Paradisal Abyss
If you were to drown
I’d toss and turn
Godless rays.
I’d eat the dust and mites
below my
Save the remaining
snack below my
I hear your gurgling
throat being flooded
by that
Something about you doesn’t
Your arm is an
What do you paddle
I contemplate your
your metaphysical
Tease me,
these thoughts
Why bother?
You’ve drowned,
No one knows.
No one.
Despite everything that happened between us, I miss my old best friend. She was kind and sweet and gentle, she always joked with me and sure she had her flaws and our friendship had flaws but we were only in elementary school, so really what did we even know about friendship?
i miss her a lot.
we lost contact a while ago and now I am trying to regain contact with her but it has proven to be hard.
I talked to my boyfriend the other day, I told him how I didn't want to lose contact with anyone once we moved forward in life because i valued my friendships so much, and how i was afraid that I would lose contact with them. "That's what sucks about life" he said, and I couldn't agree more.
we meet people, perhaps form a bond with them only to later forget about them. And i hate about that
I hate thinking that Maybe I've forgotten someone and that maybe they still think about me.
like how i still think of my old friend but i wonder if she had moved on with out me. And if she has, then I do hope she's doing well in life. I hope happiness finds her.
so my old best friend, I miss you, but i hope your life is wonderful, and if you ever get the chance to say hi to me, don't hesitate to do it.
The Darkest Nights
On the nights that darkness swallows faith, hope and trust,
All love seems lost and silence fills frightened ears,
Do not forget that we are all made of stardust.
Find courage when harsh words leave wounds that rot and rust
And gashes that ache when emptiness sears through scarred skin
On the nights that darkness swallows faith, hope and trust.
Up there beyond the reach of human anger, cruelty and disgust,
Ancient galaxies explode in a wild firework display so that we
Do not forget that we are all made of stardust.
If elements are created when atoms collide and combust
Then strength can be found anywhere if you dare to believe
On the nights that darkness swallows faith, hope and trust.
Like ripples lost in the ocean, one day our memories must
Fade into legend, myth and then be forgotten but
Do not forget that we are all made of stardust.
Some days your heart and soul will feel entirely crushed
And your mind and body will ache for love but
On the nights that darkness swallows faith, hope and trust
Do not forget that we are all made of stardust.
#poetry #darkness #night #lonelines #worth
Very long sentence lol.
“I'd tell all you writers on here that I am happy I found this platform because you've made my writing feel so much more than what I ever thought it could be I'd tell my kids to follow their dreams and never let anyone especially me tell them otherwise i’d tell my crush that I really love him and I have since I saw him I that want to thank my family for supporting me and my crazy ambitions thank you to all those people that gave feedback and made my days worth living thank you so much.”
” There are only two ways to live your life:
one is as though nothing is a miracle
the other is as though everything is a miracle ”
~ albert einstein ~
If you really think about it, it is difficult, indeed, not to be impressed with what we know of as life. To spend even a moment of time in ‘Contemplation’, thinking about the wondrous existence we experience every day, without the word ‘miracle’ coming to mind, is very hard.
Life is inexplicable. It is beyond comprehension. The complexity that allows us to live at all is astounding. We are up to seventy percent water, and we rarely spring a leak! The way all the pieces fit together and work with one another is incomprehensible. And we don’t even have to think about it, for it to work.
The fact that these parts wear out is of much concern as you age, but it does not negate the wonder of it all. The lungs and the way we breathe. The heart and our blood that feeds us. Our brains and the ability to think and reason. Well, most of us, anyway. It is all truly a miracle.
It is a fact, not a theory. Why we are here and how we got to this point are theories, and will be debated forever. Evolution. Creation. Now there is a subject that can give you some food for thought! At times, I feel that we make it more than it is. At others, maybe we don’t think about it nearly enough.
Personally, I don’t believe that the theories are mutually exclusive, but what do I know? That is a thought for another day. A very long and arduous day. But this thing, life, sometimes doesn’t even seem real. This is science fiction in action. Or should we say science non-fiction?
Stop and Smell the Roses
The fact that we take our lives for granted is curious, to say the least. Does it not deserve more appreciation than it receives? And not just human life, but all life.
It is all a miracle and a joy. If we take the time to listen. If we take the time to really look. To smell. And taste. And touch. Use your senses. Whether it is a gift from god or a gift of evolution it is a gift just the same. The pleasure we derive from our senses has no equal. And what is even better, there is no cost involved. Except the cost of time.
We need to spend time exploring the life that exists wherever you are, and wherever you go. Experience it. Enjoy. And the wonder is there for anyone at any time. But you have to want it.
From my perspective, there are some other senses that come into play. Maybe not recognized as actual ′ senses ′ but, in my reality, even more important and relevant than the originals. The minor one being the sense of time, which is finite, and thought being the major one, which is infinite.
Time imposes an imperative, not the least of which is the time available to experience the pleasure of the other senses. Thought, on the other hand, is the most fundamental, instrumental and instructive of them all. And this one is truly infinite.
Without thought, there can be no perception at all. Thought is the process that allows what we sense to become reality. And yes, you knew it was coming at some point, the necessity of philosophy plays a huge role in that perception.
No sense can be realized if there is not a framework about what is good and what is not. Animals feel things. Plants feel things. All life perceives their surroundings. Instinct tells them if it is good or bad. Only man chooses to place meaning to his perceptions. Only that framework of philosophy allows you to develop direction and content.
You need perspective to determine value. How and where things fit into your reality and interact and relate to each other. The big picture. Yeah. The Big Picture. That’s Philosophy.
So, for at least a moment, wherever you are, and whenever you can, slow down and take a deep breath. Stop. Think about something that pleases you. Smell the roses. Experience a tiny slice of life. Enjoy.
Allow your soul to absorb just a split second of peace and contentment. It may not change your life. But maybe it will. I do not see how it could hurt. It just may help you deal with the next challenge that comes your way while on the path of life.
Let it put a smile on your face and a rose in your heart. It is there, whenever you want it.
Engage with life.
Be a part of the miracle.