I have a dream.
In my dreams,
no one holds unspoken words trapped in their throats.
no one props their skin up like a shield from the tempestuous
winds of human nature.
no one directs their gaze at the ground for fear of being seen.
In my dreams,
Words are a raging river; beautiful, terrifying, and flowing free from the base of our being.
In my dreams our bodies are books meant to be read and shared.
In my dreams our eyes tell stories to each other
and no one is ashamed of who they are.
From: Mistake
You'll notice you cannot reply to this email. It is impossible to reply to me. You have hopefully replied to God about me. I am an entity born of you that lives in your heart and soul miraculously designed to teach. You can call me teacher in your mind if it helps. I appreciate you even recognizing me. That's the first step. You have given me birth as you know there will never be another one of me; you gave me individuality because you will never, ever do "it" again. That makes me a good teacher. I'm glad you have such a heart.
The life you give me is that I will never be alive with you in regards to patience. Unfortunately I take uncountable forms and you are human. See you later, until you are near perfect if you learn the first time around.. every lesson.
Mr. Ouroboros
I agreed to meet Ouroboros at a neutral location. When I arrived at the restaurant, he had already ordered, and was biting into his own tail. I tried to make small talk, but he didn't seem too interested. I left him sitting at the table, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even notice I was gone. He was so full of himself!