The Sounds of Fear
A cacophony of shadows, and all I feel is fear.
What an abstract idea,
That shadows make a sound.
They are our silent companions,
and yet I hear them scream.
The fear is like a blanket,
I feel the weight baring down.
The darkness of shadows slowly creeping in.
Always in the back of my mind,
In the corner of my eye.
Prose talks to the New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Ashley.
This week we talk to the New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Ashley.
All Kristen ever wanted to do was write. Somehow, she got into the charity biz and found another calling. She worked for the Rocky Mountain MS Center and the Colorado Neurological Institute before moving to England. Now she does both, working for The Pituitary Foundation in Bristol, UK by day, sitting at her computer typing out stories by night.
She has released well over 40 and has a huge following for her variety of contemporary romance series of novels and characters. You only have to glance at her Amazon reviews to see the plethora of five stars she is regularly showered with by her loyal fans; a success reflected in her many awards, nominations and accolades.
We ask Kristen what inspired her to become an author.
“This is a great question and honestly one I’ve never thought of, I think, because it just happened. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a reader. I was always pulling from the shelf and opening those big, hardback, Disney books with the illustrated stories from my earliest memories. I segued into reading romance novels—Harlequin Presents that I nicked from my mother—when I was around twelve and I was hooked. I was that kid who wrote to relatives. Always got notecards and stationery from my mom for birthdays and Christmas, I wrote so much. Who knows what I had to say as a kid? I was just compelled to do it. Thinking on all that, I imagine that I was just born to write. And luckily, I followed that compulsion!"
Make sure you read the full article on www.blog.theprose.com later today
Hide You Away. Live Another Day.
You canʼt handle it now,
And you've let yourself drown,
Itʼs still so long until you stand in that gown,
So let your silent scream sound.
Itʼs a pitiful sight to see,
You sitting in all your misery,
Because you've always been the best,
But you never let the truth fall from your chest.
The dragging days have sure doused your fire,
And taken all you desire,
Even though you control it all,
You always make your feet fall.
You know it is so easy,
But the numbness has got you needy,
And as you fall to knees pleading,
There'll be no freedom for your receiving.
Slowly you ride a train to fail,
The simple tasks have got you chewing till thereʼs no nail,
And even though it is the ticket out
You'll only sit on the floor and pout.
You'll scrape,
You'll scream,
You'll whine,
But you'll never pass that maddening line.
I call to you,
“I'll be fine!”
But you know it'll never be true,
Until the world is opened for you.
I have tried to leave you behind,
Yet thatʼs hard when you live in my mind,
You've convinced me that Iʼm confined,
Even though I'll be free,
Once given time.
But it sure is a long time,
Long time to be confined,
I wish that you were not stuck inside,
I wish Iʼd let you take my mind,
I wish we didnʼt have to fight,
Though its for our betterment,
All this pointless routine,
Please stay,
One day,
We will be free.
I know it is hard to believe
For Iʼm trying to convince you of something not seen,
And itʼs hard to trust oneself most of all,
All you want is to shine, to gleam,
Feel the wild winds on you like a stream,
But the work comes first,
No matter how mild it may be,
And if you have to trust you, you have to trust me.
I have to push you down,
Again another time,
I canʼt let them see our grime.
Itʼs dirty and doesnʼt belong,
Not when Iʼm supposed to be the one whoʼs strong,
It is wrong,
And I can never be,
So you are just the side they can never see.
Though you have appeared on the outside,
I pull you back the only way I can,
A numbness to mask this,
This thing that they canʼt see,
This longing you are in me.
They changed it all for me,
A new home, a new place to be.
And though I thought it was the solution,
I canʼt through your pollution.
Because of that one simple fact,
I must keep myself in tact,
Keep it all together,
Keep the happiness alive,
Keep up the false will to strive.
Someday I will stand where we want to be,
Someday I will be completely free,
Someday you will be smiling with glee,
Instead of crying out a daily plea.
And that is the day you will be me.
Because of this,
I hide you away,
And so let us live another day.
Another day away from the sea,
Another day with you separate from me,
Another day without what we wish most,
Another day without growth. . .
A Black & White DESTINY?
D arkness, Sin,
An Omission Of Light;
E ach And All
Awash In Black.
S inless Virtue Solely
Expressed In White,
T hough Absence Of Colours
Seems Unjust!
I f Only That Which Is Pure
Is Depicted So,
N othing Of The Night
Could One Trust...
Y et It's Not In Our Stars
As Such!
~ The Sharpie Poet