What motivates atheists to live when life isn’t going great?
How do atheists live with the notion that “this is it”? When life is taxing, tiring, when you don’t enjoy your work or your family or your lot in life - what motivates you to keep going?
This is a bit existentialist. But there have been times where my faith was not strong, times where I questioned God and if He really exists, and those were times when my life was in disarray (thankful to say I’m doing much better now). But honestly, living for God is what motivates me in everything.
If I were not a Christian, I would have taken my life several years ago. If I had believed this was all there was, I would have done it.
What keeps atheists motivated during those times in life?
#challenge @Harry_Situation
The definition of “God”
Hello Harry, I consider myself an agnostic, which defined, says that I don't associate myself with a religion, but I redefined this to mean, for myself, that I don't know. Because, really, that is the most responsible stance.
What is your specific definitionof an "atheist"?
I've delved a bit into the Sumeriam texts, and Jewish mysticism, which I find fascinating, and a few other texts, and I've thus far concluded that nobody knows and nearly everything that anyone believes they know are just what they have read that someone else has written and deemed to be fact, and there is so much text that has been mis and rerepresented, most of it doesn't even resemble the original it was construed from, and brings to mind a striking resemblance to the grade school game of
"Telephone", where everyone sits in circle and the "operator" whispers a phrase to the player on their right, and this passing on continues and ends once the "operator" is informed of the phrase, which, quite often, varies drasrically from the original phrase.
This is what I think. There were humans or humanoids before the Bible or the Gilgamesh (probably spelling that wrong, my apologies!) text from the Sumerians. Anything that was recorded before then has either been lost or destroyed or not available to the general public. Now there are possibly other ways of acquiring information, which I won't get into now, but my personal opinion is that NO ONE knows or can possibly ever know from whom or how all of existence came to be. We can thoeorize all we want, but I believe that no matter what intelligence we achieve, we are always stonewalled by the ultimate question of how existence came to be. Now there obviously had to be a programmer, right? I mean, someone or something brought this about. But I think we are just chasing our tails trying to figure out what, who, or how. And we are so laughably arrogant us humans. Maybe it's not in the questions or the answers. I know, that dooesn't make sense, but past a certain point, what does make sense!?!
So I conclude with, how have you come to your status? And for some interesting reading, check out "The Story of Adam and Eve" by Chan Thomas, ciadeclassifiedfiles. Which, by the way, are not fully declassified.
I welcome your comments and opinions,
Becca Waits, Seeker of Truth
Questions to my Fellow Atheists
1) Have you ever been told by a Christian “you’re going to Hell”?
2) Have you ever been asked by a Christian “Do you hate God”?
3) Have you ever had to justify why you are an atheist? If so, what’s the best statement you gave, and the best argument why you don’t believe a god exists.
4) What is the worst argument for the existence of god and creationism you’ve heard?
5) Do you believe, in time, more people will become religious or atheists?
#religion #atheism #atheist #questions #AskAnAtheist
As a Christian, I applaud the Atheist. It cannot be easy to identify as one. Little confused? You might be thinking that it is more difficult to identify as a Christian these days considering all the backlash against Christianity. Well, that is true to an extent, but as a Christian, I have Jesus Christ to lean on in good times, and in bad. I believe that Jesus is my savior and that he will always be there for me. But an atheist believes in nothing. Imagine going through this world without a proverbial safety net? Knowing they are living their lives for the sole purpose of living for only the time they have on this earth. Once their life is over, everything ends. When a Christian's life ends, Jesus is awaiting them.
I respect everyone's free will. We have the freedom to choose what we want to believe, and live the way we see fit. To the atheists out there, my question to you is, do you feel that your lives are missing something even though you may have a wonderful life with a beautiful family, good health, etc? Have you ever considered that Jesus may be real? If not, what harm would it be to learn about him, and see if your life changes for the better?
Thank you to everyone that has read this, and I look forward to a spirited, respectful debate.
Spooky Scary Transcendental Talk
I'll number these as I realize I'm about to bombard you.
1) Do you believe in the supernatural? Ghosts, poltergeists, "entities" in general.
2)What is your take on unexplained phenomena- be it UFOs, ghost sightings, psychic phenomena, creepy Mandela Effect sorts of things, so on.
3)Urban legends: Sasquatch, Jersey Devil, Chupacabra, Loch Ness, Mothman (or really anything that seems like an episode of The X-Files)...could they exist or just another case of humans searching for meaning in things they don't understand?
4)Do you believe in other dimensions or find any intrigue in the topic of Quantam Physics?
5)Do you see "New Age" beliefs as a watered down, rehashed form of traditional religion or a way to seek peace without the requirement of unyielding devotion?
6)If a person manages to find understanding, connection, and inner peace through religion, new age, or supernatural practice, do you seek to change their mind or do you just let them be?
7) Even though it doesn't directly affect you, what are your thoughts on the commercialization of spirituality?
8) Do you believe it's possible to be "spiritual but not religious"? Are the two synonymous to you or do you feel there is a distinction between the concepts?
Pretty sure that's everything.
Yeah, that's all I got.
1. Do you believe in the Big Bang theory? If not, disregard the following questions.
2. How do you explain the multitude of elements? Do you believe they all evolved from hydrogen and helium? Where did the hydrogen and helium come from?
3. How do you apply the first law of thermodynamics or the law of conservation of mass to the Big Bang theory since both state that matter cannot be created or destroyed.
Questions to an atheist
To get started:
1) How did the world/universe begin?
2) Do you believe that the "laws of physics/science" are consistent and identical in all parts of the universe?
3) Do you believe that from the beginning, everything happened randomly, ordered (by whom/what?) or some other explanation?
4) Do you believe that ALL variations in animals (mammals) can be explained by evolution/survival of the fittest from the beginning (single cell creatures) or some other mechanism?
5)What is the meaning of life?
6)What do you believe in (if no "organised religion")?
More questions to follow on from your answers to the above.
Law of One?
(1) In your research that lead you to conclude Aethism was right for you and matched your “no higher power/creator” belief system, did you ever come across “Law of One”, if so, what was your take on it?
// If you’ve never heard of it and are curious to know, I suggest the “Law of One: Ra Materials” set and or the offical website (lawofone.info) by Tobey Wheelock with permission from L/L research, as a great place to start. \\
*Point of note to all, Law of One is NOT a religion, it’s an understanding (that has been, in the past, efforted and distorted into different religions.)