Lies and Eyes
"It's not scientifically possible, you must be adopted" The teachers words shook me to my very soul. We'd been talking about genetics and now she was announcing to my entire class that I, a brown eyed child couldn't have come from two pale eyed parents. I nearly burst into tears, was she right? Had my parents lied to me? After all I looked nothing like my brothers, my older brother had Mom's eyes and my little brother had Dad's. After school I braced myself and suppressing sobs told my mother I knew and understood. Moms face scrunched up in puzzlement and she assured me I was not adopted. That's when I told her that science doesn't lie and her and Dad couldn't possibly have a brown eyed child. That's when my mother laughed and told me. "Sweetheart, your eyes aren't brown, they're dark green".
This is based on a true story that happened to someone decades ago and the science "fact" was later disproven. The little girl, turned out she looked like a paternal aunt she didn't know.