one fold, two folds, three folds, four
origami feelings knocking through the door
paper tulips, roses thorns and vines
insomnia pursues me deep into my mind
every nerve screaming for sleep but i don't wanna dream
last time i drifted off i died for many years it seemed
but nobody would miss me as i'm too far to redeem, so
maybe if it lets me then i'll finally let go
and yet here i am up at ungodly hours
hands getting sore from folding paper crafts
and yet sleep eludes me, although i desire
nothing more than to just close my eyes and dream
and yet here i am overcome by this feeling
that no distraction could hope to steal from me
refusing to elude me, that i desire
nothing more than to be held close by you as i dream
push aside my curses and my worries for a night or two
make me forget the aching scar around my throat
push aside your worries and your troubles for tonight or two
purple origami roses leading down a path to you
though i'm scared, i desire nothing more
than to be held close by you
though i'm scared, i need you there
so i'll dream a dream of you
Ode to Recovery
While little girls and boys were trying to mold clay into flowers, I was trying to mold my body into a Barbie doll. My stomach was the canvas and my hands were the paintbrush, and I tugged at my skin until it was the color of fire and burned. Now I use my hands to hold prayer books and I bless every time my body carries me through the day without wanting to faint. I bless the times I cry through meals but eat anyway. I bless my friends who listen to me vent, even when my problems are too big for them to grasp. I bless my therapists for listening to those big problems. I bless the times where I wake up to men grabbing me in my sleep, but realize that it’s only a nightmare. I bless the nights when I hold a razor blade to flesh but don’t break the skin. I bless the times that I called the suicide hotline. I bless every day that I am alive and every day where being alive isn’t my only accomplishment. I bless fresh air and sunsets and furry cats and sand and all the little things that I can see now that I’ve conquered the big things. And for all these blessings the greatest one of all is the one called recovery.
a flaring purple heartbeat should've stopped me from the start
but i'm a fool who never learned to listen
your voice raised to a siren's roar as you grow ever-closer yet
i can't bring myself to yell again
your body streaks in violet and your words are crazed and violent
and even as you lunge i try to reason
your hands wrap around my throat and though i scramble and i choke
your voice holds no regret in those eight letters
"i hate you," oh, "i hate you," spilling pouring from your lungs
as i feebly try to strangle out "i'm sorry"
rage in your eyes ignore my cries your grip it only tightens
digging my nails into your hands so weakly
and just as fast i hit the ground as you had thrown me down
a wheeze for air and i notice that i'm crying
i hear a clatter and a roar of rage and before i can turn to see it
you're on me again with no intention of stopping
white-knuckle grip on your gold-handled knife
i wrestle best i can to keep it from me
with near-no effort it's in my shoulder and i sob
and again to my chest and to my stomach
play with your prey, you let me drag myself away
only to plant a foot on my back and carve
lines and symbols and shapes too painful to make out
my fingers bleed as i claw at the floor
i've not even the energy to scream for help
only sob and hide as the knife draws blood
and you laugh and call me weak and hit and kick
i've not even the energy to lash out
on the brink of death is when you let go--chances are
you only thought i was gone and you'd won
and i laid on the floor there
and i bled
for the final time you drove the knife deep into my back
and carved a figure of a crown, taunting me
and the blood was warm as it flowed and i fell into unconsciousness
and i bled
up and down and side to side and
as you can see, i’m not the villain here
in and out and turn around and
if you look close the victim here was me
puzzle-patterns shifting up and down and all around the world and
picture-framing victim-blaming judges in a row
a friend to mend the aching pains is soon to have their brain washed
breathe in breathe out and empty out your mind
whether or not the heat was hot i’m bound to start a fistfight
whether or not the truth was not i’m gonna throw a fit
whether or not the heat was hot i’m bound to start a wildfire
whether or not the truth was not, i don’t care either way
up and down and side to side and
as you can see, i’m not the villain here
in and out and turn around as
if you look close, the victim here was me
east and west, oh, what a mess
that i’ve made in the courtroom
right and left it’s for the best
that they’re never seen again
optical illusions in a kaleidoscope of lies
drown the flame cuz i’m not to blame (even if it is my fault)
ah ha, one apology and they’re all off of me, torches to the sky
i’ll clear my name and play this game even if someone has to die
a world of dreams or so it seems, a sugar-coated nightmare
a world of dreams torn at the seams by no-one else but me
a world of dreams or so it seems, but i’m still not to blame here
a world of dreams torn at the seams by the ones who surely hurt me
up and down and side to side
as you can see i’m not the villain here
in and out and turn around and
if you look close, the victim here was me
east and west, oh, what a mess
that i’ve made in the courtroom
right and left, it’s for the best
i promise this is for the best
up and down and side to side
but none can see i’m not the victim here
in and out and turn around and
nobody’s bothered to see the villain here is me
east and west, a beautiful mess,
