Letter to me
Music and writing go together for me. I love lyrics that move me and motivate me. Being a Brad Paisely fan, I hear his song "Letter to me" often and I think, what would I want my younger self to know? Write yourself a letter as if you could send it back in time with the knowledge you have now and tell your youthful self what you needed to hear. Take it any direction you want and have fun with it! But remember to be kind to yourself. We all have an inner child that is still relying on it!
If I Could Write Myself A Letter
If I knew I could, I’d write myself a letter
Back when I was 10 years old or so
Maybe older, just right before 12
I’d tell her not to get her hopes up
Because if you think it’s bad now
It doesn't get any better
I’d tell her to be grateful, to be a better daughter
Not to have regrets
Always try to be a better person
And with what other people think?
Don't even bother
I’d tell her to grow up slower, to read Harry Potter sooner
I’d tell her not to be easily influenced
Love like there’s no tomorrow
And don’t be so quick to forget her
I’d tell her to forgive
To enjoy being young
Don't waste all your money
And love the person in the mirror
For who she is