Cliche Powers
A lame superpower is probably flying, superspeed, or superstrength.
Whoever is reading this must be thinking, What is she saying? I would love those powers!
That’s exactly it.
There cliches.
Used over and over again, even after they dreid up.
There lame and uncool, and if everyone picked a power, these three powers wouldn’t be cool at all.
They would practicaly be unsuper.
The Other Side of the Spectrum
Inspired? Hah. I don't get inspired. Not for a challenge that doesn't have any prize money. If it's easy to enter I enter with a quick little story. The last post I made was called "It's Easy" for this challenge that wanted you to break the fourth wall. I was "inspired" to enter because I easily came up with an idea that I could quickly write down. That was like two minutes ago.
Why did I write such a rude and uncouth entry for that and this?
Well...I'm bored. And it hardly took any of my time, so why not?
Metaphorically Metaphysical Library Encounter
I journeyed to the library
Where there I metaphrase
I’d never met a phrase like her
She had me in a daze!
She was built like a poetic goddess
Her body of works displayed on her cover
I could tell by fondling her ample pages
That metaphrase was a well-read lover
I sensed with this beautiful metaphrase
It would soon turn metaphysical
If only I knew where to take my cue
I’d put a little English on her binding too!
Without much prompting or hesitation
Our intellectual intercourse began
Quietly there in the library floor
I proved to her I was her man
The scent of our lovemaking filled the air
Upon that library floor
There I left dear metaphrase
Begging me for more and more
This shaggy metaphysical tale
It has a happy ending
For metaphrase and I were wed
And in a few weeks you’ll be pleased to hear
…Another metaphor, is pending.
(c) BAM
"I don't wanna!" Galia pouted and her mother sighed so hard a bubble came out and quickly rose toward the surface. "Sweetheart, this is the way it has always been and always will be, you can't change your nature." The girl gave her a withering stare. "What's the difference anyway, they're humans no matter what gender so what's the problem." How will you ever have children if you don't lure in any males" Meri asked in frustrated desperation. "Our race is entirely female without human males we will be lost." At that Galia exclaimed in shock and delight, "Is that the only problem Mother!" At Meri's confirmation Galia smiled. "If that's it then if I promise to lure some males in for mating, will you eat them since I think females taste better?"
Head Librarian
Her blonde hair shook free from her ponytail, unbound like an ancient book.
This was the most exciting story in the library.
And I took it from the shelf, removed the jacket and surveyed the cover.
Her breasts strained at her buttoned blouse, ready to burst free. So well stacked.
A new chapter was about to begin as my trembling hands unbuttoned her blouse, my eyes enchanted by the contents.
I came to a full stop as I unfastened the final button. A period of silence. Paige looked at me, smiling.
My hands gently stroked her nipples through her bra.
I was nervous. My colon twitched; as did my semi.
I was so glad I'd booked this appointment with the head librarian.
She was open to my advances and promised I would not have to make a withdrawal.
I entered the Librarian as I had entered the Library, firm and erect.
And her sighs told their own story as she opened for me and guided me to the climax, where all was revealed.