I Miss You
"I miss you." I ran my fingers against the concaved black letters. I could still feel moisture from the morning dew. As if in response, the stone pricks at the pad of my thumb, and I rub the stone until the skin is raw. There's not a dent in the stone.
"I miss you," I whisper firmly, like it can snatch the words from mid air and deliver them to her somehow.
But I only feel the sun at my back. No sounds even when I strained to hear.
I rise slowly. I turn around slowly, waiting. But with each step I take its more obvious.
I look at the grass beneath me. Have you ever noticed how green and full the grass is?
Like, it has to make up for all the dead that lay here. It has to be extra green.
A flash of gold strikes the sun, and walking closer to it, I see its a bracelet. Lost in the sea of goodbyes and cries. It could have been the least important thing to lose that day.
Or the most.
Because when I bend to pick it up, gold chain dripping through my fingers, the charm winks in my palm.
Clear as day, it states "I miss you, too."
#imissyou #funeral #cemetary #imissyou #death #sisters #bottleofbooks