I Dare You
"Truth or dare?" Simon asked. It was my turn to reply. I could see challenge in Simon's eyes. He is well aware of the effect Aman has on me. I know he wants me to choose dare and I know what is going on his mind if I do choose dare. But I'm few beers down to choose wisely. "Dare!" I called out, a bit too loudly.
"Ahan! Just what I wanted to hear from you!" Simon exclaimed. "Bring it on Simon. Show me what you've got. And yes, give me the best on you could think of." I regretted these words as soon as they left my mouth. But I'm high and oddly enough, bold right now. So let's do it. How bad it can be? And anyways, I can always say no.
"Alright baby girl. Let's see if you can be as brave as you claim to be. No, don't worry. I promise you won't regret this task", Simon's thick accent in place as he downed another glass of beer.
Now all eyes are on Simon, and my heart is racing maniacally. Please Simon, just say it already. This suspense is killing me. And just then I noticed Simon's eyes trying to read Manav's. Is Manav trying to get me into trouble here? Of all the dares I could get, having to do anything with Manav would be most troublesome. I don't want things to get complicated. Not now.
Suddenly my foot is hit by something under the table. It's like someone just poked me. I wonder if that actually happened or its just that I'm high and am imagining things. I looked at Manav to check if it was him. But he is still looking at Simon, and trying to mouth words at him. I tried to make out what he's tell him when suddenly another poke hits my foot. Before I ask Manav out-rightly, Simon spoke up, still looking at Manav, "Okay then. I'll keep it simple. Kiss him."
What? No! I wanted to shout. I looked first at Simon and then at Manav. "What?" Me and Manav both said at the same time. Me in shock and Manav in surprise.
Simon laughed,"Are you chickening out? I don't think Aman would be such a bad kisser." "I know but I don't think I can kiss A..." Wait, did he say Aman? I looked at Aman and I could see his eyes widening as well. Simon continued, "Unless, ofcourse Aman doesn't want you to. It' not his dare I mean!" Everyone chuckled except me. It was Aman's turn to speak now, "Well, I don't mind it." Alright mister, if that's how you want to play the game. I walked up to him and gestured him to stand up. Like a good boy, he obeyed. I can see the amusement dancing in his eyes and the clever words forming in his mouth. I know he is about to pass a comment and as soon as he opened his lips, I went forward to shut him. Just before I could reach him, a loud voice jolted us both. "Hey you guys, come on inside. Looks like a storm is coming." I backed out immediately, almost falling back. But his hands were quick enough to hold my arm. I avoided eye contact and turned away to go inside. Everyone took their drinks and phones and headed for their rooms. I am blushing so hard right now. Oh my God, I almost kissed him. That too in front of so many other people! What was I thinking? Stupid drunk girl! Better get back to my room as quickly as possible. I hope no one remembers anything in the morning. Everyone is drunk anyway. But not Aman. He is not drunk. He will remember this. I just hope he never mentions it.
It has started to rain now and I literally have to run to my room. A voice called up from behind. "You are running? I thought you loved the rain." Aman is coming towards this way. Yes Aman, I love the rain. But right now, if I didn't run, I might be in love with something else as well. And that won't be so favorable to you.
"It's getting late", that's all I could say. He is now standing just few steps away. "I know" he said almost in a whisper. It' raining now and we both are now standing awkwardly in the pathway. "Well, let's get to our rooms then." I suggested but none of us moved. I know I want to stand here like this, in the rain, just looking at him, not saying another word, but I don't want to be in trouble. If I stayed a little onger, I might not be able to move altogether. Slowly, I turned back and started to walk. This could be a tough walk girl, but you better not look back. I could hear his footsteps following me. We were passing through the garden when the footsteps behind me stopped. I felt as if I'm leaving something behind and should turn around to pick it up. But I must keep on walking. And you thought he would follow you? These hopes are going to get you in trouble someday girl! "Aman", he called up from behind. "Yeah?" I asked as I turned out.
"I think you forgot something."
"What? I didn't carried anything when I left my room."
"You forgot your dare. You never completed it."
"I know. But the game is over now."
"I know. But I won't mind."
"I know you won't mind. But why should I?"
"Maybe because you want to?"
"Is that how you usually ask for a kiss? I wonder if it ever works."
He covered the distance and stood just an arm's distance away. "Hey, I'm not asking for anything. I just gave you a chance to do something that you wanted to do so badly few minutes ago." He said with a smirk.
"Well, you don't have to worry about what I want or not."
"Alright, your loss."
"Yeah, whatever. I'm soaking now. Let's go."
We both were soaking now and it's getting cold as well. As I tried to walk away, he held me wrist. And before I knew, his lips were on mine. At first it was strange; I know my lips are cold because of all the chilled beer and this weather. He went still for a second, but the next moment I know slowly but steadily he moved his warm lips against my cold ones. I followed his rhythm. He is gentle and passionate all at once. His hand is now at my back pulling me even closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and crushed myself against him. I don't know how long did this go, but when we stopped, we both were out of breath. I want more, that's all I could think of. I looked up at him and I knew he wants the same.
We both started walking to our room, both drenched in rain. I want to hold his hand, but I'm not sure how he would react. I don't want him to think I'm desperate, which I obviously am. None of us spoke another word till we reached our door. He opened it for me, like he always does. I so want to kiss him right now. I went straight to the bathroom, took a thorough shower, scrubbed every inch of my body and applied my most precious scented body lotion. Not that I'm anticipating anything would happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry. As I'm putting on my blush colored Victoria's Secret lingerie, I get a feeling that for the first time, someone is going to notice how much money did I spend on this ridiculous thing. Not that anything is going to happen, but why not be prepared. Wow, I do look good, I whispered to my image on the mirror. This color really suits me. Maybe I should buy more of these. Sexy lingerie is definitely as must-have to boost your confidence girl.
Aman was making coffee when I came out. I joined him and we laughed on how terrible we both were at this simple act. It seems none of us is good at making coffee at hotel rooms. Things took a lighter turn. I am relaxed again, no more tingling toes.
"Do you want to continue the game?" Aman asked as we sat down on the bed, sipping our horrible coffee. "Why not?", I smiled. But we couldn't think of anything, so I switched to the mobile app. After few casual truths and dares later, more complicated things flashed on screen.
"Truth", I answered.
The app read, 'Kiss the player sitting opposite to you', Aman read that out loud. I looked at him, and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I won't mind", he said nonchalantly.
"I'll pass", I said casually.
"Okay, I pick dare", it's his turn now.
'Take off your shirt' I read the dare and tried to hide my blush.
"Okay", and in one swift movement, he removed his t-shirt.
Oh My God, I'm dead. How does he even has those abs? Are those even real? I so want to touch and see if he's actually that fit. Hold your horses, the game has just started.
"I pick dare", I need to show a little courage if I want things to go on the way I want.
'Kiss someone of the opposite gender', Aman read out. Why is this app so obsessed with me kissing someone? "You can't skip this time" Aman added.
"Okay", I said and turned in. Aman raised his hand to cup my face. Just before we were about to kiss, I burst into laughter. There is nothing funny in this situation, but this feels so weird. Aman looks so confused, it makes me laugh even harder. I should stop. I need to kiss this guy. "Okay, I'm sorry. Let's try again", I leaned in one more time. He came closer and as soon as he touched the back of my neck to pull me closer, I started laughing again. And he is blushing and embarrassed. He looks so cute right now. But I just can't stop laughing this time. "You know what, let's skip this for now", I had to skip this one.
"Okay, I pick dare", it was Aman's turn.
'Seduce the player sitting opposite to you', Wow, this sounds interesting.
"I can do this if you let me", Aman said. "Okay, just don't tickle." I said.
Aman started by moving his index finger on my wrist, all the way up to my shoulder. This feels normal. Then he put his hand on back on my shoulder and laid me down a little on the pillows. His other arm supporting my lower back as I lied down. I can ask him to stop right here, right now. But I don't want to. "Are you high" he whispered in my ear. "No", my voice barely coming out with him so close to me. "Good", he softly nuzzled his nose on my neck. My toes are beginning to curl. I don't even remember the last time I felt this way. I want him to come even more closer. My fingers found their way to his neck and I lazily held onto him. He pulled me up, closer, and our chests were touching now. Kiss me now, please. His lifted his face and caressed my lips with his fingers. All the while looking hungrily at my lips. Kiss me Aman, I beg you. He brought his lips closer to mine, but did not touch. Our breaths collided for few seconds. And slowly he lowered onto me. His lips softly touching mine and his body falling onto me. I felt like I was waiting for this happen since eternity.
I was woken up from my sleep with kisses all over me. Aman noticed that I had woken up and immediately took possession of my mouth. I never knew morning kisses can be so effective in waking you up. We stayed in bed for a little longer until the phone rang. "Good Morning mam, the driver is here", the receptionist spoke cheerfully. "Can we come down few minutes late", I need more time. "Madam, it would take more than three hours to reach the airport. And we are expecting heavy traffic today. I would suggest you leave at the earliest", he was serious. I looked at Aman. He didn't show any reaction. "Okay, we'll be down in fifteen minutes", I hung up. I don't want this end so soon. Please stay a little longer.
Aman's Hong Kong trip had been cut short because he needs to get back to work sooner than he intended. However the only flight he could get at the earliest was having a long stopover in Colombo. He decided to stretch his stopover further and booked the next available flight from Colombo. This way, he could visit Sri Lanka as well. I would like to believe that he did this to see me, but I'll never be sure. He has to return back to Singapore today.
"I'm going for shower", Aman slipped out of bed. And suddenly, it felt so cold. Fifteen minutes later, he was ready to leave. I want to say so much, I want to ask so much. But I can't. What do I do? Should I ask him what do we do next or should I just pretend nothing happened last night?
Before I could say anything at all, he lifted up his bag and pulled me for a quick hug. I don't know what to say. I'll miss you? I don't want you to go? That I'm hopelessly in love with you? What the fuck should I say? "I guess I'll go now. I don't want to miss the flight. You enjoy rest of your trip", he spoke as if he is saying goodbye to a stranger. I am frozen. Say something girl. But I can't. All my energy is diverted to let my eyes not to show what I'm feeling right now. I need to stand strong. There's no need for drama. Aman spoke after a pause, "Bye, will see you again, someday", he waved his hand. I said nothing, nothing at all. But I did arrange my face to offer a smile. A fake, non-revealing smile. A smile that you offer a stranger when you pass by. He smiled the same smile back and left the room. And just like that, he's gone. Again. But this time, I didn't run back to see him one last time. There was no need for that. I know I will see him everyday, everywhere. I know what he meant by 'someday'. We are not together, we never were, we never will be. He was having sex, and I was making love. That's it. There's nothing more to it. He left this time taking away everything I had. And I can't blame him. I let him. I wanted to be with him, and that's where I was wrong. I let myself to fall so hard that I forgot how difficult it is to rise again. How did we end up here girl? Girl, but please stay strong. Don't worry, I'm here with you. I know it's hard for you, I'm sorry he didn't love you, ever, but I do love you. I'll always love you.
There was a text from Manav on my phone. 'This Aman guy is your husband. Is that true? You're married?'
Be strong girl. The game has just begun and we need to learn to live with the loss here.
Let’s Play
Aman did not reveal anything about the situation and dodged every question. Exasperated I gave up and he went back to the room. Maybe I can ask the reception people about this. They can't be letting in random people into their guests' room. I'm sure they'll know part of the story.
"Hi, Good Morning" I smiled at the cute guy at the reception. "Good morning madam. How are you today? I hope you didn't experience anymore inconvenience last night. We deeply regret what happened. Here's a complimentary upgrade for you guys. We have got our special honeymoon suite for you and your husband", he spoke this without break and handed me the keys. "Umm, okay.", I am even more confused now. "Your luggage is being shifted as we speak now. Have a good day madam", he spoke cheerfully. Alright, maybe I should just shut up and get the upgrade. I'm sure the story will be worth it.
Aman is busy setting up his stuff in the walk-in closet of 'our' presidential honeymoon suite. "How much longer do I have to wait for the answers? You know patience is a virtue that I don't posses", I dragged my backpack onto the shelves of the cupboard. He continued doing his thing and spoke without looking up, "If I hadn't been here last night, you'd found yourself in someone else's room. I'm sure that's not why you are here", his words made me hold my breath. "Anyways, you are welcome", he finally looked up. I don't believe him. I am never out of my senses when I'm drunk, never. He's lying.
