Lovely lady, I didn't see you there. Your glasses were fogged in my lens, let me move those for you. Yo, you got some mad kinks. Can I try?
That's how Romeo met me.
How did he meet you? He brought me a bouquet of flowers after my car broke down twice. I just had no where to go. He helped me.
I was meeting Romeo at the bar, he was magnificant, he was holding a tiger and stabbing three men in the eye patches. I'm lying, he was drinking I was drinking and we fought about something significant. It wasn't though, which is why I lied to you, he is just some guy.
I love it, I love him, I hate him. He's greedy and I hate it. He takes what he wants and I hate it. Maybe I don't hate him. Me, Me
wait, didn't you tell me root. That was what you told me you said" blah, blah, bl-spade ". Then, while, we found out why years later, but that's how it went down. We stink at writing, but that's ok. We have water, and that's good enough. You could try dig then going down there. Preciate the value of the Hoe. It's only up from here. You ever tried pickling a carrot in november. HardyDumby. (pickling happens in a jar)
Please behave. We'll name our creation, Grow, after my Great uncle Scott. Scott Derren Pick. Or maybe it was Flowerings. Or maybe he just really loved fruit.
Philip Head Screws
Philip Head Screw. I thought you meant philip screw driver. I'm so dumb, you'd think.
My plan, my action, just you wait. I pretend. You pretend, so i guess we're both telling the truth. Do i love you? Do I hate you? Do you excite my body? Yeah.
I go back for the Philip Head Screws, I go back smiling, this is so fun. Working with someone we dislike. Someone we love. The Greatests
Pain, you don’t know pain
Despair is alot like chocolate. You feel it, and then it's gone. You crave it. You crave despair. Don't you crave despair? Yes. That itchy feeling in the back of your throat, that won't go away, until you feel despair. Until you eat your cake. Drink your milk. That is despair
Love. Lost. Eternity. Forgot. Remembered. Crying. Caring. Depression. Hope. Satisfaction. Dedication. Repeat.
You thought it was more. It sounds like Eternity.
Happiness, Tears, Tremble
Sit, now tell me your greatest nightmare. What are you afraid of. It's here? Behind you? But you can't feel it? That's peculiar. Well, are you scared? Yet.
You're crying, but why. Your tears were fake but now they're real. I have control over everything you do. You have no control. Does that make you happy? Does that make you sad? Are you excited to hear my voice. Only because you selfishly get something out of it. You're scared, not of me, but of yourself. The part of you that is too great to contain.
Excuse the language
When I say something. Listen. I don't listen. That's the feeling. I win
Despair is alot like chocolate. You feel it, and then it's gone. You crave it. You crave despair. Don't you crave despair? Yes. That itchy feeling in the back of your throat, that won't go away, until you feel despair. Until you eat your cake. Drink your milk. That is despair
Discourse is like honey. You soothe it down your throat. You're trapped. You're trapped. You're trapped. You have no choice but to submit. Discourse. That yummy warm feeling in your asophogus. Mispelled words become yummy. Peace turns into Chaos. Who am I?
Slo Mo Candy:
Sally is going to buy flowers. Some would call this boring. Donte calls it a day in Zaban city.
Donte is Sally's friend. Sally left twenty minutes ago. Donte wants to see if she can handle living in Zaban. Donte pleasantly remembers the horrors of watching the sun rise. What's Sally up to?
You know Sally. I like you Sally. Can I stay with you? "No, Not really" What? What do you mean, not really? "Not really". You're hard to talk to.
"Why are you following me?" I'm not following. Sally stops.
Dust rolls by in a heep, sheep bahh in the distance. I heard something.
"HA HA, you're so funny" Did I say something funny? "When I say run, run." Ok
"DON'T JOKE LIKE THAT, WE'RE REALLY LOST" Oh, he's lying. "Ok, all we can, is RUN"
A big black body emerges from a Salon. The stranger felt incentivized to run. I was right beside them with a gun
They were taken aback, but I didn't care. One woman versus 3 males. Not to mention I can tell someone's hiding behind them- backup.
My gun doesn't budge. Theirs shake like babies. A shot fires off
A body hits the floor. Blood drenches. My assailant looks surprised to see I didn't shoot him. He checks his heart. Then my assailant, who I had not shot, dropped dead.
The partners seemed scared and unaware of what just happened. A gun fired, their boss is dead, I didn't do it. There must be a sniper around. They check. They're scared of me aren't they.
I raise my hand. So who else wants to play. Their guns raise to me. Before they can trigger. In an instant. I'm there behind them. "You guys are slow."
