Dear children of America, it wasn't supposed to be this way...
A poem, short story, anything you want. An open apology to the children. Think about your childhood, your thoughts and expectations. Think of the world they're growing up in.
Ended November 2, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by BlairLogan1
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy usually get all the attention. The Sandman is greatly underrated. Tell me a story of the Sandman through poetry, prose, or short story. He can be a hero or villain, or whatever you create.
(Don't forget to tag me in it!)
Ended August 27, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by BlairLogan1
Personification. Personify something (through short story, poetry, prose, etc) but don't tell me what it is. I want to guess.
Ended July 4, 2017 • 8 Entries • Created by BlairLogan1
Overcoming a challenge (See description)
Write about overcoming a challenge. I don't mean something like "this was hard but I did it." A serious challenge that made you question everything including life. I want to face the challenge with you. Or, write about what youre currently facing.
Side note: can be personal or just a character.
Ended July 1, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by BlairLogan1
Tell me a story from the perspective of a parasite. I just found a tick on my pillow, so I killed it. But afterwards, I felt remorseful because deep down I'm a lover not a killer. On one hand, it's a parasite that wants to live off of me and could cause disease; on the other, that's the only way it can survive. Write me a story or poem from a parasites perspective. Make me know how they feel.
I just found a tick on my pillow, so I killed it. But afterwards, I felt remorseful because deep down I'm a lover not a killer. On one hand, it's a parasite that wants to live off of me and could cause disease; on the other, that's the only way it can survive. Write me a story or poem from a parasites perspective. Make me know how they feel.
Ended June 8, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by BlairLogan1
The Most Desperate Plea
Describe to me the most desperate plea a person could make. It could be for life, love, money, whatever.
Tell me the most Desperate plea a person could make.
Ended April 29, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by BlairLogan1