"That's bullshit. Tell me the truth, Aman", I don't know why, but all of a sudden I'm furious. He let out a deep sigh and sat on the shelf. "Listen, I know you handle yourself very well, but when I saw you last night it was not a pretty sight. You were literally hanging around some blonde dude. And even a fool could tell what was about to happen next." Alright, so maybe I was a little high. And that blonde dude must be Simon, he's a good guy. Girl, you just met him, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Okay fine, maybe he's not good, I don't know. But I do know I'll never do anything that I didn't want. Maybe I was just having a good time. Anyway, this still doesn't explain how and why Aman is sitting here in this closet with me.
"Aman, I was high. Maybe a little too much. But what I need to know is how did you get here?", I need to know, now. "Let's take a walk, I will tell you everything", he got up and headed for the door. I had no choice but to follow. Why is this guy always keep on testing my patience?
I had planned to go Sigriya today. The Lion Rock there is known as 8th Wonder of the World. It's a 3 hour drive from here and of-course Aman decided to join me for the day trip. The day is too hot and the sun is burning me away. It was Aman's suggestion to take the hike up the Rock without a guide. We are not even halfway up and I'm already half-dead. A thousand steps, that too on a steep rock. The mere sound of this is making my legs tremble. But Aman just won't let me give up.
1150 excruciating steps later I'm standing at the top of the mountain rock. I have never seen such breathtaking 360 degree view. I am smiling on my own and hear a whisper, "You're welcome", Aman is smiling smugly. God, that smile!
On our way home, I was sleeping for most the time. I am tired, and a little sunburned as well. I may have laid my head on Aman's shoulders while sleeping on the backseat of the cab. And more than once, I did notice that I am lying on him. But I didn't move. It felt too good to move away. And he didn't seem to mind. Maybe he likes it as well. Or maybe he is just being a gentleman that he is, you stupid girl.
I'm exhausted but I won't sleep. I cannot waste another minute now. I am with Aman right now and God knows when would I ever see him again, if I did anyway. However, the hotel people won't let us alone. As soon as we entered the hotel, the receptionist 'insisted' that we must join their barbecue party. Well, that shouldn't be so bad. I guess we can have nice dinner before we call it a night.
The garden is crowded, but there is no loud music this time and no drunk teenagers. Just a soothing orchestra in the corner and people chilling out. I noticed Simon in the crowd and immediately turned away. But too late, he is already on his way, with a wide grin. I wanted to see Aman's reaction on this but he has somehow vanished. I can smell Simon's cologne from a mile away, it's blocking my nostrils. He grabbed me into a bear hug and shouted in his thick accent into my ears, "I thought you died or something. Girl, you gotta control your drinking", he chuckled and pulled me by my wrist towards the table where he was sitting. Where the hell is Aman now? Simon seemed to be okay with whatever I did last night and happily introduced me to occupants of the table. "Hi everyone, this is Zoravi. And Zoravi, this is everyone, hah, I mean this is Nikky, Ruben, Salim and Angela. Guys, where's the champ?", everyone glanced around, looking for the missing 'champ' Me and Simon took seats opposite to each other. Angela was SImon's girlfriend and she seems to be okay with me drunk-dancing with Simon last night. She's fun and I immediately liked her. Aman is still nowhere to be see. I guess he got bored and left already. Maybe I should go and find him. I excused myself and began to get up. My head collided with someone trying to pull the chair next to mine. "Ouch!", I winced in pain. Rubbing my head, I looked up to see brown mass of hair and blue eyes staring at me. Manav? What the hell is he doing here? "Hey champ, where were you?" Simon's voice came from somewhere behind. He, the champ? Yeah, the name fits him perfectly. Idiot fellow.
"Are you okay?" Manav spoke softly. Did I just see concern in his eyes? I thought all he knew was to piss people off. "Yeah, I'm fine. Excuse me, I need to go find someone", I walked by. I don't want to be anywhere near him for now. I can't see Aman anywhere. Maybe I should check the room, I guess he has gone to sleep. Simon found me before I could exit the venue and pulled me back. "You are not going unless you have few drinks with us. Come on now, we got your friend here with us too", he spoke as he led me towards the table. Manav is not my friend. I almost said this out loud when I noticed Aman sitting next to Nikky . Something inside me didn't like this sight. Simon sat next to Aman. And the only other empty seat was next to Manav.
"Let's play a game." Angela cheered as everyone clinked their glasses for the toast. "But which game?", this was Simon. "How about the oldest classiest one, Truth or Dare?" Manav suggested and everyone, except me cheered. I don't want to play this game with a bunch of strangers. But you played it with Aman, and he was a stranger too at that time. I guess I played that game because I wanted to change that. I wanted him to more than just a stranger to me. See, right now he is sitting right in front of me. But what are we now? Still strangers.
The game started and everyone is hooked immediately. We ordered round of beers one after another. Angela kissing Nikky was something that hyped up all the guys in the group. My eyes kept drifting towards Aman. He is not drinking and I hope he is having a good time with this group. Manav is the most active one in the group, doing all the dares he is given, except kissing Simon. That would have been quite a scene though. I can see Nikky smiling flirtatiously towards Aman. Aman, you better not play along, or you'll sleeping on the floor tonight.
'Slow dance with the person sitting on your right', Angela gave the dare to Manav. And everyone is looking at me. I'm the one sitting on Manav's right. He offered to take my hand and stood up. I should not say no. It's just a dance. I held his hands and we began to move slowly to the music. His hand rested on my lower back but he never hinted on doing anything beyond that. I looked up to him and saw him gazing deeply into my eyes. We moved together and I could tell he knows how to dance. We were interrupted with Simon "Uhmmm uhmm" and returned back to our seats. That was a good dance.
Is that you?
Kandy, Sri Lanka
The sunlight here seems sharper than that back home. I forgot to turn in the curtains last night and this morning sun is killing me.7 AM, the clock read. I should sleep for another couple of hours. I closed the curtains and fell back on my bed like a dead fish, face first. Wait, what wason the floor? With eyes half-closed I looked down at the floor. Another shiny envelope. You know what, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that. I'm sleeping.
The ringing telecom woke me up. 11 AM. "Good Morning madam, hope you a good night. Your drive is here" Oh great, I completely forgot about that. "Hi, thanks. I'll be down in fifteen minutes. Can you ask the driver to wait?"
I reached the reception half an hour later, still half-asleep. "Hi, I think my driver is here for the city tour. Can you inform him I'm ready to go?" The forever-smiling lady was still smiling at the reception. "Sure Madam", she picked up the phone, dialed a number and her face brightened up, again. "Madam, your ride is right outside. Have a great day", she said gazing deep into my eyes. Why is she looking so intently at me? Do I have something on face? And did she just sigh? Something is wrong with this woman.
Nice car. I spoke under my breath as I saw a shiny black Lexus waiting outside. However the charm disappeared the second I saw Manav getting out from drivers seat. Wrong car. I turned my head and looked for my car. It should be here by now. Please God, don't let this obnoxious guy notice me here now. And where the hell is my driver?
"Always a pleasure seeing you", Manav is here. Great, now I have to talk to him. Manav continued, "I would've said Good Morning, but it would be an understatement. This morning is not just good, it's perfect", he smiling, not smirking, actually smiling showing off his dimples. I swear I'm going to kill my driver if he doesn't arrives here in next five seconds.
"Hi Manav, or should I say Your Highness since you own this palace of gold?", I smiled the most fake smile I could manage. He chuckled. Really? You find this funny?
"Sarcasm eh? Anyways, I guess we never properly introduced ourselves", he smirked.
"Well, you already introduced yourself as a cunt if I remember correctly", I shouldn't have said that. But the words left my tongue before I stop them. Oops.
He laughed a hearty laugh. I guess he didn't mind me saying that. "Yes I did, but I also told you I can do better", he took me by my wrist, pulled me and started walking. Before I could say anything he spoke," We'll be having plenty of time for introductions today on the city tour. I promise you'll be seeing a not-so-cunt side of me today." I stopped, and my sudden halt surprised him. "What?", he asked, confused. I should be the confused one here, "Excuse me, but where are we going? And who told you I'm going anywhere with 'you'? My driver is going to be here any minute", I jerked my wrist off from his hold.
"My lady, I am your driver for today, and this is your ride", he said nonchalantly pointing to the Lexus. "Well, that is not the ride you booked. But I send that driver of yours away. The company he works for isn't in good books of most of my guests. They have a horrible reputation down here. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He looked serious.
"And who do you think you are to take this decision for me? Oh, yes, I remember, you are the Prince Charming here?", I can't believe he just send away my ride. It was already paid for. Who the hell he thinks he is.
"I told you I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Also, you are my guest and I always make sure that my foreign guests experience only the best in Kandy", he looked irritated. I guess there's no point in arguing here. Better go back and sleep it off. I'm already tired. "Alright Mr.Charming, thanks for all your concern. I'll just ask the reception desk to arrange a tour for me tomorrow. See you around", I smiled although I wanted to roll my eyes at him. And before he could say anything to make this conversation continue I headed back inside the hotel.
Did I just blew off the owner of this goddamn resort? I'm not sure if it was a wise thing to do. But I just can't stand this guy. Maybe I should move to another hotel today.
The telecom rang as soon as I entered the room. "Hi, you never replied to the note I left you this morning", this was Manav, not the reception. The envelope was still lying on the floor. I forgot all about it in hurry earlier. I picked it up and opened it. I understand you don't any gifts. Fine, no gifts. But how about a chance? Just one hour. "Hello? Zoravi, are you still there?", Manav was still on the line. I swear I had disconnected it. "Oh, Hi, yes I'm here", I picked up the receiver. "So, what do you think?", he asked. "Well", I took a deep sigh, "Manav, I understand that you just want to amend the first impression. But it's all good. You don't have to do all this." I'm not here for this. I'm here to relax, to be alone for a while. "OK. Got it. I hope to see you at lunch? We have wonderful continental cuisine in our Lunch menu", he is still trying. "That's good, but I'm afraid I can't make it. I'm checking out today. Can we talk later? I have to pack my stuff. Bye Manav", that's right. I can't stay here. Not anymore.
"Hi, I'm checking out", I smiled at the sweet receptionist and handed-over my keys. But she didn't even listen. She is busy with some other guest. "Madam, I don't care that you guys don't have a room. I confirmed the vacancy over the call last night", the guy with a Australian accent seems annoyed. "Yes sir, I gravely apologize for that. I guess there has been some miscommunication. We deeply regret the inconvenience. However, we can arrange for a room at our other property", the receptionist looks worried. "Excuse me", I interrupted them, "You can give him my room. I'm checking out", I seriously don't know why I said that. But that poor girls looked really worried. And I don't want some tough, foul-mouthed Australian dude being rude to her. The guy looked at me, his long blonde hair hiding almost half of his masculine face. The receptionist girl first looked at me, then at the guy and then back at me. I guess she's not sure what's happening here. I should explain, "Hi, I had a booking here for 5 nights, starting yesterday, but I'm checking out now. So I guess you have a room for this gentleman here". She opened her mouth to speak, but Mr. Gentleman cut her off, "Well, if you don't mind, may I know the reason for your early check-out. I'm sure it must their pathetic service", he looked sharply at the poor receptionist. "Well, Mister, firstly, my reasons are non of your business and secondly, their services are exceptional. Now if you'll please excuse me, I have to clear my bill," I turned away from him and smiled warmly to the girl. I'm with you girl. She quietly processed my bill and I left the dreaded place.
After roaming around in the town for two hours, I finally got a descent hotel. It's not as luxurious as the previous one, but this is more cozy. Also, I don't have enough budget to spend on hotel, again, so this is the best deal.
Just as I thought my day one is wasted, I got invitation to join the pool party at the rooftop pool of the hotel. I guess this place isn't so bad after all.
I'll admit that I'm few margaritas down and a little high. But this party is crazy. I came to know that almost all the guests staying here are backpackers. I cannot spot a single middle aged person in this party. It feels like I'm partying back at my hostel. And the conversations are so good. I got a tap on my shoulder and a thick Australian accent accompanying it, "Hey you, the early check-out girl!". Ok, so here is the tall, blonde, grumpy guy again. "Hey, Hi Mr.Grumpy!". Oops, I should've have said that. Don't be rude, you drunkard. He chuckled. Alright, he's high too. "Hey hey, I'm the coolest guy you'll ever know", he extended his hand, "You can call me Simon" His hand feels rough. "Hi Simon, I'm Zoravi. I thought you found a room there?", I smiled broadly. Why am I smiling so much? This is the last drink for the night I swear. " Yeah I did. But I didn't like that rude receptionist. So I changed my mind. This place is so much better, isn't it?", He asked, mostly to himself. We chatted on for a while and I found out that he's here for a business deal. First impressions forgotten, he seems like a nice guy. Or maybe I'm just high and everyone seems nicer now. Just one more drink and I'll go back to my room, I promise. I've had enough.
