Write about denial. Any format (story, factual or fictional; poem; song; anyway you can think of) the only rule is to describe the denial you are feeling or have felt.
I’m not!
No, no, no.
I'm just a hypochondriac- trusting internet articles is a foolish move.
And who says my mind is all that smart?
(Forgetting the fact I'm right about people's desires has suddenly become increasingly difficult.)
It's PMS, all these hormones don't let me think and constantly clog up my thoughts even though my underwear was stained yesterday.
(Science goes out the window when I want it to and supports me when I need it to.)
It's just a innate need to be special, I've always had fantasies of grandeur.
(What kind of person asks to be a freak?)
I don't care about logic or truth or facts, I'm right!
Because I said so!
No, no, no, no, no, no, No NO NO-
The sky crumbles to shards.