It hurts like hell. I tried to pick my phone and call my bestie for help but I couldn't. Words, actions, moves, nothing could come out and all I was able to do, was to cry and cry all over again. Now everything felt like I was dead, like I had a black heart that fades slowly each day and all I could was cry. Depression came after a week or two, sad songs on repeat, didn't want to go out, I was on my own world, sleeping all day, crying, over thinking the situation and what I did wrong to deserve such a life or why am I still here.
I felt like I was existing as a human but inside me there was a big war, that I couldn't fight and kept breaking me into pieces that I can't even count anymore. After a couple of months, I guess I started to realize how of a mess I am. Started to question myself why in the hell did I went through this while I could just have the answer I wanted or even think the positive side. Angels, it felt so awful to let myself go through depression when in reality everything can be solved.
We like to bring chaos in our lives and let the worst things to worry us, or make us feel like hell, rubbish, shit you name it. What ever is there that make us want to drown, it can be solved, even if you think there is no solution trust me there is but you are not digging enough cause you are not letting yourself to see clear.
It is hard to go through such a thing but nobody said that it would be easy! But try to clear your mind, take a breath, think of what happened and what could be better to do. Think of a solution on how to handle things, how it can make you a better version of you. It takes time to come back as you once were, but trust me you will be complete and it will make you feel better day by day, week after week. After all, giving up is not a thing we need to chase so, take a damn ladder or whatever and start climbing, start to go up instead of down.
Life goes on and so are we! Our pieces is not the one thing that needs to worry us but our soul and our mental and physical condition is. Don't give up just because of a hard time. It will get better if you start to make it better. It's up to us to become better, be better!