A knock on the door wakes me up. What time is it? 4 AM, oh okay. But wasn't I at the party with Simon? Oh no, please don't tell me Simon is lying next to me right now and we just... I panicked and turned on the lights. Empty bed. Thank God! A knock again at the door. Who is that now, at this hour? I'm still wearing my party dress. How did I even get to my room? I wore the bathrobe over my dress and walked to the door. As I clutched the handle, I could sense my head spinning. I guess I had more drinks than I should have. But at least I'm in my room, fully clothed and alone. The door opened to reveal a figure of a man. I was still scratching my head and my eyes first fell onto his shoes. I have seen these shoes somewhere long time ago. I looked up and was met with a pair of dark mesmerizing eyes. The eyes that left me spellbound at Singapore airport.
"What took you so long to open the damn door!", Aman barged in.
Wait a second, is that really him? Wasn't he supposed to be in Hong Kong right now? I am sure I'm hallucinating. I am too drunk to think straight. This is not real.
"What? Move away from the door and let me close it. Go back to sleep. You need to sleep it off," Aman, or my imagination of Aman, closed the door and dragged me back to bed. His hand on my elbow send sparks in my numb body.
"Aman?" I spoke vaguely, still not able to believe what I'm seeing right now.
He pulled me towards the bed, made me lie down and tugged me in the sheets. I wonder if this is a dream. But even it is, it's beautiful. He switched off the lights and before I could think of anything else, I'm already dreaming of him kissing my forehead.
Many a times, when I'm dreaming, I'm aware that it's a dream. This usually happens when I'm stressed. And this is one of those nights. I'm dreaming of the moment when me and Aman had just landed at the Kuala Lumpur airport. How badly my throat is hurting right now. I can barely speak. I need something warm to soothe my nerves. If only I could get hot water right now. And magically a glass appears on the table, just as I wished. I take sip, and there it is. Warm Warm. He has his smug smile, and slowly he leans in and whispers into my ear, "You're welcome"
I woke up just in time for the complimentary breakfast. What a dream it was! If only.
With no time to waste, I need to shower and dress up for breakfast. Just as I turned the knob of bathroom door to enter, I'm jolted. "What the fuck!" an angry scream came out from the shower. "What the fuck?" I shouted back and closed my eyes. "Can you please get the hell out?" Aman grabbed the towels. I banged the door shut and paused to catch my breath. I'm stunned. What the hell did just happen? What is he doing here? And why is he in my bathroom?
"Aman, what the fuck are you doing here?", I spoke to the closed bathroom door. He didn't reply. I turned around in absolute confusion and noticed his bag half opened on the sofa. The bed on the other side is messed up too. Did he sleep in here? How did he even got in? I have so many questions.
Aman came out of the shower, shirtless, with a towel draped onto his waist. I'm having a hard time not to ogle his muscular torso and focus on his face. I know he works out, and that is clearly visible on his abs. I wonder how strong he is. Shut up girl. Focus on the face, the face, not the abs. How can I keep my thoughts straight with his insane fragrance filling up the room. The small room seems even smaller with him standing in the middle of it. His coarse voice pulled me out of my daydream about his abs.
"You should learn to knock", he is trying to sound annoyed, but he is clearly failing at it. I can the ghost of smile on his lips. "First of all, are you even here", I spoke, cutting him off before he could say anything, "I mean, how the hell did you get here? And what are you doing here? The last time I checked you were at Disneyland..." Aman cut me off by loudly whispering "Shhhhhh.. you have so many questions!", he grabbed a T-Shirt and pulled it over his head. No, please don't wear that, I promise I won't ask anymore questions. But please keep standing there shirtless.
"Anyway, I'll answer all your questions at the breakfast. I'm starving. Meet me down at the restaurant", he pulled his pants on, threw the towel on my face and left the room. The door shut close. Was he just here or am I still dreaming? My head is hurting so much. I swear I'll never touch alcohol again.
I spotted Aman sitting at one of the corner tables at the patio. And here I thought I'll never see this guy again. "Good morning, you look less-drunk now", he smiled as I sat down across him with my food. "Good morning, you look more-monkey now" I smirked, "you looked better when I was drunk." You look divine when I'm sober and heavenly when I'm high. But I'm never going to say that out loud.
"Would you care to explain what is going on here?" I gestured my finger across the empty space between us. "Sure, but let me eat first. First food, then Q&A", he smirked and gobbled a mouthful of fruit. I know you are trying to mess around with me but I'm enjoying this. God, I missed you!
Here We Are
Bandaranaike International Airport , Colombo
It's 4 AM, I'm hungry and sleepy. I've had a long and tiring night of traveling continuously for past 12 hours. Let me tell you, layovers are never a good idea, Never. I had waited for my connecting flight at Kolkata airport for almost 5 hours, getting bored to death. I sincerely hope this country better helps me forget the pain of traveling on budget airlines. I checked into The Privilege Lounge, got myself a glass of wine and secured a spot at the corner sofas. I know I'm starving, but a glass of wine never hurt anyone. I'm reading my book when I felt someone is looking at me. I glanced up and noticed another brown guy sitting right across the hall. Is that guy checking me out? Maybe not. He looks cute though. I wonder if he is Indian. And wait, he's reading too. Nice! His hair is light brown and he seems fairer than most Indian guys. He seems to be engrossed in his book. Let's mind our own business, girl.
"Hey, I can't help but notice that you are reading '1984'. It's one of my all time favorites", that brown haired guy is standing in front of me. How tall is this guy? 6 feet? He is towering over my poor soul! A bit intimidated, I just smiled.
"Are you from India?" he asked smiling back. "Yes, I'm Indian. And you?" I had to ask. His blue eyes are uncommon for an Indian guy, but his facial features do look as if he's from North India. "Yes, I'm from Delhi basically. Hi, I'm Manav. Nice to meet you Miss....." he extended his hand. "Hi Manav, I'm Zoravi. I'm from Chandigarh." I shook his hand. "Hi Zoravi, do you mind if I take a seat here? I was kind of getting bored out there alone. But it's okay if you don't want to chat", he immediately added. I do want to get some sleep right now, but let's not be rude here. "Sure. You want something to drink?", I asked merely out of courtesy.
"So Zoravi, are you here for vacation or work?" Manav asked.
"I'm here for business.", I said. You can't be telling the truth to everyone you meet, especially to the guys who look like a walking one night stand.
"Oh, nice. You don't look like a businesswoman though?", he smirked.
"Well, I get that a lot. And I'd take it as a compliment. So thanks.", I smirked back. Two can play this game. "Anyways, I think I need to go now. My colleague's flight has just arrived." I gestured to flight schedule on screen right behind Manav. Better leave before this goes too far.
"Alright. It was nice talking to you. Have a safe trip. Maybe we'll see each other somewhere in Delhi or Chandigarh." he smiled broadly. I noticed the dimples in both his cheeks. Cute smile!
"Yeah sure. Bye, have a safe journey.", I waved back and left the lounge. Just now I realized that I never asked him where he was headed to or is he here for work or travel. But that hardly matters. I need to go.
I got a text from Aman stating his location.His flight has landed. It's time girl.
The hotel car was outside, waiting. Hotel is located quite far from the city. This is was my idea to book a hotel away from the crowd. Rather than watching the Citylights, I want this vacation to be relaxing and laid back. The reviews for this hotel listed its location as the cons. It said, 'The hotel is too far from the city. And is located in a completely secluded area.' That's exactly what I want. The scenary on the way from airport to hotel assured me that I've made the right choice. We were out of the city in an hour, and for the rest of the journey, we passed through goodly farms, murky forests, colossal wastelands and picturesque mountains. After a four-hour long drive, I finally arrived at the hotel. I must say I fell in love with my bed at the first sight. The room is beyond perfect. And the view, Oh My God, the view is to die for! I took a few pictures and send to the two people who knew about my trip. My brother and Aman.
"Wow, nice view you got there. Already checked in? I'm still on my way to the hotel." Aman's reply came almost instantly.
"The view is breath-taking! Show me your room when you reach the hotel. I want to see how Disneyland resort rooms looks like." I texted back.
"Sure, but now I'm thinking maybe I should've gone to Sri Lanka too. Hong Kong feels so similar to Singapore. It's like I'm roaming in my city itself. Same crowd, same buildings. Kinda boring." he replied.
"Well, do try to make the most of it in Disneyland. I'm sure it's gonna be worth it." I had nothing else to say.
"Yeah I will. You too have fun in Kandy. I've reached my hotel. Will text later. Bye"
"Bye", I texted back and took a deep sigh. It would have been perfect if we were together. But alas, destiny had a different plan.
A time out from the horrible decisions I've been making so far is what I need. Now I'm here, in Sri Lanka.
There is nobody here to please, nobody to annoy. I'm can be wild and free once again. It's time to freshen up, from inside out.
Later in the afternoon I lay by the pool, infinity pool to be accurate, reading my book. The local beer here is divine, I'm already a fan. The staff is so good to me. I wonder if they are so attentive just to keep me company. I missed traveling solo. A shadow appeared over my head and blocked the sun. I looked up. A tall figure of almost 6 feet is towering over me and I couldn't make out the face in the backdrop of the sun. I covered my eyes to take a better look. "Excuse me?", I said.
"Enjoying the Lankan Sun?", the guy spoke.
It's Manav, the guy from the airport! What the hell is he doing here?
"Oh hi...I'm actually.....I'm.....I....." I'm at loss for words here. This is supposed to be a secluded place!
"Nice to see you as well, Miss Zoravi", he sat down on the chair next to me and had a broad smile on his face. Those dimples!
"Oh, where are my manners, sorry", I straightened up, "Hello Manav, nice to see you too". I had lied to him about my purpose of visit here. Now I have to think of a story to support my lie. "Are you staying here as well?",I added. Please say no.
"Yes, my room is on the third floor. And I'm guessing you are on top?" he smirked.
Really? All these good looks and such cheap mouth? You can do better than this Manav!
I ignored his comment. "Anyways, it was good to see you again. I hope you have a pleasant stay here. It's a beautiful place, isn't it?", I said as I started picking up my stuff to leave. I do admire your charming looks boy, but that awful mouth of yours isn't going to get you anywhere near me again.
"Yes, it is beautiful. But I find what's staying inside the resort more charming", he smirked again as twinkling his blue eyes rolled over my swimsuit clad body. I wish I could knock out few teeth out of your mouth for rewarding you for the X-Ray your eyes just did.
I said nothing and started walking back to my room. I know he's watching me as I walk away, I could sense his mischievous smile gauging my behind; but to hell with it. I'm not here to take offenses.
"Hey Miss Chandigarh, by the way, this place has a special service for pretty ladies. Don't be surprised if you get any unexpected presents", he called up from behind.
I turned my head back, gave a fake tight-lipped smile and moved on. Dear God, was it too much to ask for a peaceful vacation?
The reception staff was kind enough to suggest few more activities that I could indulge in to brighten up my evening, after the horrible Manav encounter. I think a hydrotherapy would be nice to calm my nerves tired from the long journey. As I laid down in the large open-air Jacuzzi, I almost let out a moan. This feels so damn good. The rose petals in the milky water, with wildflowers all around make this bath seem like picture taken out from fancy perfume ads. My masseur is a kind eyed Indonesian girl who left me with a cup of hot lemon tea and coconut slices. I never want to leave this tub.
After what felt like the most soothing thirty minutes of life, my masseur came back and asked me to wash up. It's time for massage. Already? But I was having such a good time in the water. My puppy face didn't impress her much and she gestured to the shower. But wait, I didn't opted for massage. I only booked a session of hydrotherapy. I asked the lady and she replied with a warm smile, "Madam, it's on the house." Wow, that's nice.
I came back to my room at 7 PM, all pampered up from the massage experience. Something glittery caught my attention, someone had placed an envelope on my bedside table. It's a shiny envelope, and the card inside is all black, with silver letters printed on it.
'I hope you had an amazing day today.
I wish I could be right here with you, I know you wish that too'
But there's no signature. Who could have send this? Aman? Is that you? No, this can't be you. I'm pretty sure this isn't your style. But what if. Or cis that Suven, my ex-fiance? No, it can't be him.
A knock on door distracted me. The waiter handed me a parcel and a small envelope. "But I didn't order anything?"I hesitated to receive the parcel. "Mam, it has your name on it. Consider it a gift, I suppose" he placed the things in my hands and left.
The card read, 'Sorry if I came across as a cunt. I can do better. Manav.'
