Idk, I guess I’m like good at dialogue or something?
Read title.
Heed title.
I try not to toot my own horn because I am prone to delusions of grandeur followed by periods of bitter realization once I receive a freshly powdered backhand from humility.
I think I do okay.
I think about a lot of stuff. I write about a lot of stuff. People have funny minds and they're entertaining to explore. There are things that happen that intersect with things we wish would happen and there's some neat little ditties in them there crossroads.
I'm always willing to read the work of others and provide feedback as the situation calls for. I like constructive criticism on the things I write as I am pursuing publication and as I mentioned earlier, the occasional reality check is a good thing for me.
I like dark things, inappropriate things, intense things, flowery things, romantic things.
I'm moody.
It works.