Purpose of life.
We are all connected
by the air we breathe
we are all a part of a whole.
What isn't good for the swarm
isn't good for the bee,
so let's just learn to love all souls.
We toil all our lives,
chasing futile pursuits
we work, pay bills,
then we're through.
So let's strive to show love,
let's work at being Good...
cos in life, is there
anything better to do?
Speaking Life
If we are going there...
I think the most things I say to my friends are things I should say and do myself. Never had the courage I guess, it's normal stuff like believe in yourself , you're worth it, don't mind what they are saying , you are beautiful, you matter etc
I write them whole ass paragraphs about how I would always be there for them and beat anyone up if they even try to say that they are not beautiful, smart, worth it, loved .
Sometimes it does hurt to know the fact I could support someone so much when I can't say one single fuckinggood thing about me, that everytime I look in the mirror only bad things come out:
" You can't do anything ! Why are you like this ? What's wrong with you ? Am I that horrible that no one shows interest in me ? Am I good for anything ? "
The list goes on and on with this sort of thing. Crying myself to sleep because of comments that should mean nothing:
" You put on weight.You could use those cream more. You should take care of yourself more ."
I should just love myself ...it should be easy.
key word : should
Nothing is easy in life and I think most of us know this by now. But here is the thing loving yourself should be easy cause it's you.
So this goes out to all the lost souls out there that are just looking for something that might change their life, go to the first mirror that you see . You found it. Now go and change your life if you want too, go and scream from the top of your lungs that you love who you are. Go have fun cause life is to fucking short ! Even if you are stuck inside for now you could make changes and you could start the life you want, fight for it !
Cause you are worth it and loved and wanted and anything else !