And the box had a soft fabric in it. I pulled it out, this is a scarf. A white cotton scarf, with large blue orchid flowers printed all over. It's beautiful!
However, I can't accept this. Thanks Manav for this gesture, but it's too much. I guess I'll just drop this at the reception.
"Hello Mam, I hope everything is fine and you are enjoying your stay with us", the reception lady seemed to enthusiastic to see me again. Are they so happy to see each of their guests? How can she put on such wide smile for so long. My face is hurting by just looking at that smile. Why do I have a resting bitch face on anyways. I should smile as well. "Hi, umm.. can you please take this", I extended the parcel towards the desk, "And please tell Mr. Manav that I appreciate the gesture but I can't accept this?", I am already tired of smiling. She looks confused. I should clarify, "I forgot to mention. This is from another guest, Mr. Manav..umm...I don't know his last name. But I know he's staying at the third floor", well, that's all I know about this guy. She politely accepted the parcel and kept it with her. "And by the way, can you please tell me for how long is Mr. Manav staying in this resort? I mean, I know it's none of my business, but I'm just curious", I had to ask. Please say just for one night. Her face brightened at this question. Her smile widened and I think she blushed a little as well," Madam, Mr. Manav is going to be here for a month or so". A month, seriously? I wonder what's so special about this damn place. "A month, that's a pretty long time. He must really like this place", although it looks any other resort. "Yes Madam, it's his favorite property", she beamed. Favorite property? Funny how these people use certain words.
It’s All Good
It has been two weeks since I met Suven for the last time. He had called me up few days earlier just to check up on me, and I assured him that everything is fine. I wonder if he feels guilty of breaking my heart. But I guess he knows that I never loved him no more than he did. This feels so weird. We were together, but never connected.
My mom is still obsessed with him though. 'You can't get a better guy', she says this almost every time we talk. Mom, maybe I don't want a better guy. Maybe I don't want any guy at all. I'm happy with my life and having a man in it would just make it crowded.
Speaking of the better guy, Rahul is still brooding over the news of me getting married to someone else. I haven't told him yet the wedding is off. He doesn't need to know that. Let everyone think I'm still engaged and leave me alone.
I am spending this Sunday packing the endless senseless 'bridal things' to ship back home. I'm sure my mother can return these or at least find someone who needs it more. How much I hated every minute of shopping for this. No more saving money for the wedding, or the honeymoon, or the kids or the bigger car. I am free to spend ridiculously on myself again! I thought as I took another sip of my favorite Wine. Also, why the hell am I still wearing this inordinately gaudy engagement ring, which clearly doesn't belong on my feeble finger.
"I'll only wear Tiffany's princess cut", that was my first and only demand to my would-be-husband. And being a gentleman that he was, he got me exactly the one I wanted. How I got transformed from a wild flower lover to a diamonds lover, I'll never know. I guess I got carried away for a while in the glitz and glamour of the Big Fat Indian Wedding drama. Never again!
While searching for the receipt for the ring, another thing caught my attention. A bunch of torn-out boarding passes from around the world, kept as souvenirs from all my travels. And I was giving up 'this' for a stupid ring! Why did I ever said yes to marriage? I still have too many places to go. The list is endless, and adventure is waiting for me! On the top was the boarding pass from my last trip,
'To: Singapore' 'From: Delhi'
This was enough to bring a rush of butterflies back in my stomach. And I'm craving for that fragrance all over again. After all this time? Are you insane girl? It's been more than 6 months! I don't think he even remembers you anymore.
Yes, it's true that it's been quite a while now that we talked. After coming back from Singapore, we were continuously in touch, chatted every day. This continued for almost a month. I told him what a wonderful host he has been and I can't wait to see him again. He even planned to come to India so that we can meet one more time. But even at that point, there was no romantic angle to the story. No matter how badly I wanted it. And then Suven came along. There were no hints from Aman, whatsoever, so I assumed that 'he's just not that into me'. Suven is here for me and he clearly likes me enough to be life-partners. And gradually my conversations with Aman became fewer and infrequent. One day I told him I'm engaged and all he said was 'Congratulations.' We never talked since then. Why Aman, why you never said anything! I know it was all in my head, but I wish, Oh I wish, it was true! A tear rolled down my eyes for the first time in a long time. I took another sip of my wine and fixed my hair. I got a lot of shit to do. No time to be a cry-baby over something that was never there.
Finally, it's all gone, the dresses, the jewelry, the ring, everything. I'm back to being single and ready to not giving a fuck.
"Hey bro, what's up", I called my brother. It's been a long time since we talked. He was never happy with my decision of going for arrange marriage and hasn't talked to me since the day of engagement. "Hi, what's up?", he spoke rather cheerfully. Oh dear,I missed him! He continued,"I heard about it. Is that true?", I could sense amusement in his voice. But that's not why I called him. I said," Yeah, the wedding is off.Hey listen up, I'm going to Disneyland next month, don't tell mom and dad ok?......What do you mean where? Hong Kong Disneyland ofcourse, I can't afford Paris yet.... I'm not kidding !... Yes...no, tickets aren't booked yet.... Yeah okay, you need anything?.... Okay you have my credit card right?..... ok bye." My brother has to be the first one to get to know about my random, impulsive plans. It's about time that I do something to treat myself for everything I've been through in past few weeks. I deserve a next trip. And what's better than Disneyland? Disneyland with Aman? No girl, shut up, there's no Aman.
I began looking at Disneyland packages on my laptop. A notification appears on facebook, 'Aman is waving at you'. Before I even opened it, the picture of him waving goodbye to me at the airport came alive. I opened the chat and replied with a wave back. No reply from him. Expected. Why are you always there on the back of my mind? The last hug, your touch, your fragrance, your voice and your smile, Oh your smile! I fell asleep thinking about that smile.
I woke up from my nap late afternoon, my laptop still open next to me. As I began to continue my web search, another message popped up. "Hey, sorry I fell asleep" Aman had texted a minute ago. "Hi, it's okay. Same" I had that stupid smile again. If only I could see you one more time.
"So, what's up? Working?"
"No, not today. Just having a lazy day." I am unsure why am I talking to him, again.
"Nice, no plans for Saturday night?" he asked.
"Not really, I plan to sleep as much as I can. Are you going out? It's already night there I guess."
"Yes, I'm on my way to Marina Bay, it's beautiful on a Saturday night. Of course you know"
"Marina Bay? To watch the show I missed when I was there?"
"That too, but there is another thing that you missed, the indoor waterfall."
"Oh yeah, I remember you had mentioned it. I miss Singapore. Good times."
"You can always come back again anytime."
"Yeah, but no plans in near future though."
"Yeah right, already planning for honeymoon eh?"
"Umm, not exactly. The engagement thing is off." Girl, was that necessary? Why did you tell him?
"For real?" I could sense astonishment in his reply.
"Yes, for real."
"Should I say sorry or congratulations? I'm guessing you are the one who called it off." this was his response.
Really Aman? If you know me so well, why the hell you never said anything at that point? I know you are happy to hear the news, but can't you be more expressive for once?
"That's not the point anyway. It's off. End of story." I replied.
"Okay, if you say so."
I don't have anything else to say to you Aman. I thought and re-opened the tab for comparing prices for Hong-Kong travel package.
After a long day of searching for the tickets, I am yet to find a best deal. Maybe I'll just call up the travel agency tomorrow. I should sleep now. My phone rang, it's Aman. Must be by mistake. He never calls me, never. I ignored the call and went to sleep.
Next day again, just when I am off to sleep, there is a call from Aman. I wonder if this time he actually means to call. I picked up, "Hey, I think you are dialing the wrong number here" I spoke immediately. Turns out, he is actually calling me, and not by mistake. We chatted over random things, teased each other. Just like we did in Singapore. My mind drifted back to that time, completely forgetting that he was asking me something. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. You were saying...?"
"You didn't hear or you zoned out like you usually do?" he chuckled.
God, I missed this laugh!
"Both I guess. So, what's new with you. If I remember correctly, you are supposed to go to Australia next month I guess. Let me know your next skydive session turns out to be." I remember that he told me about his plan few months ago.
"Well, I'm not sure about that. Lot of other things going on. What about you? Where are you going next?" he asked.
"I'm thinking of Hong Kong Disneyland. Have you been there?" Really girl? Was that necessary?
"That's great. No I haven't been there yet. When are you going? And are you going solo again?"
"Yes, unless you care to join."
"Let me check, tell me your plan." he asked nonchalantly.
I shared my dates and itinerary and he started checking his calendar. Is he doing what I think he is doing? Is he considering to join? I have no idea why he is thinking about this, but I'm too selfish to not let him.
"Seems like I can work it out. You done with your tickets?"
"Not yet. Still searching."
"Cool. I'll call you tomorrow and then maybe we can get it done?"
I don't what's more scary. The fact that I'm going on a trip within weeks after I got dumped by my finace; or the fact that I'm taking this trip with another guy; or the fact that I'm seeing Aman one more time. How the hell did I got myself into this mess!
Just when I thought of starting a new chapter, this is taking me all the way back.
Aman had come to my life as a breath of fresh air. I have traveled with complete strangers before as well, but with Aman, something was different, yet is was beautiful. The moment I saw him for the first time at Changi Airport, I could see trouble in his eyes. We traveled non-stop, visited unfamiliar territories and all this with almost no sleep. Those three days were filled with adventure, laughter and caffeine, with the backdrop of two of the most splendid cities I've ever seen, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Not once did he try to flirt, not once he threw any hints, not once did he say anything that might lead my imagination into different dimension. And yet the more time I spend with him, the more I fell for him. And when the time to say goodbye came, all I could do was to give him a tight-lipped smile. Because if I had opened my mouth to say something, I was afraid I might say something he is not ready to hear.
I still dream of his dark eyes, that always seem to have mischief in them, his smile, that brightened the world, his fragrance, that took my breath away. When will I get over him? Will I ever get over this? This isn't wise, girl. You are going to be in deep trouble. But hey, what's wrong in having a little fun. As long as I don't expect anything in return, this shouldn't be a problem. I think I've behaved really well all along. Maybe I shouldn't over think and just do whatever makes me feel happy. And by way, what's worse that can happen? I'm a big girl! After all, what happens in Hong Kong, would stay in Hong Kong!
Thanks, but No Thanks
6 Months Later
Somewhere in Chandigarh
"Listen, I don't want to pile on. So let me just say this once and for all." I could sense by the way he is waving his hands that he hasn't got anything pleasant to say. He always had this body language when he's nervous, with his brown eyes darting sideways to avoid eye contact and his long fingers tangled up to avoid fidgeting.
"Suven, what's wrong?" I asked, with a concerned look on my face. I should be concerned, my fiance is nervous. But why am I so indifferent? That's not a sign of a caring wife-to-be.
'You are incapable of love' my dad's words echoing in my head right now. Just ignore it.
"You should know that I've thought a lot about this" Suven finally looked into my eyes and continued, "You are an amazing girl, really. You have been so good to me all this while. But...."he drifted off. Is that what I think it is? Did he just use the past tense for our relationship? Oh my God, is he breaking up with me? I interrupted him, "Wait, whatever you said before the word 'but' is horse shit. Come to the point." I don't have to act concerned anymore. What the hell is he saying!
He startled. He straightened up a bit and began the dreaded speech, "God, why are you always so direct? Okay, fine. You know that I am not in love with you, right now I mean." You? You are not in love? And here I thought I was guilty of not loving you back. Suven was still speaking,"But that's okay because we have got a lot of time till the wedding to get to know each other more intimately. However, no matter how much I try, I don't think I can ever be in love with you." Wow, that's deep.
"You are 95% the woman I want. You've got everything I want in my life-partner. You are smart, intelligent, independent and you know how to drive (he chuckles nervously), but it's that 5% that will never let this work between us. That 5% is the love factor you know. And I don't think I can do that. I'm sorry." He took a deep sigh and broke the eye contact. Okay, let this sink in. My fiance just told me he cannot love me, ever and is calling off our wedding. But why am I not feeling heartbroken right now? I should be numb, infuriated and definitely not happy about this.
"Is this a joke?" I laughed despite myself. Why the hell am I smiling? What is wrong with me? I should be devastated.
I searched for an answer in his eyes and realized this was not a joke. He is serious. This is actually happening. I should get a clarity of the situation, "Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it? Hey, I know we all get second thoughts. It's a life-altering decision. I get nervous too......" He cut me off by putting his hands on my shoulders. This time he looked deep into my eyes, "I know this is tough. I know you are hurting, but it's the truth. I don't want to drag this anymore. I'm sorry but it's over." Okay, the situation is very clear right now. Curb that smile, girl. This is not a good news, atleast not according to everyone except you.
