I am me. I love, love, laughter, being a mommy, my family & friends. I BELIEVE - in God, in fairies, in Santa Claus & happily ever after.
Write about sadness, without using any form of the the words sad, melancholy, dark, rain.
Let's play a game....
3 truths and a lie. Tell us 3 things about you that are true, and 1 thing about you that isn't true. Let other Prosers guess which is the lie!
I know this is a Writing App. But I wanted to know more of you all. So introduce yourself and tell me something about you that's interesting (experience or hobby) and may seem out of your character. :D
Stop doing whatever your doing. Now write at least one hundred words without thinking about what your writing. It can be anything, it doesn't even have to make sense, just write it and see what comes out!
Bi Polar
I was 5 months pregnant with the baby they said I'd never have when he was diagnosed. In my naivety I thought "we can do this, we'll be fine. What I didn't know, what I couldn't have known was that he had hidden who he truly was and now with the diagnosis he no longer had to pretend.
I made the choice to stay. I made the choice to be married to him, to let him be a full time dad while I worked full time to support us. Now I question my choices. I question whether it was the best choice for my child. Whether it was the best choice for me. The reality is if I make a different choice, he will be alone. He will not have a home and he will not be able to see our child everyday. I'm unhappy, but he is sick. What choice should I make now?