i’m burning down the courtroom
north and south, but i’ll shut my mouth
now that justice has been served
marry me in vegas and we’ll gamble off our lives
a disaster of a center stage yet for nothing more we’d strive
our smiling faces silhouettes in blinding neon lights
take my hand, my love, and we’ll be ours tonight
marry me in vegas and we’ll gamble off our lives
marry me in vegas and forever we shall thrive
come a little closer, baby, trust me, i won’t bite
take my hand, my love, in these dancing neon lights
playing russian roulette is no longer a thrill and
i don’t get a kick from the heartbeat of a kill but
standing by your side alone just makes me want to faint
my eyes glazing over by purple-orange paint
and the slot machine a’spinning hardly even turns my head and
blackjack’s hardly able to even hold me by a thread but
with your hand holding mine i think i might just die
there’s nothing more enchanting than that light within your eye
marry me in vegas and we’ll gamble off our lives
a disaster of a center stage yet for nothing more we’d strive
and god forbid i say it but i’d love to share a life
right by your side, oh, right by your side
marry me in vegas and we’ll gamble off our lives
marry me in vegas and forever we shall thrive
take my hands and tell me ‘till the day we die,’
marry me in vegas and we’ll gamble off our lives
spend my life
you’ve been my beacon, you’ve been my light
you’ve been a warmth in the darkness of the night
now, i’m not sayin that i’d spend my life,
but i’m just sayin that it would be nice
adrift in an ocean, try to stay afloat
a rope of indecision around my throat
and i’m not sayin that i’d spend my life,
but i’m just sayin that i’d spend my life with you
somewhere on a foggy distance,
i’m beckoned by a warm orange glow
opening its arms to me, softly, shining,
along a path of winding, spiraling sunbursts
and while i'd be more than happy to embrace--
(it'd be the safest i'd ever felt in my life)--
i can't help but feel trapped where i stand,
unable and unwilling to budge from where i am
yet the longer i sit and hesitate,
i feel the weight of roots begin to wrap 'round my feet
digging into my skin and into the ground to hold me still
drawing weak trails of blood down my flesh
and, yet, in this fear and adrenaline, i push forward
dragging myself through roots and thorns adorning me
flowers sprouting relentlessly across my legs and upward
spindling roots now tearing into my stomach
not only do i yearn for the sparks of ecstasy--
those invading, burning feelings in my head--
the irresistible coils of hold and release--
not only that, i yearn for you,
a scarlet diety inviting its arms to me,
waiting inches from my face, yet so far away--
its back pressed to mine in the fulfilling yet empty warmth,
catching his breath and my own right out of my lungs
whether i am simply a partner, or a many-night stand,
that doesn't exactly matter to me anymore--
for my desperation's grown too strong for it to matter--
i outstretch my arm to reach you, to grasp your hand,
and find myself tangled in roots, trapped in place,
bleeding from scratches and spikes and holes,
my eye clouded and tear-stained,
sunbursts growing at my very seams.
love, though it’s nice being in your arms each night,
though i love being in your arms where i know i’m safe,
i can’t stay here forever without putting you at risk
my name and face are strewn about the streets
my name and face are wanted, dead or alive
and i’ve grown oh so accustomed to hitmen knocking at my door
with guns and bombs and bribing with a bullet to my head
if i knew any better i’d really let them shoot me dead
but i know you'd mourn and hurt, so i yet avoid
the hunters knocking at my locked and guarded door
yet i've a recurring nightmare that refuses to leave my mind
it's late into the night, and i am in your arms,
warm and safe, with no cares in the world,
and a window breaks and in pours hunters and hitmen,
your body twists to shield me despite my scream of protest
and i feel your being jolt as bullets blaze into your back
and i wake with a scream of anguish at a sight untrue
and while i'd love for this world to cry out and die
what if my world is you?
ah, a blue horizon, so distant, yet here in my face,
glowing gently in an empty night in which within
i'd prayed to the heavens i'd never see the stars again
yet here they are staring into me like a thousand eyes,
ripping warmth into my skin which rips my throat out,
seafoam flooding from my eyes and through my skin,
dying me blue purple green red blue purple green red--
who am i to feel again? who are you to make me?
who am i to feel again, when i know you'll just break me?
a blinding blue horizon--burning, blaring in my head--
briefly, your hand brushes mine, filling my mind with dread
a false shelter opening its arms to me, a smile on its face,
and what of my past? am i simply supposed to erase
the spirals arcing in my head with no hope left to find?
the worthless echoes drive me mad and call me all but blind--
for that silent smile suits you, in your deep yet gentle sleep
too late to drag me from the quicksand, as i'm early-in too deep
surely you know you're taunting me with that unyielding gaze
i've driven up a wall in fear at your merciless praise
my face, oh how it flushes at the simple thought of you,
i've nowhere else to run away and i'm unsure what to do
i'd rather die than condemn you now, yet i'd rather die than not,
i thought i'd been freed long ago but yet again i'm caught,
in a web of thoughts and feelings that simply will not leave me be
i still find myself drowning in a deep and dreadful sea
if this is how i finally die then i hand the gun to you
shoot your shot straight through my fucking head so i'll finally be through