I just stare at him blankly. "Are you still in love with her? Is that why.......?" the words left my mouth before I could stop it. His arms dropped from my shoulders and he simply nodded. I knew it!
"I really hope you guys see this through. And don't forget to invite me to your wedding." I said and winked. He smiled lazily. "So it's all good?" he said with a genuine smile. Yes, Suven, it's more than good, it's perfect! "Yes Suven, it's all good. I'm getting late. I need to go. Take care Suven, it was really great to know you. Bye", I extended my hand for a goodbye. Instead, he pulled me for a hug and whispered in my ear, "It was great to know you too. I'm really sorry for all the mess. Take care little girl."
Here I am, smiling while I drive back to home. Because now I know I never wanted this wedding as well. He called it off, saving me the trouble to do it myself.
When I first met Suven, I immediately fell for his boyish charm. His tall, lean figure, brown eyes and his sense of humor, just blew me away. And before I know, we had said yes to this arrange marriage even though we both hated the concept. Actually, it was the dislike for idea of cliche couples and arranged marriages that bonded us.
However, within a month of knowing him I knew we are not compatible. Our lifestyles, friends, hobbies and even thoughts on sex were too wayward. I knew it is going to take strenuous efforts to make this marriage work, but since I had already said yes, I was willing to strive towards it.
The wedding date is fixed for six months from now. And both families are ecstatic about this event. Me and Suven had shared too many laughs seeing the crazy plannings going on. But I guess that was it, all we shared were few laughs, nothing more. I could never feel any emotional connection. We were two different people, somehow stuck together in a typical Indian Wedding drama where none of us actually wanted to marry, not just yet.
While driving home I am replaying in mind what just happened. Now what? My wedding has been called off. I'm no more engaged. How do I tell this news to everyone? Shouldn't I be crying right now? Maybe I should get a drink. That will help me vent out. I pulled over in front the supermarket.
"Nice choice of Wine madam. Special occasion?" the twenty-something brown-eyed cashier asked flirtatiously. I answered flatly, "Yeah, my fiancé just dumped me. Keep the change", I winked and left the store.
"What! Are you sure?" My mother's voice is so loud, it's tearing the speaker of phone. But this was an expected overly-dramatic response. Why can't you handle this like adults, mom? I thought as I downed my third glass of Wine. I must not lose my calm right now. I need my parents to understand that this is over for real. "Did you say anything out-of-line? I know you, you must have screwed this. Can't you be a responsible girl for once?", my mom's anger is in full swing right now. Mom, I am drinking responsibly, isn't that enough for being a responsible girl? "Mom, I'm hurt as well. But there's nothing we can do about this now. I tried my best ma, but I'm sorry. The wedding's off." I disconnected and turned up the music. It's okay girl, it was never meant to be. You know you still think about someone else, and now you are free to do so without feeling guilty about it. Cheers to that!
Back to Basics
IGI Airport, New Delhi
The jolt woke me up when the airplane hit the runway. 'You can use your mobile phones now', the announcement was made and I switch on my phone to see a text from him.
'I'm at pillar number 17'
I re-read the previous text and ponder over the last line, 'I know you don't want me to, but I am coming to get you'
If I had received this text few weeks earlier, I would have been ecstatic. But not anymore. Something has changed. I've changed. I'm still wrapped around in the fragrance. I'm not sure if it's good. Don't do this girl, don't think about him, it's stupid. Someone down here is waiting for you. Do the right thing.
My almost-one-sided-relationship was here to pick me up. I saw the text on my phone again and took a deep breath. I can still remember the last time I saw him.
It was a hot July evening and seeing him on my front porch was just like a miracle. His tall, muscular figure, all 6'2" feet of him, dressed in the baby pink checked shirt that I once adored, his faded blue jeans that he bought while shopping with me, his brown leather boots that he adore. I never thought this day would come. I never thought he'd actually think of stepping into my house. But there he was, my Almost-One-Sided-Relationship. My mother knew all about this and was hoping that one day we can actually move past this awkward phase and get into a real relationship, that would finally lead to a marriage. How obsessed she is with me getting married, it's disturbing.
"It's good to see you again", he was beaming. Little did he knew how badly I wanted to see him. I was battling my tears of joy and my voice was chocked. I gestured him to come in and my mother made us the obligatory tea. "So, long time huh?", I asked. Did you miss me?
"Yeah I know right. Must be three months or so I guess", he said. Ten months, fifteen days.
We talked about how our "three months or so" had been, mostly talking about work. Not ever mentioning what happened between us. Just two old pals catching up. Why did you ever leave?
Just as my mom joined us for the tea, he got up to get something from his bag. "Aunty, the real reason I came here today is this", he held out a box. Not a usual plastic or wooden box, but a luxuriously wrapped one in golden silk with green ribbon tied over it. With that he handed over an envelope. I already knew what that was. Please tell me it's not what I think it is.
"You're getting married", I spoke out without realizing I was saying that out loud. My mother first looked at him, and then at me. She didn't know what to say. "Congratulation dear, finally someone trapped our wild bear", I smiled broadly and took the box and envelope from his hands since my mother was too stunned to react.
Two months before his wedding, I got the news that the wedding is off from our mutual friends. We decided to meet him, wondering he might be in a bad situation right now. And before we knew, our meetings became more frequent. First with the group and then just the two of us. Just like old times, when we first started hanging out with each other in college. At that time we knew we were becoming more than friends but it was a mutual agreement that things won't go beyond this. Four years passed in a blink and last day of college was here. On our last day we went to our favorite place for lunch when he said it for the first time, "I think we should take it forward". I liked him too. But I was just not ready. It was awkward.
We hardly spoke over the phone after returning to our home and soon we were out of touch. Four amazing years, now a just a good old memory. One year later, we met again at our convocation. We partied all night, the whole group. And then I felt, I was ready. I wanted to be with him. How could I ever forget how good it felt to be him with, just to be around him. We were lazing out in the garden at dawn, talking about old times. I knew it was now or never. "I think we should take this forward", I said in a low voice. I was sure he will jump with joy. It was exactly the opposite. He frowned, looked confused as if he couldn't understand which language I was speaking. "What?", I asked. "I'm in love", he spoke finally, almost in a whisper. I could feel the knot in my stomach. He was in love and I just rejected him without ever knowing that. I should fix that now, "I..I.." I was thinking hard to say something to make it upto him. "I'm sorry. I mean I'm in love, with someone else", he looked deep into my eyes as he said it.
Ten months and fifteen days passed, I got the invitation. Four more months passed, his wedding was off. Now we were hanging out again. One day after work, we decided to meet up at the coffee place. "Don't you think we missed out something important in past few year?", he sipped his coffee. "Missed something? Like what?", I asked.
"Like we click so well, we have been friends for so long....maybe it's a sign or something", he waved into the air as if drawing an invisible rainbow. I know what he's going to say next. I know him so well. He's ready, again and I'm not, again. I'm happy with my life right now. I'm about to get a promotion, I'm moving to another city, I'm travelling far & wide and there is absolutely no space for anyone else in my life right now.
"You know what's a sign? This.." I showed him my phone. I can't let him say something that I can't answer. This is not a good time to make any promises.
"What's this? Singapore?", his eyes scanned the flight ticket on my phone. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Oh okay, you're taking the next trip?", he finally got it. "Yes I am", I smiled. This was the best thing to do. Just dodge the question. I do like him, but that's about it. I am not in love. I need to take the next trip, alone.
And here I am, at pillar number seventeen. Waiting for him. "You know you didn't have to do this", I said I got into the car. "I know baby, but it's worth trying", he said as he drove into the traffic. "Yeah right", I rolled my eyes, "And by the way, what's up with all this 'baby' crap? I don't like this", I snapped. "Woah, slow down queen", he laughed. We sat in silence for few minutes when he finally spoke up again, "You've changed". I didn't say anything. I've not changed, just a little less than what I used to be. I lost a part of me back at Singapore, I don't know how I'll ever replace that.
Back home my mother is waiting for me with a hot cup of tea. I often wonder if our old house was ever featured in those 90s movies where the head of village usually resided. All white, minimal windows, perfectly mowed lawn with sparse flowers and large, white front door with white shiny floor underneath. My mom is really particular that the floor stays white all the time. I shoved my backpack into the large ugly chair in the lobby and headed straight to the tea. "How was the meeting?", My mom asked. "I heard it was raining in Mumbai, how did you get to the airport? I asked you to avoid the local trains", my dad spoke before I could answer mom's question. I totally forgot my lie. Okay, let's rehearse. I was gone for an office trip, for a meeting at our Mumbai Headquarters. It was raining but I had started early. Two of my Delhi colleagues, both women, we're traveling with me. "Yeah dad, it was raining heavenly but the we managed to get to the airport before traffic got worse", I lied, one more time. Can I ever tell them the truth? I guess no.
I am still unpacking my bag when dad asked me to sit with him. I wonder what's wrong. He only calls up to sit after dinner when he wants to have a serious conversation. "How are things between you and Rohan?", he had his serious-look face. "Dad, we're just friends", Dad, please don't discuss this with me.
"From what I see, it should be more. You have been friends for quite a long time now. And from what I hear, he's not getting married. Maybe you guys should consider it. He's the right guy for you. Shall we ask his parents?", dad said. "No dad, please don't. That's just pointless", I pleaded. Dad, please don't make it harder for me. My dad is not the biggest fan of my independent lifestyle. He likes that I am doing well, but he thinks I'm too arrogant about that. I try to talk him out of this 'Right Guy' thing but he never budges. After a long debate my patience was running out and I snapped, "Dad, I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's not gonna happen." Maybe my lack of patience is the reason why he thinks I'm arrogant. He looked hurt and furious. "You know what young lady, this attitude of yours isn't healthy for you. Why can't you behave like a mature girl. You are so aloof, you always are so....so detached, too full of yourself!", he is now talking at me. I figured it's best to shut up now and rolled my eyes. "I feel sorry for you. You are incapable of love my dear", he took a deep breath and left the room.
'You are incapable of love', Wow, did my own dad just said that to me. That hurt.
At breakfast next morning, it was my mom's turn to have a talk. She started her favorite conversation. "So listen, listen carefully okay? Don't get pissed. Your aunt came to visit me last weekend". I rolled my eyes. O God, not again, please.
"Mom, I've told you a hundred times, I'm just not ready", I begged, but she won't listen.
"I know honey, but this time it's different. At least see the photo, here. His name is Suven", she slapped her phone onto my lap with picture of a 'Suven' starting at me. You look good Mr.Suven, but I'm still dreaming of the dark eyes that left me spellbound when I was drinking Bintang.
Until Next Time
The Beginning
Changi Airport, Singapore
I had just landed from a 6 hour long flight. This airport is the exact opposite of the airport back home. This is much larger, much brighter and much crowded than the last airport. I am amazed to see the vast advertisements donning the walls. However my mind is pre-occupied with other things. The first thing I need now is a WiFi connection to reconnect with the world. My brother is waiting to hear from me and I'm praying that during my absence, no catastrophe occurred back home. I want to get through the immigration as soon as possible but there is this interminable queue ahead. I ran quickly to secure a spot just behind this cute guy, but no, this short lady had to come in my way. Now I can only stare at his back from a distance and hope the sweet sight can get me through this lifeless queue. As I open the map of terminal on my phone, I could locate that there are certain WiFi kiosks just after crossing the immigration.
Waiting for my turn, I'm wondering whether my host will be here to receive me or not. In our last conversation he had told me that he'll come to the airport if he got free on time from work. My watch is still showing the home time so I have only a vague idea about the time here. I wish I could get WiFi sooner so that I can know whether to find him here or just get a cab to his apartment. Clearing the immigration, I started looking for the kiosks. The Duty Free Shops here offer alcohol and cosmetics only. For a moment I thought I should buy a bottle of wine for my host. I should get something nice for him. But first, I need wifi and second he doesn't even drink. So wine can wait for now.
There is a crowd outside, people waiting for their dear ones who have just arrived. I am trying to get a quick look at the faces to make out if my host is here or not. But since I have never seen him in person before, there's a chance I may miss out him. Better to get the network first. The girl on information booth was really lovely and immediately offered to help me. Within seconds I am back in the web world. Quickly I texted, first text to my brother "Landed in Singapore. Safe & Sound. Peace Out" Next text to my host "Arrived. Are you coming to the airport?" Within seconds my phone screen flashed. First text is from my brother, "*thumbs up*". Next text is from my host, "I think you just passed me".
