The Loss of Princess Leia
Beyond the moon she goes to rest,
A princess sound asleep.
And in the cinematic vest,
Her presence we will will keep.
The warring stars will settle down,
As honoring her place
A million people mark her crown,
And mourn her lovely face.
The empire of the dying torch
Has burned its final flame.
As none alive escape its scorch,
We join and say her name ...
Oh, Leia, born of Jedi blood
On Alderann you grew,
In tune with nature's ebbing flood
A marvel, sound and true.
The presence of the Force is strong
And wills is to unite.
Untimely death has spilled along
A turmoil black as night.
Go be with Yoda, Ben, and Han,
Release into the air,
For now you join with Alderaan;
The angels take you there.
Disturbance in the universe,
For everyone has heard
Another 2016 curse,
Ridiculous, absurd,
Has captured yet another breath;
Removed from us delight.
But Carrie Fisher battled death;
She gave it quite a fight!
And all together, in the course,
We suffer in regret
As Princess Leia joins the Force,
A name we won't forget ...
“That One Time” said my mother
Children can be brutal
Pecking at wounds and ripping off broken limbs
to feed the pack of hungry who gather around the different ones
And I must have been a victim once with pieces of me passed around
From mouth to mouth until they all were satisfied
But I barely remember it
Or maybe I recall in my mind the telling of it more than the actual event
where I was painted a story with the details I've heard so many times
and convinced myself I remember it for myself
But I must have been there since I'm the main character
and it must have happened like she said since her details are so vivid
I was the one that was different, the one that got devoured by their laughter
This was the event that supposedly started it all
Years of disappointment and failure
Because she brought it up every time I turned out to look
like something she didn't want me to be
This is all because of that one time
That one time...
Just that one time way back when
When you wore pants to Sunday school and all the other girls wore dresses
And she heroically takes the blame and says it was her fault
"I should have known. Something told me to put you in a dress
and I didn't listen to that voice and now you are ruined
Now you will never be who you were supposed to be
Because now you want to look like the wicked world"
And I never understood the moral of her story
as she cried and she ripped me into small, chew-able pieces
and threw them into her mouth to devour me
one by one
piece by peice
until she was satisfied
until I look like she wanted me to and consisted of nothing