You know that feeling you get, when you're surrounded by loved ones, family and friends; laughing, playing, telling jokes, with a big grin on your face?
Yeah, that feeling.
Those moments, can never be forgotten. It doesn't matter how many times you've argued with them, how many times you and you bestfriend had a full on heated argument about a stupid girl or something as simple as a pair of shoes. None of it matters, because in the end your memories are forever embedded in your mind, making these moments impossible to forget. You can try as hard as you want but you can't; It's damn near impossible. I think that's why, through all the hard times that come with friends and family, they are always there for you in the end, and if they're not then were they really your friends to begin with? Did they really love you?
Friendships are a special bond shared between people. Something that will always be treasured and respected because without friendships, the world would be nothing but a harsh, cruel, and lonely place. Friendships are important for everybody.
I hate the fact that i miss you...when I know for a fact i haven't even crossed your mind.
I hate that we were friends, I protected you, stood up for you, and remained loyal.
I hate how you continuously led me to believe that we were something more.
I hate your laugh, your contagious smile, your beautiful god forsaken eyes.
I hate you...and everything about you.
No matter how many times I tell myself that, I know it could never be true...I couldn't hate you, the memories of you and me together are still stuck in my head; the good and the bad. All the times you made me feel special and loved, and all the times you've made me cry and scream. I don't hate you...I've never experienced hate before. I only know love. No matter how hard I try to hate you, i couldn't possibly. I don't have the strength to hate you. You took away the rest of my strength when you left me...forever.
Revenge Shall Come.
You left me in the dark.
Where the monsters stay and the demons hide.
I never knew what it felt like; to be alone, isolated from the real world.
You were the light that guided me. I followed you every step of the way. I trusted you and you betrayed me. You threw me into the fire and watched me burn. You handed me over to the devil. You turned into a monster; a manipulative beast. I thought you were harmless, I guess I should've seen through you. You were too perfect. If only time could be reversed, I would go back and make sure I never met you. Maybe then you wouldn't have been able to rip my heart out and stomp all over it, like it was nothing. You broke me,forever; and I want revenge. I want you to feel the same pain I felt; I want you to suffer. I want to make sure you never have the chance to betray or deceive anyone ever again. But don't you worry my love; Revenge shall come.
Revenge Shall Come.
You left me in the dark.
Where the monsters stay and the demons hide.
I never knew what it felt like; to be alone, isolated from the real world.
You were the light that guided me. I followed you every step of the way. I trusted you and you betrayed me. You threw me into the fire and watched me burn. You handed me over to the devil. You turned into a monster; a manipulative beast. I thought you were harmless, I guess I should've seen through you. You were too perfect. If only time could be reversed, I would go back and make sure I never met you. Maybe then you wouldn't have been able to rip my heart out and stomp all over it, like it was nothing. You broke me,forever; and I want revenge. I want you to feel the same pain I felt; I want you to suffer. I want to make sure you never have the chance to betray or deceive anyone ever again. But don't you worry my love; Revenge shall come.