A Ghastly Barricade
We rip out phrases by their roots
Only to be met
With fistfuls of nothing
As the silence deepens.
We encompass the empty
And bleed into the barren,
And devoid of beauty.
And when disembodied voices whisper,
"Only a little farther..."
We tread these polluted waters,
Bartering souls with wraiths
For inspiration and haste
If they would only move us
Beyond this god forsaken waste...
Night Sky
Defined by the mystery of blackness,
she can’t fill the holes emptied by others.
She wears open wounds as badges,
chewed by countless sharpened teeth.
She folds her body into broken segments,
her thoughts dissipating through marrow,
a passing shadow leaving no traces.
She strolls hand in hand with inner voice
telling her she wasn’t designed or defined
to borrow the wind or charge the air
of someone who she can never be.
Shaped by her past, she must forge
her own passage, seeking new joy
in reunion with unfolding sky of night.
"Write the book", she said (the character in my head)
"I've been waiting for ages to be on the pages while you waste away in bed"
But I don't even know your name
I can see you, and you haunt me
You stand on the porch of that awful home
Dirty, afraid, and alone
Willing to come away with me
Still I leave you for dead
Water Fingers
I am water,
tap dancing on souls
with ethereal feet,
flowing through veins,
moody and reckless.
Permeating layers
of skinned stone,
plunging membranes
of crystal water.
Moving like silk
through rumpled sheets.
Slow and sweltry tenacity
increasing to throbbing,
fingers of water
urgently touching
dry, fiery river bed.
My flooding waters
can create or destroy,
every drop of me
is your life,
shimmering spirit
of hope.
racing blindly
in thirsty gulps,
splashes of fine mist
swimming onward,
puddling on skins.
Vagabond drops
of water meandering
boldly to the sea.
Mundane Humane
Watch down the meadows here, of half a sight of
slaughter, and stick down these rows furled lazy
with the grass of fair days and stilted with colours
of May. And see no horns, rooted like the children's
graves, all turned a pallid colour. And bathe now in
the sun of stilted memories gone to wind.
For no heads turn as sirens on the clock here, filled with
madness of spinning rocks on the hour. Nor any men
dressed as men without eyes, should we skinned heads
have to suckle death from their guns. No: now these Trees
had hanged the other way, turning from sights of sorted
mass into waking graves, and to wash in perfumes hazy
as the night sky, and rotten as anaemic lungs.
But watch down the meadows now, through fields of huts
and silence‒ for the pasture of death looks nothing like
violence. Where, upon a ravaged place, a Lark lands as
an infant would, and tenderly drifts, faint into innocent
shawls. But for what cause do these blind bullet heads sink
lower than flesh? and when the Sun next rises, all shall be
put to rest.
Refractory Response
They say you control me, as I am the head, and You, the neck.
They say that through my stomach, You influence my heart... but the truth of your power actually lies beneath the navel of this boiling tea-bound bergamot orange.
It is only after the moment where the pressure is released...
that You,
are nothing to me.
I no longer need
and You,
no longer control, me.
I can think clearly,
and I, am completely,
Awaken, and no longer blinded by nature's hypnosis,
I can now unpeel
from your power.
It is solely within this ever-escaping ephemeral moment
where the monkey holds
an unloaded gun…
that I can see
for whom You truly are - -
No strings attached.
Copyright © 1986-2017
Alan Salé
All Rights Reserved
contact: AASalehi@gmail.com