Can They?
Have you ever looked at an old photo of yourself? Do you look at the different haircut
you had or maybe the missing scar on your face? Do you notice the difference between
that old you and the person you are right now? One is younger, more naive, while the
other is older and wiser. That is the difference. See, you changed. You became in a sense, a
completely different person in those few short years. It’s like you went to bed a nine-year-
old and you woke up a nineteen-year-old. In the blink of an eye, you changed into a
completely different person.
So, do people change? You tell me.
Jamie Ashworth; Cannot Be Found
No coordinates.
She vanished into a Donnie Darko reality with wild
pikas and downtown streets and injured people.
But I do know the last things she did.
She drove home from the mountains,
with plants in her veins and tears in her
eyes. She tried listening to songs but it
didn't help. Walking was harder, she had
become the injured people. Beaten by time
once again. You will baby sit the dog, they
said. You will baby sit the dog and stay here,
just like the dog, and you will not drive us out
of our minds again, you will not drive, period.
She disapered slowly, going away piece by piece,
frame by frame.
But I do know the last things she saw.
She watched as the light turned from red to
green, she watched people without homes wait
for breakfast, she watched a fan turn around and
around in a room. She saw a game on tv that many
were watching, she saw a chest with the treasure of a
heart, she saw herself leave the room and never come
She left herself at home, wherever that was, running
away from safety as fast as she possibly could.
Melted like ice in a cup of water. Memories leaned back
in their seats and sighed, fire works went off in the brain,
music, so much music to put faces into, do I want you to
be happy? good. looks like it should be cold outside. do you
believe in time travel? Donnie, wake up Donnie. Huh. That
was savage. Best conversation I've ever had with her, my mom.
She chose to disconnect from herself entirely. Log off of her existence
and start a new account. Hmm, what to call this one. Jaguar roaming
wild, stay on the right side of the road? No. The light is green, why are
you coming to a stop? Perhaps. And it's yes in here, not yeah, come on.
Her soul has been forgotten in the corner, nobody came to save it from
burning out. Nobody saw it. Nobody could.
Push the envelope, I dare you.
One more time and you'll lose yourself.
The delete button pulled her in close, holding her being just tight enough,
just strong enough, and she vanished.
No coordinates.
Jamie Ashworth cannot be found.
The Devil is the Best Teacher
Sign Outside a Church: If you don't teach children to obey God and the Scriptures, the devil will teach them science, evolution, sexuality, questioning, liberalism, tolerance, freethinking, an open mind, freedom from predjudices, balanced thinking, gender equality, and yes, skepticism!
My response: The devil sounds like an awesome teacher!
#atheism #comedy #religion #criticalthinking
Zooming..rushing by
A little unsteady
O, mhm.
Did you see that?
Look, high above
Too late
It’s now gone
Thoughts bubbling
Rapidly, hurriedly~
So out of control
Ideas churning,
turning, spinning
When do they even begin?
Beats me.
Does it have a pause button?
That I have no clue.
Oh, that only means
Only one thing~
It’s a match~
Burns so bright
It might burn out-
Then again~
Surely, it may be a force_
One that can’t really be (just)
Pulled, or pushed- in any direction.
I am the Wind
I am the wind in the trees
I am the force that rustles its leaves
I am the voice that whispers through its branches at night
Whispering divine secrets
Blowing them all around~
No one can stop my breeze
As I carry gold and debris
And meanwhile, I deliver my message to all of humanity.
I am unrestrained, like the wind.
And nowhere, ever, will I be pinned.
My soul slumps to the floor, my spirit sags with it.
The Great Depression is happening all over again,
inside my chest, my fingers limp with stress, it hurts
to even move. Every attempt is painful. Every step.
Bones of my spine break every time I change direction.
A physical compass. Don't turn that way. Go this way.
This way. Remember what happened the last time you
turned that way? You fell.