You are a Demon Too...
Yes! We do want to kill you humans, we do want to destroy you.
Because that is the only way to expand our territory.
And for us there is nothing wrong in it.
Why do you think we are Bad..?/
Haven't you ever tried to expand your territory ?
Haven't you ever crossed the line ?
Haven't you ever been like us..
We guess, just like for you ...
You are the Demons too..
(With a Different name, and different identity)
#Demons #challenge #writing #writingchellange #writerscommunity
KaRmA ...
My landlady was dragging her kid inside the home not allowing him to play with the kids of neighbourhood. The kid from the neighbourhood was asking him to come and play, and also the son of my landlady was not interested in playing with the other guy.
I showed my expression on the idea of that kid of not asking his mom to let him play, rather he was also ignoring the other kid.
I asked him "Why don't you want to go and play?"
and her mom ansered "Oh! them kids, they are having those skin problems all the time."
and then her kid repeated the same.
Here, I am not saying that you don't have to care of yourself ot neglect those diseases that might can cause problems, but atleast you don't need to be so rude, or to behave in a very different way and make them feel bad about themselves.
Now here comes the KARMA...
What goes around, comes around.
The very next day both 'My landlady and her kid were looking totally different with some different skin, and rashes and prickly, erupted skin.
Damn! I was so thrilled to see it.
Now I always try to be at my best.
#challenge #karma #goesaroundcomesaround #life #lifelesson
"YOU are the sole reason
that the almighty God has created this universe.
YOU are the one who is being choosen to be the change for the human life
does not matter how many,
but to impact a single life atleast in a positive way.
And how unaware you are from this fact,
that there is a purpose of God,
for which you are sent on this earth.
Don't consider this life as waste,
coz it will cherish the humanity,
it will give the hope to someone in need,
you are the sole reason even for this Feed."
#challenge #you #quote
Apology to myself...
Dear Charm of the world,
I am sorry to discouraging you, to not to let you feel good, not to let you lit yourself, i know i have commited this crime, i have encouraged you to look into the mirror and to have self doubt, i was the one who asked you not to go out, not to be bold, not to cross the road leading you to self love.
I know i have made this mistake, i know i was wrong and the there are 2 things i can ask you today....
To do exact opposite what you i made you to think that was something you were suppossed to do... i am sorry!
and the other thing an Apology for this soul.
Sorry once Again!
#challange #apology #opinion
Feeling of Falling
Felt like the snow flakes,
whether they will fall on the ground
or above some tree,
whether it will be featured in a photo of glory
or will become the part of some love story,
At last it is going to fall all alone,
this is what i feel when i think of falling and
them people will say "she is gone."
#falling #challenge #life #snow #snowflakes
“LoVE Advice”
“Don’t you dare to assume”
One of the most important advice that i can give is Never assume things on your own.
Though i have never been into any relationship but i have been a victim of such a thing in my friendship.
My friend and I had crush on some guys ( they were not the same persons) we use to talk about them, and she use to tell me about that guy, that how beautiful and elegant was he, and I use to the same.
And then the Guy i use to think of got engaged with someone, so i was feeling sad those days, and my fried use to comfort me and she was so damn helpful towards me.
But one day i found out she wasn’t interested talking to me, she wasn’t giving me the attention, even when i tried to talk to her she got vanished.
So the very next day i decided to clear this out, and i hold her hand dragged her out from the classroom and asked the reason for her weired behaviour.
“I don’t want to talk to you, coz now that your guy is committed to someone else, you want to hit on the guy i like”, she replied.
Damn! I was shocked, i couldn’t get the right words out of my mouth.
“How could you even think like this?”, i clinched my fists.
“Yes! that’s true.”
“I didn’t even thought about it, and i was concerned about you.”
“Thanks to Pragya, who made me realize the intention that you have.
And you know what ’We are still friends today, though it might seem a little thing to you, but this little thing was enough to ruin my friendship if i wouldn’t have confronted her, or i would have shown my ego at this point.
And it was the communication that helped us out. So “Communication” is also the key, But first and formost thing is “Not to assume anything”.
#love #loveadvice #friendship #challenge