Holding On
They're ripping me apart
but I call on you for help
I'm falling apart
with faith that you will catch me
I'm abandoned,
but I'm hoping... you're still with me?
I've lost everything,
But I'm believing you for more.
If faith is the substance of things not seen..
theres lots, because I see nothing
Holding on to what I've been taught
child hood bible stories turn to real beliefs
I'm waiting..where are you?
I let you be ripped apart to reveal the beauty beneath
I let you fall apart so I could put you together
-the right way-
I let them leave you to show you who's with you,
I let you feel alone so you could learn to call on me.
I let you lose what you valued so you would have real values
you felt lost so I could save you.
I removed distractions so you can hear me
I'm here, always have been.
The Wait
She shifted her weight side to side, gnawing her fingernails impatiently. Time was dragging slowly, much slower than usual.
“I can’t take much more!” she thought frantically.
A door flung open and she hurled herself inside.
“Finally! ” She breathed with relief. “Should have never gotten the extra large Coke!”