Alright, he is here. I called him up and explained my location. He appeared from nowhere. There is a formal handshake and I am genuinely grateful to him to come all the way to the airport.This is the first time I am actually seeing him. His face looks familiar, same as in the pictures I have seen. He got a lean frame and is wearing a casual shirt & jeans. He is better looking in person, I thought. And now I'm thinking I should have dressed better. I wonder if he'schecking me out now and getting disappointed! I am still wearing my work clothes. Seriously girl, a little lipstick & mascara wouldn't have hurt. But your lazy ass didn't bother to even wash your ugly face! And here he is looking all cool, you may even call him handsome but there was this innocence in his eyes that got my attention. There is an aura of positivism around him and I instantly felt I have picked a nice host.
I am literally starving by this point. We decided to get a quick bite before heading towards our first destination for the night.
I checked my phone and just now got a text from my boss. He had read my message that I was taking the day off and is texting me to know about my whereabouts. I had to chat for while now to explain my plans. I am feeling bad for keeping my host waiting. I apologized for my behaviour but he seemed to be fine with it. I knew I had to keep the conversation with him going too because we were stuck with each other for next few days. And I don't want him to think I'm a boring company. We are sitting in McDonalds and I am under tremendous pressure to eat and talk simultaneously. Since I am not a good conversation starter (Which is somewhat ironic for a girl who travels solo) I chose the most predictable topics to get it going. I came to know about his job and little bit about his family. He seemed pretty comfortable with this conversation and was taking interest in my life as well. Nice guy.
In the cab ride home he was explaining where are we heading next and urged me not to take too much time to freshen up. I knew he was sharing the apartment with his roomate. When I asked about his roommate, he told me that he has gone out of town for the weekend. So we will be having the whole apartment to ourselves. We reached his place. It is quite clean considering it's a bachelor house. He showed me my room and the restroom. Being a good girl, I changed up as fast as I could and we headed to our first stop for the evening. This was the first time I noticed he had held out the door for me. Although most may see this as a common gesture, I feel chivalry becomes sexy when you least expect it. He is taking me out for a light show in the Garden Bay. There is a light and sound show at the park famous for the giant supertrees that lit up to the sound of music. We had almost missed the 15 minute show but luckily managed to see the last one minute. These artificial supertrees seem like they have been pulled right out from a fairytale book. The lighting is magical and the music combined with the light synchronization makes the place almost dreamy. The place is dark except being filled with the dazzle of twinkling lights on the trees. If it were a little less crowded, it would be almost romantic with all the subtle colors flooding the sky. I am already loving this city.
Next he wants to show me a water & light show just in front of the mall. For that we need to walk towards the Marina Bay Sands. The hotel looks spectacular in night. I have seen this building in pictures only. It took me few seconds to acknowledge that I'm actually seeing it right now. This piece of modern architecture is pure wonder. My host was nice enough to offer to take my picture before I even asked. He was even showing me good spots to get the pictures clicked. I guess he is aware of this unrelenting need of a traveler to collect as many memories as she can in shape of stupid pictures.
As we walked over the bridge joining Garden Bay and Marina Bay Sands, we talked about our various experiences of adventure sports. His stories are far more exciting than mine and I am enjoying listening to him. He seems to be a serious risk taker and has done most of the things people like me only dream of. I wish I could be like him someday. Someday I can also have stories like these to tell. Stories like, Remember the time when I night dived with the whale shark, she was like inches away from my face. That was crazy. And stuff like that. Maybe oneday.
Many people have already surrounded the area to secure a good spot for watching the water show.
We stood there for fifteen minutes but the show never started and people were now dispersing. We too decided to get on with our walk. The Helix reminds me of the time when I was a medical student. How clueless I was with my life. Did I ever thought at that time I might be walking here someday. Look at me now, swaying along the Helix Bridge! Life is unexpected. Best things do happen unexpectedly.
"So how are you finding Singapore?". He asked. I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. These eyes are gonna kill me soon.
The view from Helix Bridge is beautiful. I can see Marina Bay Sands on my left, with the Museum and the floating football field on my right. I can imagine the floating field in action. People sitting on the seating area build on a sloping ceiling. It must be great fun to watch a live match here. I wish I could see that too someday, but life is too short to visit here again. Better I make the most of it right now. As we walking side by side, I sensed a smooth fragrance in the air. But couldn't make out from where it's coming from. Anyway, it's good.
I am constantly trying to get the conversation going. Though now I am making less of an effort and things are taking a smooth course of its own. He is also making some efforts, I can tell. I can only hope he is having a good time. Because I sure am.
Now we are approaching the famous Merlion. My first reaction when I saw it is like 'Isn't it supposed to be a little bigger?' He just laughed. The structure is more beautiful in reality than we see in pictures. It's the most iconic feature of this city. And true to its fame, it's brilliant. You can see the skyline in the backdrop from one side, the Helix Bridge and Marina Bay Sands on the other. Quite a sight. Alot of people had surrounded the figure, all holding selfie sticks in their hands. It was actually a funny scene. Everyone crazily tilting their necks to get the right angle to capture their head and the Merlion in the same frame. I laughed harder than I should.
Next stop is of my choice. I had told him earlier that I want to visit a rooftop bar. And true to his promise, he was taking me to one of the highest rooftop bars in the city. The bar, "1 Altitude", does not disappoint for the view it promises. The bar area is at 63rd Floor and sitting area is one level higher. It offered 360 degree view of the city. We could see all the way to the wide open ocean with hundreds of cargo ships resting for the night. Below us, I could see the tiny cars moving around on the almost flawless little roads. I had always loved watching the skylines. On my every trip I make it a point to watch the city from above. It gives a whole new perspective. You can watch how far you have come. Watching this city from here is now finally satiating my craving for city-lights. I had ordered the bar's speciality cocktail. He had warned me earlier about the drink that many people don't like it, but I wanted to taste it anyway. The drink is definitely better than expected. I have had worse cocktails in more expensive and not so classy bars. So this definitely is worth. As the alcohol is now entering my system, I am becoming more relaxed. Almost no forced conversations now. "So, how does living in Singapore feels like?", I asked. "It's great, I like the city, people are good, I love my job, so it's cool". "How about you? Do you love the work you do?", he asked. I told him about my job, the perks, my office and everything. "That's good, but what do you really want to do in life? Like your dream job?". Wow, that's a good question. I'm thinking what should I answer. "I want to travel, see the world, live like there's no tomorrow. I know it doesn't sound like work, but that's what I want to do". He just smiled. I think he knows what I mean. I finally said, "I know it sounds Weird, but I am a crazy person". He said, "I don't know about that, but can't argue with the carzy part". And we both laughed. Why the hell would such a nice, funny, handsome guy waste his time in showing stupid girl the city? I know you are getting there again, but hold your horses girl.
As we spent more time talking about this & that, I came to know that he is also not a chatty type. It's safe to say that we can enjoy moments of silence too, without feeling awkward. However at the back of mind I was still wondering if he finds me a good company and isn't regretting his decision to host me already.
The DJ is playing just the right music and I start to move slowly. I can see people around moving to the beat as well. He looks amused. I wink at him and kept dancing slowly. This is getting fun. I wish he could join me but he doesn't seem to have any inclination towards it. A group of girls is dancing few steps away. As I am watching them dance, my eyes met with one of the girls. She winked at me and I smiled back. She gestured me to join them. I danced my way towards them. I can see he is watching us dance and smiling shyly. I danced with the girls on a couple of songs and came back to my host. "I can see you have diverse interests", he said. I instantly replied, " Because why not?" and winked, again.
As I finished my drink he suggested that now we should go as the ambiance is getting dull now. As we entered the elevator, I sensed that breathtaking scent again. Now I get it, it's him. Oh my God, does he really smell that nice! I wonder how would it feel if you smell him from a little more closer.
Now we are back to the ground level but I'm not just ready to head back to the apartment. So he is taking me to another place nearby that is famous for clubbing and partying. This place is just a short walk away and we are now talking about Chandigarh. God, I miss Chandigarh. He's telling me about his late night adventures in our city beautiful. And it all seems so relatable. As we enter the clubbing zone, I'm immediately reminded of my own late night parties and the stupid things we used to do when we were out for the whole night. You should have met me in Chandigarh. We would have partied together.
I wonder if he ever misses Chandigarh, he has been living in such a beautiful city for so long. This thought is just crossing my mind when he said out of the blue, "God, I miss Chandigarh".
I'm starting to feel tired now and a bit hungry too. Before I said anything he spoke up, " You should eat now, it's getting late and you had a long day". I guess he can read it on my face and suggested we should go and get dinner. As our cab arrives, again I notice he is holding out the door for me. Really? Aren't you the perfect gentleman? A gentleman who can read mind of stupid, horny girls?
I'm wearing a flowing summer dress that is hugging my body tightly and now this dress is feeling too much to be carried on any longer. I so want to change. He had mentioned that the food court is just around the corner, so I guess I can quickly change before going for dinner. I really want to wash my face, get rid of this lipstick and get into more comfortable clothes. I asked him if I can quickly change. I think he got a different idea and instead told me that I don't have to worry about the dress since it's pretty fine considering the place and the company. Ok, so the dress is a little short and a little tight. But seriously, How does this guy even thinks of such nice things to say?
The food court is good, something similar to street-side food back home but more organised and definitely more cleaner. He suggested a local tea and a local bread for dinner. He told me that he didn't like it the first time he tasted the tea but it's good. The food arrived along with the tea. I was literally starving and praying to God for the tea to be good. I really need a tea fix right now. The bread was good, but the tea, Oh my, the Tea is simply mind-blowing. Oh dear host, I will forever be grateful to you for having introduced me to this tea. I am in fucking love with this tea!
On that thought, I must go to sleep now. Tomorrow is going to be long day. As we walked back to the apartment, again he was there holding out apartment door for me to enter. Really? Is this a dream? Where is this guy from? Angel-world?
"You can either sleep in your room or on this couch in living room. Bathroom is shared". I chose the room option, obviously. All I want now is to bury myself in that mattress and never wake up again. I am so goddamn tired.
I have decided to see the sunrise in the morning and like a good guy that he is, he agreed to take me there. So now we technically have only 2.5 hours to sleep. As I laid down, closed my eyes, I can't help but wonder how good he is. There was a text a from my brother. I had already shared my host's address & contact number. So there was nothing much to worry about. He had texted to know how's the guy like. And if I am comfortable there. That put a smile on my face. I wrote "He is really nice. I am having a good time. Don't worry."
I have no idea how I mustered the courage to come alive at exactly 5:30 AM to get ready for the sunrise. I chose to wear my shorts and a black T-shirt. While my mind is still sleeping, my body somehow carried me to the East Coast Park.
I slowly came into my senses with the dim lighting up of the sky with dawn. Before that I was just lifelessly sitting there. Now I can actually see what is in front me. We are sitting on a high rise platform that I have no idea how I climbed. There is almost no noise except for the water in front of us. I can see almost a hundred cargo ships in front of me, all over the visible ocean. They look like twinkling little boats from the distance. The water and sky are both grey at this point with the orange light at the horizon and twinkling stars on the boats that seem floating mid air. I am not in my full senses to make a conversation this early in the morning. So we were just sitting there quietly, taking in the view. Silence was what I was familiar with and this time it didn't seemed strange too. I have seen better sunrise views but I guess this one was different from the rest. This looked it a dark grey curtain is holding a flame behind it. Like it doesn't want the light to go through. And the stars below don't want to lose their charm blinded by the stronger flame. This was beautiful. We sat there a little longer until the the whole sky was lighted up and the twinkling stars almost absorbed in the sky beyond. I stole a few glances at him and am wondering how serene he looks sitting here. Like he can sit here all day and say nothing and still be as alluring. Don't stare at him for too long!
We headed to get coffee before going back to the apartment. We had decided to sleep in for another couple of hours before heading out again. A girl came up, whom we had shortly met earlier when we were sitting on the platform. This time she stopped by again to say 'Hi' and asked whether we were dating. Before I could make myself conscious enough to comprehend the question and give a descent answer, he answered "No, we are just friends". Friends, are we now? Maybe no, but I guess there was no other decent answer. Why can't we be friends? Because you are one weird girl and he is descent guy! So shut up. I crouched back to my sleepy state and now thinking about my beloved mattress waiting for me. As soon as I hit the mattress I am dead.
There is a knock at the door indicating it is time to get ready. I check the time and realize I had already overslept. So I am instantly up and about. Today I decide to go a little bold with my appearance. Since I am going for an adventure of a lifetime, why not get dressed for it. I wore an off shoulder top that I had shamelessly stolen from my friend. And here we go!
