As we grow up we begin to fear silence
Afraid to be alone with ourselves
As kids silence was a time for imagination
Now it's an internal examination
Ever wonder why so little take the time to pray
Probably because we're trained to keep our thoughts at bay
We are constantly staring at screens
Or engaging in shallow conversations
We hardly notice the time fly by
Rarely stop and ponder "who am I"
So worried about our image that the surrounding eyes reflect
That we don't self reflect and behind our own eyes inspect
With others opinions we'd be less concerned
If we took the time to look within and learn
Who we are and who we want to be for ourselves
And quit letting others determine our self wealth
love goes on
Wherever this road leads to, it's messy and winding
Our feet couldn't take any more crap if it does walk
Starting up an engine isn't that hard now, mind you
Once this electric heart starts pushing and shoving
There's no stopping it, just be ever so careful
When it does burn, it'll burn in an everlasting feat
Never mind them all, they'll get burnt sooner
"Cos once this electric heart starts pushing
Careful of your words, it might feel a bit insecure
But trembling, it will carefully attach itself nowhere
It might explode from time to time, to let you know
It isn't death that can stop us from living everyday
It's but the agony of our souls waiting to be free
That when our minds get sick of all the rationality
Our hearts will pause and smell the remaining life
Available to us all, that button waiting to be pushed
No wonder people stop and stare when they hear
The "boom!" "Boom!" and soon starts pouring in
Bleeding what seems to be of unnecessary blood
playing this orchestra
Every single word written on this previously blank page is now having its own distinct ripple effect upon the ocean of your soul. The words begin as pure ideas - pure atoms of information - thereafter inducing the appropriate vibrations to animate the necessary notes to activate the corresponding pixels comprising the front-end client you are presently perceiving. There is a reason why magic is impossible without first conjuring the right words and ensuring their proper vibration. So the matter is quite simple, then; master words, master magic.
Sorry all you third-eye-closed-minded motherfuckers.
Magic is real. Right. Here.
I have never connected with anyone
As i have with you
Understanding each other
Like no one else does;
I have never connected with anyone
As i have with you
You're the sun into my moon
Giving me all the light
When I needed to;
I have never connected with anyone
As i have with you
We're so in sync
Like music ---
creating great tunes;
Like ocean waves
That hits the shore
Like seasons change
from spring to fall
we’re all broken
the stardust once sang to the broken church
and the windows are covered with a dusty loath
opening doors to the hidden choirs
the people once went there to pray
receiving flashbacks of the storms
waiting for the snow to pile on the corpses they lost
to forget the misery behind the soft angelic whispers
and enjoy the delicate blooming of a flower
trying to forget
that they are next
the world is fast
while they are ever so slow in their footsteps
the sky is spinning and spinning
as they fall asleep
by their dark fate
go to sleep the angels sang
go to sleep forever
while that daisy blooms its
innocent way into this timely world
Age Is Not A Time-bomb.
We all think that we have to have our lives planned out by a certain age or we will never get it together. That is one of the biggest lies floating around in our air. We breathe it in and it clings to our lungs and the closer we get to our self made deadline, the harder it is to breathe.
We have all of these dreams and passions and desires. We cannot figure out which one we want to live our lives for, but choosing one over the others feels like having 4 children and deciding that you will only love one, and the other 3 must fend for themselves - they learn to survive or they die, but it won't be any of your concern.
We do not have to choose. We have a lot of seconds and minutes and hours. We have to cultivate all our passions in order to harvest our purpose. Our hopes and dreams are what give us the motivation to go on living. You can't put all of your stars in one sky or you'll never know that there are thousands of galaxies waiting for you to discover them.
We are told to choose what we want to be from a young age, but they never tell us that we can be more than one thing. We can be rock stars and lawyers. We can be writers and party planners. We can be parents and paralegals. We can be astronauts. We can be lovers. We can be healers. We can be everything!
Why limit yourself to only one passion when you are full of untapped purpose?! Why schedule your life by years when time doesn't really exist. There are days and nights, light and dark, and we it can all belong to us if we will only choose to be brave! Be courageous enough to take the universe in your hands and declare that you are everything, and everything is you. -AshleyAnne
Broken Pathway
Swirling black clouds smudged the sky a sinister and foreboding sneer. The morning wore a blotchy smeared lipstick; the soldier wore warpaint and bullet holes. Rain reappeared only to peer down its nose at them all. They had reached a fork in the road, broken in half - the infantry would struggle taking the first rock littered path, the horses were ill equipped for the second boggy, marshland path.
Retreating what was left of the army from a bloody battle the general committed the men on horseback, to the rocks and the infantry on foot, to the marshes. He reapplied camouflage paint on his face and his final gravely spoken instruction reaffirmed an unsaid agreement in the minds of the men - should a single shoe or a single hoof stumble now then it would cost the lives of them all.
be true to you
If you can sense the calamity
In a day, you could feel
There's a sense of urgency
With every breath and forgery
You succumb to be by yourself
Torn apart, you move ahead
Ahead of the herd and groups
When you feel the need to
Who's going to stop you
From being who you are
In the process, people won't like
And you are going to step on
The toes of which you used to
Walk with, now you're stronger
And nobody cares what you do
YOu shouldn't care about them
It's just you and the world
Stop the panic, mend what's broken
You'll never know who you are
If you keep listening to them
Pale pink sadness
The smell of pennies filled the tiled floors and fluorescent lights with a thick, wet urgency that seeped from the cracks in the pale pink walls and weighed heavily on her broken wings. Blind heat shone through her fractured ribs and quarts of quarters billowed out between her lips. With her hands slick with metal and eyes tired with lead she began to slip; falling into comforting cool darkness that reminded her of the feeling of your temple pressed to a glass on the road to nowhere on a subway train or a car filled with people you've known all your life but have never really known. Her heart flew out of chest and reached up her throat. She could almost make out her own voice catching on the air as she gasped for redemption.
Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo.