I Can’t Seem to Find You
You used to make me laugh with the crazy
way you'd act
Your silly, funny character
Made me feel like we were meant to be,
But now I hardly even notice you
Your smile has seemed to simply fade
You mostly only ever frown
And though I search to find the you I one knew,
i only run into that sad, gloomy you
You used to make me fall in love
Every single time you'd look my way
That sparkle glistened, oh so brightly
And I was thoroughly convinced that you-
You were meant to be with me, forever
Yet recently, you only always seem to look away
Instead of love, it's just a mirage of who you used to be
....standing here in front of me
And though I want to love like yesterday
I know that you are still so far from here
I never seem to make you smile
Your love has kinda gone away
And despite the fact that I see you here,
I just can't quite seem to find you here near
Home is such a plain Jane word
No fancy sound, no lyrical note
It's not like the word maison in French or casa in Portuguese
But therein is where the blandness ends;
For home is where
Laughter is
And funny antics creating life's diversions
Home is where
Virtual snapshots are made
And the scrapbook of memories take place
Home is where
Tears are wiped
And problems result in solutions
Home is the place
Where relationships grow
And a man becomes a father
And a woman, a mother
Home has never been an establishment or domicile
It is the people who reside within
Attachments that will never cease
It's where sharing, caring takes center stage despite the world's complications
Home is what I truly love
Because it's where we all reside
Sweet Whispers to My Baby
Cuddled in a warm covering
I hear the coos
I hear the aahs
You're far too young to tell your thoughts
But as I speak, you coo and aah
I sit and simply stare at you,
I'm mesmerized, enchanted by you
Yet all at once I feel the need
To speak to you through soft, sweet whispers
To tell you how I truly feel
Me having you so near to me
You coo and aah more emphatically
You kick your legs
And move your arms
It stirs me to whisper more sweetly to you
And oohs and aahs are followed by
A Mona Lisa smile, a dancing in your eyes
Then you glare at me, your stare's a plea
For me to whisper even more sweetly
And afterwards
you respond with even more oohs and aahs
In a world filled with so many perils
It's good to sit down and reflect a bit.
To think about the tiny things-the cardinal I saw eat from the feeder
Then I take a glimpse of the clear blue sky
And I feel as if I could fly
My spirits are high as I turn to admire the horse trollop by
And then that curly headed child says aloud:
I love you so much.
This brings to mind what is best.
The things that make me happiest-
Not things and games and toys for humans
But life and breath and Earth's beauty in creation.
To Be or Not To Be
To be in love is such a complicated, convoluted fantasy of emotions
That seem to range from person to person
Yet there is none who chooses not to be
...in love
To be.....
in love is a tangled web of deception and fabrication, erroneous dependency on another
Yet there is none who chooses not to be
...in love
To be...
in love is an erosion of future expectations
dangling hopes and ambitions
Yet we jump in, fall, show a predilection for
To be or not to be is the question
Choosing love regardless of the heartache is what we choose to be
We choose not to be a world cloaked in isolation.
Make it yourself
The kitchen isn’t tucked away in any secret chamber
The knives aren’t made from real silver pieces
The drawer is where it’s always been
So yes, make it yourself
The bread and meat are free to you
The shopping’s already been done
So next time you get the audacity
Go make it for yourself!
No Lemonade for Me
Some like to make lemonade
And add a little sugar
They think it makes them noble to
Make it something new,
balance out the sweet and balance out the sour
They pretend that things are alright
All the while the bitters grows
It gnaws away at their every thought and every emotion.
Yet instead of making the sour sweet
I seem to see it as it really is
I choose to make the best of it.
So I never make lemonade out of lemons
I would rather sell the lemons
Upcharge for them, if you will
And proceeds will help me...
Endure the way things really are
No need for pretenses or seeing things through colored glasses
The lemon should be what it's meant to be
And so when life gives you lemons,
You exchange it for a dollar bill
And buy a sweet treat
Nowhere do I Belong
Where would I go?
It is to you I usually run to
...but now where you sit it empty.
I see the imprint of where you used to be,
where you'd be when you were relaxed, with me.
Yet, I now only see impressions of you where you can now only ever be...
And the sickening thought creeps into me-where will I be without you next to me?
I hear your voice and all the words you used to say
The words that wrapped around me tight, and squeezed away any doubts.
The words affixed to me like an ever burning blaze....
And now that flame has dissipated and what is left is a thickening smoke.
So now as the smoke engulfs my very me, I must beg where is the place I can belong?
You were here and now you are gone and so my screams go unheard.
But still I implore:
To where is it I can go?
And now I know that everyday will never be like yesterday.
The haunting gloom overtaking me endeavors to destroy my sanity.
I think of you and us and we
And now I notice it's only me
The broken me who used to exist before it was to you I could turn
And now no matter how many turns and swirls I take, I've come to realize my fate
I'm back to the place in which I once stood and...
I again there is nowhere for me to belong.
Never Forget those Silly Things
Looking where you used to lie,
I stare into oblivion,
Thinking of the little things, the things you used to do.
For you have gone away from me and taken the things that kept me tied to you and locked them all away-
The things that used to be a part of you
Those silly things that made you, you.
And now I say from me to you-please don't forget those silly things I used to do.
It's tough to see your indentation, the place you most likely could be found
Empty, gloomy, no image of you-
Where those little, silly things you used to do have seemed to fade away.
The memories are in my head.
But could you keep one promise dear-never forgot those little things, the silly things I used to do.
I now stare into that lonely place, devoid of feeling and think of you.
I think of all those little things
The little things you do.
The way your little finger moves
As you play a tune
The way you orchestrate the music in your head and only think of...
That silly thing thing you liked to do will stay with me forever
because it always showed me when you were truly happy.
And please remember those little things I used to do-those things you used to love.
Something I Could’ve Said?
Spiraling, spiraling...I spiral into Oblivion
A deep, dark tunnel encapsulates me
Every breath I take, I feel as if I suffocate
Because you have gone away and left me here.
Now I ask: was there something I could've said?
Downward, downward... farther I go
The weight of gravity is overtaking me
And my mind is evading me, slipping away
To a place of no return
...all because you have left me
You've gone away, and left thee.
And now I beg-what could I have said?
I seeth from the torment,
The agony, and disbelief
That where you are
Is no longer here, that you have gone
Departed from me-why, oh why did you have to leave me?
The swirling winds are taking me down
Deep into the abyss of loneliness
The weariness and heavy heart
Is all because I just didn't know what to say
-to keep you here, close to me.