Let me just say that these past few hours were actually like a mixture of a thrilling movie sequence, a wild dream and a childhood fantasy coming true at the same time. I am literally speechless. There is this stupid smile on my face that just won't go away. I'm smiling like an idiot, giggling like a little girl on my own. I have always been a die-hard fan of the movie series Transformers and have been dreaming of roller-coasters since I was a little girl. And just now, I had experienced both, that too in one go. You can't even imagine my happiness right now. I'm just speechless. He is asking me did I like this, and all I do is give him the broadest, stupidest smile ever. He can read it all over my face how fucking ecstatic I am right now. I am falling short of words to describe my experience here, I guess I'll just save this feeling in my heart for now. This is my happy place now.
Before Universal Studios, I used to think love was the best thing ever happened to me. If not for this guy, I had almost given up on my plan to visit Singapore. It was one fateful night that he called me up and ensured me that all the trouble I'm facing to get here will be worth it. These past few hours are what I'll always remember. I literally want to hug him and shout out 'Do you realize how fucking awesome you are?Thank You for bringing me here. I won't ever forget this! A hundred points to Griffindor!
As the time for leaving the Studios came closer, I am already feeling bad. I don't want this to end. Can't I stay here for a little longer, for like forever?
It is almost time for a Crane Water Show just outside the studios. This is a free show so all we had to do is to get a good seat. I decided not to take any pictures now. I will just enjoy this and be in the moment for now. The show displayed out beautifully a story of two birds. Both birds were living a mechanical life. Until the male bird realizes something is missing. He decided to pursue the female bird and nudges a little. He slowly approaches her and it beautifully shows out how his mechanical being is slowly coming into life after he saw her. How his heart comes to life when he falls in love. You can actually see how he is transformed from a lifeless machine to a beautiful bird on the wide LED Screen. It was so lovely. Soon she also realizes the magic of love and her heart starts beating to the rhythm of his heartbeat. They now fly high together embracing the love they have found for one another. It got me thinking that how true it is. Love surely brings out the life in you, you just have to find the right person to awaken your soul. While we are watching the show, our hands touched accidentally few times while we were adjusting to our seats. And every time it happened, it send electric shocks in my fingers. What the hell is wrong with you girl?
I have never heard about Luge before. But he suggested I must try it. And I was like 'Why not!' He got us multiple rides tickets that included three Luge rides and skyrides. And as I sat on it the instructor explained how to ride it. It seemed easy. Soon I am riding it freely and enjoying this as well. Now I know why he bought three ride tickets, as they say 'once is never enough'. We went back for the second ride and were taken up by skyride. Being on skyride is also a new experience for me. It felt like floating over the park beneath. Nice and easy. The day has not ended just yet.
Now we are going to explore another part of the island. But first we need to eat. I'm starving right now. Unfortunately the Subway is closed. So we picked some random eating joint that offered an authentic Singapore dish, I forgot the name. He ordered that dish for me and Indian for himself. No matter how hungry I am, I can't eat the food that arrived. It is too spicy and literally horrible. I could have ordered something else but honestly I don't have the courage to do that now. He insisted that I can share his food, but I am not feeling hungry anymore. I guess I can go without dinner for the night. I'm too overwhelmed with the day anyway. If only I could get the tea from last night!
As we are walking down the beach-side street there is some barbecue fest going on. They street is decorated with cute little umbrella covered bulbs. On one side of the street there are various food and beer stalls and on the other side benches are set up for people to sit and have food. The ambiance is just right to have a drink. Since there is not much left to do anyway I asked him if we can sit somewhere and get a drink. I asked him to order one for himself too and surprisingly he agreed.
We ordered wine (cheap wine, I must say, because it is awful!) I am still amazed that he agreed to have a drink with me. I guess the ambiance is that good for him as well. Or maybe he wants to have a drink with Me? And here we go with the forever love-struck mind of this girl again! However, poor guy gave up just after one sip. The wine was bad enough so I never pushed him. At this point I'm regretting my decision to not buy wine for him at the airport. This guy must not judge wine by the taste of this dirt. I should have gotten him a bottle of nice Jacobs Creek so he can know what an absolute bliss wine actually is. However, being a lover of alcohol, it was hard to see even this dirt wine getting wasted. I guess I can have another drink. We are not going anywhere and all I have to do now is sleep. So it's fine. I can drink his glass as well. We are sitting on one of the benches in the romantically lit up street. As I finish my second glass, I am feeling a little sleepy.
We chatted for a while after I finished my drink(s) and now I am telling him about my trip to Bali and how much I loved their local beer. I always think of that beer whenever I am drinking. I am bit tipsy and now I'm going on and on about that beer, Bintang was it's name. The taste of it is still fresh on my tongue or rather on mind forever. I told him that he ever visits Indonesia he has to get me a bottle. In past one year I had asked every acquaintance of mine who went there to get me bottle. But unfortunately I still haven't got it. I don't know whether he was even listening at this point. But I am under the influence of wine now and am in the loop of my love for my beloved lost beer. Now we had started walking again on the street to head back home. I am imagining Bintang in my arms. If only! Suddenly he stopped and pointed out at a sign. He said "Look over there". I was occupied in my own thoughts and a little tipsy too, so it took me two extra seconds to read the sign. It said "Bintang".
So this really is Bintang, in my arms! The bar is decorated with hundreds of empty bottles of Bintang. It's like my personal heaven. As I'm savoring the precious moments with my love I again felt his eyes on me. We are talking about something related to dreams. I'm too dizzy to contribute productively in this conversation. And my mind is overwhelmed with the taste. But even in my tipsy state I can feel his gaze. It's his eyes again. It's those mesmerizing eyes. Boy, please don't look at me like that. I'm already struggling real hard not to let it show. Why isn't he looking away. He's looking away now. Oh, please don't look away!
I am regretting those two glasses of wine. I should have avoided that so that I could drink more beer. The bar didn't allow takeaways. Which is sad. This was Bintang, finally, in front of me. I'm actually drinking it. I'm actually holding it in my arms. Bintang in my arms and this dreamy guy with kind eyes, right in front of me! God, is this my last day on Earth? Cause if it is, I'm ready to go. There's nothing left now. I'm done. If I die today, I will die as the happiest person alive!
So he was actually listening to all my chanting about Bintang. He pointed out the sign to me. I would have genuinely missed it since I was so lost in my thoughts. I want to ask him, 'Are you an angel? Is that why I had to struggle so much to come here, because no good things come easy? Boy, who are you?'
After what I can call one of the best days of my life, we finally headed home. By this time, it is safe to say that I am 80% drunk. But since I want to get 100% I asked him to fetch me the wine he was talking about when we were coming back. Like a good guy he was, he went up, got me glass of nice cold wine from his refrigerator. I definitely should not drink this if I want to hold my tongue. But No, that is not happening now. I will drink that wine, I will say things I should not be saying. One question is bothering me since past few hours. I want to ask him but decided not to. But now since the almost-drunk-me has a mind of her own, I will blurt it out. How come a guy this good not have a significant other? Are the girls here blind or dumb or both? Or maybe he has a long-distance. But I resolved not to ask this question since this topic never came up. Why should I bring it up? But No, the 80-going-on-100-drunk-me had different plans. I just blurted out, 'Do you have a girlfriend?' What the hell, did I actually asked him that? What the fuck is wrong with me? Seriously girl, why you must know that? Anyway he replied shortly but firmly that no, he did not. And I said "Why not?" Can you be any more stupid, you dumb ass? It's his fucking choice, that's why! Please shut the fuck up now! So finally I get a hold of myself and decided not to ask anything more. I'll just drink and listen to my shitty playlist of drinking-songs. But not so soon, now it was his turn to ask the same question. He plainly asked do I have a significant other. Are you happy now? Now fucking answer him. Since I am a bit out of my senses so am not able to make up a lie, although I could have. But then I'm thinking, what's the point of lying anyway. I can tell him the truth. So I told him about the almost-one-sided-relationship I was into. He simply said OK and the topic was over. Phew!
As I am playing my all-time favorite drinking songs, he is just sitting by my side on the couch. For a moment I thought maybe I can rest my head on his shoulder and pretend to be sleepy. I wonder what would happen next. Will he push me off? Will he pull me closer? I wonder if he is a good kisser. Seriously girl? Your horny ass is up again! I laid my head on the arm rest, opposite to him. If only I could lie on his shoulder instead! Eventually he went to bed and I passed out on the couch. Although I did not forget to turn the TV off and going for pee before sleeping. But I am too lazy right now to walk to the room and make my bed. Plus the couch is closer to wine, just in case.
"He is coming back to the couch slowly. He is sitting on couch, right next to me. And he is pulling me closer. I think he's going in for the kiss. Oh My, I am actually going to kiss him..."
"Hey, you sleepy ass, wake up!"
Ok, so this was a dream and he is standing at the foot of the couch, shouting at me. I hate this guy!
The day started out really bad. I am having a bad throat because of all the screaming, shouting, wine and beer. I have no idea when or how I got dressed up, reached the airport and got into the flight. I guess my body was walking but my mind was still sleeping. Finally we arrived at our next destination. We entered the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and now I finally came to my senses. I realized my throat is worse than I thought. I am in agony while speaking. So I gestured to him that I can't speak. He asked is it sleep or soreness. I said meekly that it's pain. I guess he knew from my face that I was not well. We went to a coffee shop at the airport itself to have breakfast. As we sat down my throat is in misery. I really need a glass of warm water to soothe my flaming throat. But since speaking was a difficult task altogether I decided that I'll just point it out to the waiter when he arrives with the order. As I was half-sitting, half-slouching on the chair, two glasses of water came. I am confused. Is it what I think it is? I took a sip of the glass in front of me. Warm water! How could he even know that there was nothing more I wanted at this very moment? My pained face immediately had the broadest smile. Now I'm feeling so much better. And he is sitting in front of me with a smug face and even has a nerve to say 'You are welcome'. Idiot! I know I should not, but at this very moment, I really really like you.
Outside the airport, our taxi driver was having trouble locating us. I spotted him at distance and waived to him. He got the hint. When he came closer he greeted us. He is a cheerful guy and immediately turned to my host, " Sir I was not able to spot you until your wife waived at me". I don't know why but I wanted to laugh out loud. Last morning we were dating, and now we are married. I wonder what tomorrow morning would be like!
So now begins a long-long day of too much walking, too much sun and too much sore throat. I am in a terrible condition. I am in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a great company by my side and I still can't enjoy this. This is pathetic. I don't want to be sick right now. I was trying hard not to think about my condition and have fun. But no matter how much I try, this cold always seemed to get me. I could feel he is getting bored too. That made me feel worse. I'm ruining his trip as well. But I must say he was doing everything he can to make it fun for me.
Our first stop was Batu Caves. As we arrived there, the sight of hundreds of stairs frightened me. How the hell can I ever climb this? That too on my own! Is this even a good idea? I should just go back. However, on a second thought, since I'm already here, maybe I should give it a try. I will quit the moment I felt I can't take it anymore. So I resolved to atleast try. I took a lot of time to take the first step. The stairs are narrow and I have to be extra careful not to fall over my head. Within minutes I could feel my heart beating loud in my ears. Louder with each step. I guess I should start working out soon cause this physique of mine won't get me far in the world. But I see he is making jokes and is trying to make me laugh. He pointed out to a lady walking ahead of me and mentioned how my skinny ass can't even beat this drum roll. I know it sounds insensitive, but it made me laugh. It is working. I am distracted from the fatigue, more because of his aroma than his jokes. He smells divine.
Once he noticed the sheer exertion on my face, he asked me to stop and catch my breath. He told me to look back to see how far I have already come. As I looked back, I could see that I've completed almost three-fourth of my journey. And the view from up here is just wow.
Batu Caves are known for the giant statue of Lord Hanuman at the foot of the stairs. This cave upstairs inhabits another series of smaller Hindu temples. I could see most of the tourists were Indians visiting here to offer their prayers. On reaching to the top, I silently congratulated myself and even more silently thanked him for bearing with me all the while.
There is guided tour of Dark Caves organised by Malaysian tourism for exploring another part of the caves. He told me I can take this tour only if I am not scared of the dark. I want to tell him, Me, scared of the dark? Dude, I'm basically a nocturnal person!
