I volunteer to be the odd one out...
I remember crying at the breakfast table as I smelled the scent of grease float closer and closer, my impending doom.
Dad's rule is 'you have to finish everything on your plate', but 6-year-old me got good at hiding it in napkins, throwing it across rooms into the garbage, and on occasion flushing it down the toilet.
As I got older I'd always get priceless reactions, just like yours right now:
I've never liked bacon.
The God
*Translated to one of Earth's languages*
"They are stubborn! They turn our backs! Every star in the blackness has worshipped us. Every. Last. One! Except this asshole Earth!"
"Calm down, $^‰*. They will soon realize. It's right under their noses."
"They laugh at us! They live thousands of years and have like 20 different gods, but not one mentions the real god! One of them even despises it, what do you mean, 'No pork?!'"
"Give them time I said! Every star needs time. We put swine on every one of them, all of the people are different. If you've forgotten, you made them too curious when you made that solar system. Of course they won't worship the bacon just yet. You strayed that mind in other directions."
"Yeah.. But they ne-"
"Give them time."
King Of Sandwich
Bacon, like chocolate is one of those foods you can easily do without, but to a person such as myself, easily able to go for years if not decades without them, they both rely on sensory perception to lure me to them.
Regarding chocolate in all its many forms I am totally fine - until I see it, then, once my eyes fall upon the prize I must have it and at any cost.
And not just a small piece, no, not me Sir, I have to get rid of it all, every delicious atom must be consumed until nothing remains. Then once I am satisfied that no more is to be had, I am left free to sink into an ocean of guilt.
Bacon entices me in a different way, for me it is the aroma that hangs in the air and drifts to my nostrils that fires my appetite. There is only one way to eat bacon as far as I am concerned, grill it until crisp then layer it lovingly on fresh wholemeal bread, buttered, and sliced in half, then find a dark and deserted spot to sit and savour every bite.
When that bacon smell hits then nothing else will do.