Chop. One bandit falls to the ground. His mangled psychology elegantly places itself to my feet. It's not enough. A dark cloud brings itself into my brain. The dark cloud emits into reality. I look at my last Assailant. I slowly enjoy the jolted feeling of him being afraid of me. I stop. He stops. "Why does it always have to be this way?"
The store clerk greets Sally with a WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT. She smiles, just to see your pretty face. The cutesy old lady smiles so widely the clouds open, the sun beams on us. It feels like it was just raining.
So, what will it be, I say nothing. I continue saying nothing. I actually stopped thinking, but it looks like I'm thinking, so I can actually talk to myself. I should probably answer before Ms. gets mad. What do I want?
An image appears of 3 items. A bag, A box, and a fishing hook.
So, I don't have all day, make up your mind all ready. "Do you have any boxes?" Boxes? You mean with something in em. "Sure".
I got just a ship of Boxes of toad oil. I'll buy it. You don't want that stuff. Now here's something you do want. He or she, doesn't really matter, reaches behind the counter. Her manly hands grip a box onto the counter. His elegantly beautiful touches graze the boxes lock to find its already unlocked. They must not be very clean.
"What's your name?" I'm Opal. Cool. She puts the box away. She picks up a bigger box. This one makes me flinch. I have to look away. I look back to know it's real. The box seems to be glowing, not the content, the box itself.
This might catch your eye. She opens the box and it seems to burst with unreleased potential. She pulls a pin out of this ragedy torn box, I knew it was too good to be true. She catches my expression and smirks. You think this is ordinary? Well it is. I'll sell you for $?1,000 "WHAAAAT, for a pin, maybe it is magic". I stare at the old lady behind the bar. "Or maybe this Old Lady is really good at her job". I look at the object. It looks ordinary.
"No, thanks". "Do you have any bags?" I can get you a bag for the pin. He smiles cheapishly. So tell me about it this pin. It brings good luck. The pin begins to glow. If you wear it, you'll be protected from all bad spirits. The pin begins to glow more vigorously. "Hm, and what else does this pin do, madame" It grants you a wonderful, pleasurable, and fortunate life. I've figured out her ability. The ability this woman uses. I've figured her out.
"Do you have any fishing hooks?" Fishing? Yes, one second. She runs off. The pin stares me in my face. I think about taking it.
You know, what is life? Life is like a trashcan. You never what you'll get until you reach your hand in and look. By that time your hand smells. Do you want to wash it off? Is that why you don't dig in trashcans? I dug in a few trashcans, but once I cleaned off, I knew what was in it.
So, long or short. I imagine shooting a fishing rod "short". Hard or soft. I imagine the texture of my pole "Soft". Ok, that's enough about woman. He chuckles. Ok, I got 3 choices for ya. "Ok"
I exit the store. I check the sun, I got a fishing rod.
Bandits start closing in on the store. I make myself scarce, ofcourse. What to do? I'm pretty bored these days. Zaban city is too boring for me. I wanna just go fishing with my grandpa.
I find a nice tree. I almost want to take a nap on a nice day like this. I sleep. I don't really sleep, but how you lay down and know you're going to sleep.
I see everything. I see the universe. Where do you go when you sleep? I go everywhere. My mind melts and my reality becomes the universe. My cycles end. My dozing becomes end of me. To sleep is to play dead or to continue living. To dream or to die. To wake back up again or never again. Nobody has to die. We die everyday when we sleep. We stop being who we are and transcend to who we will bell when we wake up.
A scream.
An echoing silence.
That was the old hag.
A chance to die.
A chance to live. Smirk/
GENRE: ADULT Action / YOUTH Fiction
Word Count: 1127
Author Name: Latoyo D. Calmer
Why: It’s probably not, ask yourself if it is. I can write anything really. It is
So, this girls likes this guy, wait-wait, the guy is a superhero, wait-wait, but the hero is like in love with applesauce. So, wait, what? So yeah, this girl is tryna slay her 7 evil warlock exes. I think. So, basically this is the greatest book you’ll ever read and it’s entirely about nothing.
Gary likes a girl. To get with this girl, he casted a spell. Now her and her new boyfriend have to pretend like they don’t care. Really, you’re already fighting for your life. Zaban city, Tokyo, The lost Buddhaszatva statues. This guy is like whipped, love makes you powerful, but is it really that powerful..
Target Audience: Anyone who likes action or boring stories.
My bio: I love writing. I love money, Who knows how I did it..
Platform: I’m a song writer!
Education: I’m in school I guess.
Experience: I write songs
Persoanlity: I’m like the villain. I’m a hero in reality. But what’s the difference. I’m like Gojo Satouro mixed with Ging Freecs- with a sprinkle of Kakarot- elegantly mastered to become a real person. A.K.A I’m a creative person/