a first-year mistake in the haze of the end
a choice that i made that i now reprehend
awake now, before the sunrise
i never knew it would be my demise
to slink out of bed as reality sinks in
half awake at this hour, somehow that's a sin
i've found a cure to the haze of the dark dawn
and it isn't even anything like stifling a yawn
simply laying down and still is the cheat-code to energy
and waking up my mind with soft fictional memories
the unsung sufferer
we in vauxrose again bohs
this is NOT the same narrator as the last vauxrose prose [HA] but ill let you figure out the fuck’s going on here
emerald tears cascade down my face
i weep for what was lost but nothing had lost its place
far was i from the site of the war
safe was i from the pain of the pressure
so why do i feel the grief of a widow?
why, in the night’s sky, do i drop to my knees and wail?
upon my tower is where i sat when it struck
but i was far enough away, thank my luck
perhaps it was my selflessness that cursed me so
a hefty price to pay for a life to remain
(chances are if you aren't my best friend and best little bro you might not know what the fuck is going on here but it's fine don't worry about it)
(this is a monologue from one of my upcoming ocs in his and i's [is that the right grammar? probably not] universe on the island of vauxrose, which is full'a architects)
we don't talk about the emerald disaster.
it's the dark shadow to our perfect island, but the traces of it remain, no matter how much we ignore it.
because of it, we lost an important soul to our community.
how ignorant i was in my path...
i should have known they were up to something.
the retro glow is one that i can't truly enjoy, but a demon worth a slay is what drew me in.
something seemed strange, that one's aura.
i should have known their coming would mean a war.
they befriended one of the nicer ones.
and he seemed happy, too.
they were like brothers, one could not be seen without the other.
on the day they broke the camel's back, the day it all came crashing down...
the rest is history.
we don't know where either of them are now.
the area of impact has been quarantined, only people like myself can enter it.
i know the witness has gone elsewhere, as they didn't want to hurt their friends.
i could have stopped this.
we could have stopped this.
i have to find them.
this isn't going to rest on our--MY shoulders anymore.
i'm going to come find you.
you'll pay for the impact you had.
bustling city in the trees far away
is where my life has taken me, so i don't go astray
the first day was loud, and i thought i'd finally figured out
how to make friends of real people, and the joy it would bring about
but yet i sit so far away
is it my fear that drives me, the fear of that decay?
is it that i fear the worst, that tells me to stay away?
or is it not i that sits on my haunches
and i am just not worth the fray?
i understand why they'd go away
at every noon where lunches are our prey
i'm just too much to handle, dare i say
but with the state i'm in now
i dont think i'd like it any other way
when the moon hits your eye...
the only thing holding us all back from eating slices of pie like we eat slices of pizza is the abstract man-made concept of manners and formality
we call it a PIZZA PIE and we eat the pizza like we do cause it's thin but nuh-no to pie?? we gotta eat it with a fork like some sorta heathen??? cowardice i say >8/
seafoam lilies
seafoam lilies dotting the trees of pine
once again i find myself with a heart wrapped in vines
too many men i have seen as unconditionally divine
yet after every time i dare to seek it i merely drown in wine
never once did i ever think that i should ever draw the line
but the gods are keen on torturing me, all according to their design
seafoam lilies dotting the trees of pine
yet again i've fallen for a fellow quite divine
time and time again he's grabbed me by my waistline
making me shiver and making me whine
but the feelings i hold for him remain genuine
what must i do to claim him as mine?
show him that he's worthy of being worshipped like a shrine?
o gods, i beg you to give me a sign
for the eyes of my colleagues drill into mine
exhaustingly scorning me for pursuing once again
what has only left me downing bottles of moonshine
but maybe this time the stars will align
maybe this time he might incline
maybe this time their feelings will be just as genuine
maybe this time i'll finally end up fine
seafoam lilies dotting the trees of pine
the watcher
upon the mountains far from the valley
where the people they once knew still do wander
sits an exiled beast, hateful yet somber
cursed is the monster that sits on the peak
gazing in envy towards a village so weak
what else can be done when the walls fall down
and the village people dream of seeing you drown?
sealed shut was the beast by the village’s self-proclaimed leader
when the lowest peasant fell to a sharp-tongued voice
once the waves did subside and the community conflict die
the leader spoke to the beast once a god, telling them a secret
not a soul knew but them
that the voice that cut deep belonged to the soul who lead the village
gazing upon the village is the beast who kept their promise that day
but one day revenge would find its way
for when they dared to dance with the dark the leader chased them away
screaming that they had allies who thought the same as she
the time would come, but all that was left was to wait
to tear the wings off the angel who dared to sin and act still pure
but yet the beast ponders in its brain as it wanders away
would there have been another way to remain?
or were their attempts to return to a place it’s always been
all in vain?