am in love with you. You just gotta understand my love for you.