So he got us tickets for the Dark Cave tour and now we have to wait for an hour for the tour to start. There was this weird smell here in the waiting area that I later came to know was the smell of Bat poo.Finally our tour began and we are walking along the narrow trail in the caves. We are provided with hand torches to see our path ahead. Our guide is really sweet and is informing us about the history and significance of the caves. These caves are home for bats, so we were strictly instructed not to flash our torches above eye level in case we don't want thousands of bats attacking us in the dark. Now we are almost in the middle of our tour and our guide instructed us to switch off all the torches and phone screens to have an experience of absolute darkness. As we switched off the torches, there was it. Infinite darkness. Darker than a room with no lights.Darker than your soul, girl. I have never experienced such darkness before. It was so fascinating yet so deadly. But, there is something else here too. Another fierce energy is here, but I am not able to put my finger on what it is. This enigmatic feeling is taking over my mind and now my thoughts are running wild. I don't know whether it is the cold, headache, fear or what, but I am not thinking clearly at this point. In that moment, suddenly his arm brushes mine. The sensation causes me to lose it all. I am not going to admit what I am thinking right now, because this is just so wrong. I am leaving tomorrow. He is someone I met two days ago. I should not be thinking about this now. Stop it, I ask myself. That energy in darkness is lust.
We switched the lights back on and proceeded ahead. As we are walking down the caves, I said,"This is a good place", he immediately said "You are welcome". I hated it. That inkling from the dark is still fresh in my mind. So I'm really careful in keeping a safe distance between us. Once or twice during the walk on slippery surfaces I genuinely needed his hand to help me climb up or down but I didn't ask for it. I am terrified what his touch can do to me. And he didn't offer to help as well. See? He is a good guy, not a weirdo like you!
After the dark caves, our next destination the famous KL Tower. On our ride back to the city I tried to get some sleep. But I just can't seem to fall asleep. I have a hunch that he is looking at me while I try to sleep and this is making me really conscious. Why is he looking at me? Do I have something on my face? Do I look weird sleeping? Girl, you look weird nonetheless. So just chill. I will now just pretend to sleep and hope to get some rest before we reach.
At the Tower we bought the tickets for skydeck to view the city 360 degrees. I do have to carry my backpack all the way which is not helping me beat this cold-sore-throat situation. Anyway we head up to the top. There is a nice cold breeze out here. Standing on the skydeck I can see the whole city and the mountains beyond the city limits. Right in front of me are the Twin Towers. The weather is cloudy, I can't see much far. However the clouds are just adding to the magnificence of the view. The buildings down looks old and sturdy. Only Twin Towers are shining exceptionally among the otherwise worn out skyscrapers. The breeze is nice and soothing my senses. I decided to sit down here for a while and enjoy the weather.
I kept stealing glances at him. He looked so charming in his white tee and blue jeans. Just the way I like it.
Once we got down we spotted the City Tour hop-on hop-off bus. I thought it would be good idea to take the ride. This way we can visit more places and can do so by just sitting (And I won't have to carry my backpack any longer).
By this time, he officially declared that I'm acting too dull for this trip and I must brighten up for fuck's sake. I felt so too. I should cheer up. I guess the lowest point of my being boring came when we were sitting at the rooftop bar and there was absolutely nothing happening. The seating arrangement is on the top of the building which is actually a Helipad. You can imagine the view, KL Tower brightly lit up in colored lights, shining Twin Towers and few other high rise buildings here and there. Because of the cloudy weather we could not see the sunset. But the breeze is cool and music is good. The place is getting crowded now and everyone seems to be having a good time, except us. Although I don't mind the silence and can enjoy my drink perfectly well in this ambiance and the music, I felt that I must make some use of the company I've got. After all, I'm not sitting alone here. After much deliberation I suggested we should play some game, drinking game to be precise. He is worse than me in suggesting a game. It took too much brainstorming and another 30 minutes of silence before I finally said we should google 'Drinking Games for boring people'.
I was drinking, he was not. The view was perfect, the chemistry not. After another session of brainstorming on his side we finally zeroed on Never Have I Ever. This should be fun, I thought. But we both could not think of any questions. It is seriously difficult for us to have a casual game getting started. Now we are dependent on our smartphone's App. (Yes, seriously, we used the app to play the game) No matter how dull this may sound, this was about to lead to some serious fun here.
'Never have I ever had my heart-broken'. Both of us drank to that. Cheers!
The more we played the more I got to know about the naughty side of him. Though I am also spilling out some not-so-good-girl facts about myself. We decided to continue the game and head to the next place.
'Never have I ever had done it in a public place.' He drank, I didn't. Oh My! Really? Where? When? But No, you can't ask that girl, there are rules!
So now I'm in front of one of the world's most iconic building, Petronas Towers. I need a picture and for that I need a good spot. It was a tough task considering everyone else here wants to a take a good picture as well. And there are too many people. After I managed to find a descent spot and he was kind enough to offer the click, we headed back for the hotel.
'Never Have I ever cheated on my partner.' I drank, he didn't. Oops, You are a bad, bad girl!
Our cab finally arrived and he is holding out the cab door, yes, again. Isn't he the perfect gentleman? As we approached the check-in counter, the charming receptionist asked us to give her our passports. Since we had booked a single room she wanted to confirm whether to offer a double bed or twin beds. She first asked 'Are you a couple?' and then in a lower voice 'Or brother-sister?'. The second part was heard by me only and I literally burst out laughing. She was genuinely confused. He didn't get it and replied that we were just friends, so we want separate beds. I am telling him about the brother-sister thing and he thought I am making this up. Dating to married and now to brother & sister! This can't get any better than this!
"Never have I ever dated a co-worker" None of us drank. That's a sign of being professional. Good girl!
After this incredibly long and mostly dull day for me, I finally lied down on my bed. We decided to continue our game, but changed the theme to Truth or Dare. Ofcourse, we are still dependent on the apps. But it's good, atleast the questions are sharp and I am getting juicy stuff out of this. This guy has done some serious stuff. And now I'm a fan.
"Truth or Dare?"
'When was the last time you had done it?'- Phone screen lit up.
"I don't remember, maybe with my last girlfriend, last year probably."
Oh? So you didn't have any hook-ups after that? Are the girls in Singapore so dumb? BTW are you available? Shut up, you horny bitch!
All of a sudden our phones buzzed at the same time. Both of us are getting a call from our mothers. I finished my call first so that he can attend his. I found it really cute, him lying to his family about 'traveling alone'. Good guy is not that good I guess.
We got dressed again and went out to grab some dinner. There is a food street right in front of the hotel. This food court is lined up with various food stalls offering different foods ranging from Singaporian food to Pakistani food. As we are walking down the street, there is now another part of the road having pubs on both sides of the street.
"I think you are dying for a drink right now".
"Yeah, because why not!"
My throat is still hurting a little so I guess I can have some brandy to help me sleep at night. We sat down and I ordered a drink. We continued our game and things were now taking a different turn.
"Truth or Dare"
'Kiss the guy sitting right in front of you.'
Is his phone a witch or something? I am embarrassed and shocked at the same time. I try hard to pretend to be cool about this and simply say, "I don't think it's a good idea." Ofcourse it is the best idea at this time, but no, do not do this girl. You are going away tomorrow morning. Never to return again. I know you want to, but just don't.
I can read in his eyes that he is enjoying this as much as I am. I can feel it he wants that kiss too. But he is also holding it back. I wonder why he is not making a move. Maybe because that is not the right thing to do here. He ordered warm water for me, again. How did he know that I need it right now?
"Truth or Dare"
'If you can guess the song he is humming, he gets to hug you.'
He hummed a song and I guessed it correctly.
I win a hug from him. So now what do we do? Should I hug him right now or later? Or should I simply let it go?
I should stop this game right now. I must stop. Do not make any mistakes here girl, don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow. My brandy is here and I am having it neat. It is doing wonders to my terrible physical state. He can see me relaxing now and quietly said 'You are welcome'. Suddenly I am having this urge to say out loud, Why are you like this? Why are you so nice? Why are you so good to me? Please don't tell me you are like that to everyone you meet cause right now I would hate the thought of you being with any other girl. Maybe I am not well, maybe I am a bit high, but I want to be in this moment a little longer.
By the time we are done with our drinks (My drink, his water) I am feeling a lot better, healthwise and otherwise. Dinner is bit too spicy for me so I just let it be. But he is making sure that I eat.
We came back to our hotel room and before I realized, the game has somehow turned into the confessions phase.
"Truth or Dare"
"When was the last time you kissed someone on lips?", he asked, not the app.
"I think last February, my boyfriend, about 11 months back."
But in last 11 hours, I've kissed you in my head a million times. Does that count? No girl, that does not. Because first, it's all in your head, and second you are crazy.
As we are laying down in our beds, I am just looking at his face. Our game is still on and we are confessing our dark secrets as well. This feels so calm, so serene. He is telling me stories about his childhood, his past, his future plans. And I am sharing my stories, my aspirations, my dreams. He and I have been through a lot, we both are at this point pretty much happy with our lives. We both have been burned by love, we both know what we want and more importantly we know what we don't want. I am wondering why haven't I met him before. He is imperfect just like me, but he is everything I am missing. I wonder what would happen if we came together. Isn't this too good to be true? Can I move over to his bed right now? I fell asleep considering the thought to move to his bed or not. As it turns out, I didn't.
When I woke up in the morning I had just few more hours left to be on this vacation, to be with him. I am leaving today, never to return again. I might never see him again. My head is still hurting now and I so want to sleep for few more minutes. But I can't. He is still fast asleep. I look at his face, he looks so enchanting while sleeping. All these thoughts of never seeing him again are making it difficult to look away.
"Stop staring at me!", he suddenly said, his eyes closed. I blushed heavily and immediately ran to the bathroom.
I decided to take a bath and start packing. As I laid in the bathtub I am trying to remember how good this whole trip has been. He is a great guy and I do hope he had a good time as well. Tomorrow at this time I'll be in my office thinking about this very moment. The whole trip has been a series of "Why Nots" and "YOLOs" and not once did I regret doing any of that.
On our way to the airport I tried asking him about his experience of the trip. But all he said was "It was ok" Maybe he is like that always, calm and composed. Not always over-thinking, over-analyzing like me. I decided to drop the topic now. It was good for me, and I'm happy he is here. Maybe that's as far as we can ever get.
"Truth or Dare"
"Do you think we should have kissed just to see how it goes?", he asked.
Yes, absolutely!
"Umm, maybe. Yeah I guess so.", I said with a straight face.
My flight is an hour earlier than his. He came to see me off at my boarding gate. I ask him if he wishes this trip was longer. I can see he wants to say something but decides against it. He just said, "Yeah, I wish." I am not ready to leave, not just yet. But I can sense the distance in his eyes. He is just nice & polite. Nothing more. It is wrong for me to fall for him. The time to go came nearer.
Our goodbye happened at the skytrain station in the airport from where he had to take the train for his terminal. Our eyes met but neither of us said anything. I could stare at those eyes all day! Do you feel the same? I know you don't. But I wish you did.
"You should come back with me to Singapore right now. You have the visa, so why not?", he said out of the blue.
"You should come with me to India. You don't even need Visa for that. Just buy the ticket, because why not?"
Then we just laughed. We are well aware of the reality. No matter how much we like each other at this moment, no matter how much we want to stay, we just can't. I wish I could be with you for a little longer. I wish you wish the same.
But all I could say is "I hope you had a good time". He said he had a good time, it was nice meeting up. He came closer for a hug. While I pulled him closer, all I want is to hold him right here. Oh his scent! It's driving me crazy! I don't wanna let go.
It was a quick hug. I must go now. Because if I stayed here for another one minute, I won't be able to leave. It's over girl, step away before he notices the tears. You promised yourself you will not let this happen to you again. So just move, now!
I quickly turned and start walking away. After few steps I turned back one last time to see him. That's it, just like that. He is gone. This trip is finally over girl. On my way to the airplane I tried not to think about this anymore and focus on what I'll do when I reach home. He is someone too good to be true. He is someone I will always think about whenever I travel next time.
As the flight attendant instructed to put all phones on airplane mode, I noticed there's a text on my phone. I open it, hoping it's from him.
"I miss you baby. I hope your trip was good.I know you don't want me to, but I am coming to get you. I'll be waiting for you at the airport. See you soon :)"
It's a text from my Almost-One-Sided-Relationship. I guess it's time to say goodbye for real.
Introduction to The Characters
Let's meet the Characters:
Zoravi- Our protagonist takes us through her journey where she tells her tales and thoughts on meeting the stranger(s) on her travels and back home. She's moody, loves to travel, always searching for excuses for good alcohol and sometimes too horny for her own good.
The Stranger (Aman)- He's dusky, has dark dreamy eyes and is a mystery for our girl.
Rahul- A tall, fair and handsome young man, college friend with whom Zoravi shares a complicated history.
Suven- Mr. Right Guy, well-settled, well behaved man who isn't afraid of speaking out his mind. A perfect match for our girl.
Manav- The chocolate boy who has everything one can wish for, and still wants more.