curse the bad, smile gently
no, today wasn’t the day I wrote
I didn’t sink in the matter
sticky fingers didn’t fill with substance
sweet galaxies did not drip off my skin
or linger on my tongue
rich flavor?
just with the right heavy undertones
bitter cherries, crimson dripping
too tasty
makes me crave
choose stars of your hands
they’re painted on your arms
don’t fear the bad
the rain won’t wash them off your soul
nothing will
painted freckles, neurons build on water
silence that breaks
monotones that swell
take a moment to hush your blood, child . let yourself breathe
just one sigh at a time
treat your lungs with pride . not with pain
Welcome Changes
They said it wouldn't change much, that I'd barely feel the loss, I know they lied. I'd known even at the time but desperation made me ignore the huge pulsating knot in my stomach. I'm still not sure if I regret it, I know what I've lost but at the same time those things no longer hold the value or allure they once did. I have to say in many ways it's made my life so much easier, I can do things now that my old self would never have been capable of. There was also the added benefit of not having to deal with the stuff that used to occupy my every thought. As hoped my anxiety is gone and I no longer have to worry about my family or friends. I am free now, selling my soul made it easy to dispose of all of them.
Better not stare for long at that mirror. I hear she’s looking for a way out. O, who you wonder. Well, she wandered about in an empty place one day. Not even checking to see if there was anybody home. This person went searching around an abandoned place, for anything valuable I guess. But then what she found caught her eye: a brand new, golden mirror.
She tried to pull it off the wall, but it wouldn’t budge. The most bizarre thing happened right there, the glass whirled about and two hands fell right on the other side of the mirror. The woman screamed- just as the thing pulled her right into the mirror. She now kicked from the other side of the glass— over & over again. It was too late, the glass had gelatin in a snap and soon solidified.
I usually make the first move. Nuzzle the neck. Exhale, slightly-heavy. Lips graze. Bite down on the collar bone. Slip my hand up the throat. Make it impossible for mouth to not move to meet mouth. Make it the only thing either of us can think about. Impossible for eye to eye contact to not end in eruption-collision. But you were different. Ache. Throb. Ache. We sat still. Ache. Throb. Ache. I held your hand. Fingers laced in front of our faces. Fingers tracing fingers in front of our faces. Slow. Too steady. Burning. Burning. Timing-protracted. Ache. Throb. Ache. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Hold. Hold. Hold. And nothing. Breath hitched in throat. And nothing. Nothing. Always nothing. My hand squeezed yours in defeat. Quick pressure. Stalemate-resignation. I pulled back. Ready to take my loss. And just as I reached the edge of out-of-your-reach, your hand found the back of my neck. Your mouth meeting mine in starvation. Pressing. Scrambling. Fervent. It was fevered pulse of waiting. Violent rush of can’t-get-enough. It was hands and skin and teeth to teeth. Scratching, grasping. Graceful lacking. Heat-swelling. Buzzing relief of culmination. It was feed-me-full. Satiate. Let you mine the truth from my mouth.
Parce Que
Thunder rumbled in the dark sky. Lightning flashed, hitting a tree & splitting it in two.
A young kid stares at a young lady: ‘‘You must be new here. Glad to have you here in Lusel. Please, be careful.’’
The little child grabs a bag of potatoes from the store. Before he heads to pay for it, the woman asks the kid~ ‘‘What do you mean?’’
‘‘There are some things that end up coming along with the rain that prey on human beings. So, be careful because you don’t want to end up as their meal.’’
The kid paid for his item and waved godbye to the stranger. She stood in silence. Then in a snap, she rushed to get all that she needed before the storm poured.