Stress, and Bad Time Management
What is going on in my mind?
Here I am,
Asking the important questions.
I feel like there hasn't been much.
Just an excess of stress,
Over things I cannot control.
Things I have to do.
My mind's inability to do what it needs to do,
When I need it to do it.
Stress over the things,
I don't have time to do,
Because I am focusing too much,
On other things.
I have tried to push off the things,
I need to do,
For the things that make me happy,
But that fills my mind,
With even more with stress.
It's hard to find a balance.
There has to be time somewhere,
I guess,
What I need to do,
Is to focus less on living,
And more on survival.
But that removes the value from my life.
If I am not living,
Why do I bother to breathe?
It's a little like trying to find a balance,
Using scales,
That started out,
It's not impossible to balance them;
It's just kind of frustrating.
I wanted to be able to do everything,
But I already figured out that that wasn't working.
So I cut down on the amount of things in my life.
But still,
I struggle.
Does it make me weak,
That I still have to work hard,
Just to juggle,
The most minimal amount,
Of work?
It shouldn't.
But I feel like it does.
Replacing a challenge,
With something that requires no effort.
And replacing something impossible,
With things I have already done.
Does it make me weak,
That I struggle to handle even this?
I am so stressed,
Just by the amount of things I have,
Even if the things I have,
Don't particularly require,
Any effort.
I don't know.
I guess,
It's just something I need to think about.
I just need a better way,
To manage the happenings of my life.
But I can't continue,
I am sacrificing sleep,
To write this.
inspired by @Harry_Situation 's Q&A
challenge ahout atheism.
it's not a simple thing,
that's for sure.
it's a major belief
on how the world was formed.
there's christianity of course,
and judaism as well.
islam is one too,
beautiful studies.
atheism is another,
and agnosticism too;
scientology is one that
i'm gonna skip on this list.
paganism is surprisingly still alive;
who would've known?
is buddhism
and confusianism still active?
i wish that i could say that i
fit in a mold,
of a religion.
but mine doesn't have a label,
and so, i'll try my best to explain it
the best that i can.
here we go,
this'll be a long one, don't stand.
it's like christianity
but with a twist.
i believe in god,
and heaven and hell,
angels and demons,
and jesus too.
but it's more complicated than that.
there's ghosts and spirits too,
where half of your soul will stay
when you're still tied to this earth,
and the other half will be reborn
in another worldly figure.
so i'd say my belief is unusual at its finest
so i say i'm christian,
and just leave it at that.
religion is hard for me to
completely understand.
have any questions?
i'd love to lend a helping hand.
just ask away;
i will answer the best i can.
I don't understand why the world has to be so cruel. I don't understand why we have to fight about everything. I just wish for once that all could be well. I don't understand how the one thing we all want and all have, isn't given to us. We all wish to fit in, succeed, and thrive. But most of all, we want to be loved. We all have it in us to love. But why do we not do it? I don't understand. I know it is hard to give it up especially for those who are not commonly known, or don't "DESERVE" our love, but it's time to let go. Let go because it doesn't matter what we've done, where we've been, who we are, where we come from, it does not matter because we all crave the same thing. And it doesn't matter how hard it is to give it up. We need to do it because there is someone out there who needs your love no matter how bug, small or much it is, it is needed. Homeless, not homeless, poor, not poor, rich, not rich, black, white, gay, lesbian, straight, old, young, pretty, ugly, sad, happy. It does not matter because it is needed. (IT IS NEEDED)
To Touch, To See
So... as Taki brought up earlier this month, it's about time to prepare for NaNoWriMo and since my brain is always a mess, I decided to start plotting and planning now. Wow, it sounds like I'm going to take over the world. Anyways, here's the idea. It will probably change somewhere or somehow between now and the end of Novemeber. *shrugs* That's just how it works.
Anyhooo, for the plot...
To Touch, To See
Alan is a teen boy with the ability of psychometry, the gift of seeing something or someone's background/past through touch. Although his sister calls it a gift, it plagues him.
His younger sister, Ari, has sudden visions when she touches a person. She sees the future of that person. She might see something that will happen in the next few minutes or the next few years.
Together, they work together, scamming people by telling them their 'fortunes'. But one day, Alan accidentally reads a stranger and gets a glimpse at their strange past. He's intrigued but tries to forget what he saw, attempting to bury it beneath the million of other readings. But he can't. It always surfaces at the worst times and it haunts him day and night.
But he keeps running into this person and always ends up reading them. They go out of their way to bump against him so he'll read them as if they know his secret. And they want him to know theirs.
Alan's gift comes with consequences and as he slips into those, he finds himself in the twisted world of someone else's past and background. He has this person's past memories and guilt.
And he might of just been framed for murder.
Please tell me overall what you think. As I mentioned earlier, some things are going to change. If you have any girl names or boy names, please list them in the comments below as they are always helpful. Also, let me know if you want to be tagged. Thanks!! Signing off, Famewriter.
Lies can be a perfect teacher,
When they tell the truth of something deeper.
Through story, metaphor, simile, poetry,
With romance, science fiction, fantasy.
Tales of people, places, that I’m sure,
Will never be and never were.
But reflect the truths that people hide,
Like a mirror looking straight inside.
Both dark and light and in between,
The things we always leave unseen.
While practical things can keep us breathing,
Stories, they give life a meaning.
You’re Not Fat
Dear Preteen Me,
I know you think Mom knows everything. But when she looked at you at 12 years old and subtly suggested, subtly because, after all she wanted to be better than her mother, who would have blurted, “You look fat. You’d better do something about it,” that losing a few pounds wouldn’t hurt. Your body was changing, in a couple of months you’ll get your first period. Bodies change during this whole development process. If you eat healthy and move around, eventually, your weight will settle. There is no need to starve yourself, no need to binge on your favorite treats when nobody is home to judge you, no need to eventually graduate to buying diet shakes or subject yourself to periods of fasting. Eat when you’re hungry, feel free to get a snack when you’re hanging out with friends instead of depriving yourself. Just be mindful of your natural cues and you’ll be fine. Don’t go on that diet and save yourself a lifetime of problems with food. Mom is wrong about this.
40 Something Year Old Me