Talk someone out of suicide
What would you tell your child, friend, family member, etc if they came to you saying they were suicidal? Some people don't have anyone to turn to so let's give them a place for some hope.
One rule: No negativity. Suicide isn't a joke and it's not something to be ashamed of or made fun of.
Ended August 31, 2017 • 83 Entries • Created by CMB
Alternate Reality: Lesbian, Gay and Trans is the new normal and being straight is looked down upon.
Write a short story, poem, song or any kinds of words in those beautiful brains of yours to tell a story.
Tragic, unrequited love, horror... anything you like!
Trump VS Clinton and hell... Obama too!
State your choice and then pick a recent policy of theirs you disagree with and talk to us about it.
We have a preference but are never going to to agree with them one hundred percent. Show that you can see another point of view when it comes to your political choice, yet still choose them.
Clinton and Obama to add some diversity in here.
Turn negativity into something positive.
So with all the negative we've had i wanted to try to take a less than ideal situation and lets find something positive in it together.
What was something good that came out of dating your ex?
Ended badly? Hate him/her? Well you loved them for a reason. What is something they did for you or your life that was positive?
Ended March 3, 2017 • 10 Entries • Created by CMB in Nonfiction
Lets shed some reality on mental illness. It's not cute, it's not a joke and it's not an excuse:
Write about a panic or anxiety attack.
I'd love to see poetry, short stories and glimpses into who you are.
Ended February 21, 2017 • 68 Entries • Created by CMB
We span many countries and cultures... And all have their bad in them (that ruins the conception of an entire culture)
Take a misconception about yours and show us how it really is.
Ended September 3, 2016 • 5 Entries • Created by CMB in Equality & Diversity
In the form of your choice: Kill the judgement with kindness.
Write positively about a religion or culture that ISN'T yours.
Ended September 3, 2016 • 4 Entries • Created by CMB in Equality & Diversity
Tell us about who inspires you!
Tag them if they're a proser; share and tag them if they're not to show them what they mean to you.
Ended August 29, 2016 • 9 Entries • Created by CMB in Nonfiction
What is your favorite amendment and why?
Ended March 17, 2015 • 0 Entries • Created by CMB