Pushing Back
I don't feel real anymore. I walked by the mirror and there was a person there and she glared at me and she cried and she was angry and she blamed me and she hates me and... And I can't blame her. It isn't her fault. I did this to her. I hate her so much! I hate her shape and her fear and her insecurities! If she would just die! She has to die so I can live. So I can be real again.
And so, I work. Hard. I sweat and cry and sacrifice. I push the boundaries and force myself to face myself. I make myself vulnerable to make myself strong.
Wait For Nothing
Wait for nothing
Don't wait for anything
Life simply happens
However, you are the one to give it course
We live our entire lives waiting for something
But we don't realize that
When we don't expect anything,
Circumstances and destiny were the ones
Looking for us
Wait for nothing
Don't wait to obtain something back from others
Just wait for nothing
Take responsibility of your own actions
And never disturb the flow of others lives
Unless it is for love or natural death
Wait for nothing
And live the present
The past is dead and the future does not exist
There are more than a thousand reasons to say
Anything happens for a reason
But reasons don't mean anything
In a life that is already taken its course
Everything is predetermined
However, this does not mean that you're following a script
You are allowed to improvise
You are allowed to make this a comedy or a tragedy
Please don't make it a drama
Make it a journey
A journey to Nirvana
Through the mountains or the beach
Escape Samsara
In the end, you'll know what I meant
We never look for reasons for something that happens
In the same sense we don't look for death
Or we don't decide to look for someone to love
But any of those always end up walking by our own stroll
Wait for nothing
Enjoy what you have
Write poetry to love
Read poetry to live
Make others read you poems
Teach them to read them once you're gone
Life is poetry
And life
Waits for nothing
It already happened.
DA 2015