I want tacos. Boatloads of Tacos. I'm talking racks and racks of tacos. Don't judge me. Or do. I don't care. I want crunchy hard tacos, fresh corn tortillas, and fluffy flour tacos. Baby-sized street tacos? Bring 'em on. Blackened Mahi Mahi, grilled salmon, Bang Bang shrimp. Come on. Crispy Tofu? Yup. Veggies? You know it. Make them over-flowing with toppings. Fresh lettuce, shredded cheese, diced onions, cilantro, thinly-sliced cabbage, (i'm serious, slice it thin or you will endure a severe side-eye glare. I'm not joking. Do it.) and shredded cheese. Did I mention I want shredded cheese? Sour cream? No thanks. Save it for the guy with a baked potato fantasy. Hook me up with that salsa too. You know how I like it. Don't skimp out on me now, things are just heating up! Hot sauce. For real. This is a hot date between me and my tacos. Time to spice it up. Is this getting too real for you? Ok. No problem. Let's cool it down a bit. Squeeze some fresh limes on top. Damn, that still sounds hot. Company, you say? Your probably thinking I want my closest friends and family to join. No thanks. I'm not sharing anyway. An audience? Maybe. None of this live-streamed nonsense. Take me to a studio with stadium seating, high-quality lighting, and camera guys. The whole shabang. I need a wheelbarrow too. Roll me away into the sunset when I'm done feasting. Cue applause and tears of joy. End scene.
Chasm of Doubt
Tension surges
like a draw-bride emerging
over a chasm of doubt,
foreboding the figurative,
"just figure it out"
Left right at a crossroad
with no road to cross
across from a cross
kneeling atop layers of prayer
peeling away
the sky-ceiling fading
sealing a way
reality unreal in comparison.
real expectations expected
unused to the ruse
of success
cast into a chasm of doubt
foreboding the figurative,
"just figure it out"
A Heart’s Telling
At the deepest dusk
under the merging hues
of fiery orange and whispering white
I hide my heart's lamentation
The sounds of thundering, crushing waves
repetitively attacking the shore
cannot coerce or coax
a telling
Nor can the vigilance of the gulls cawing
and circling, in vigil
loosen upon my lips
a telling
Not even the tide
could compel a key
to unlock the secret
beating in my chest,
or the bereavement cresting
upon my breath
My mind floating adrift,
and soul set assail
attempted inquiries engrained
but all of no avail
At the deepest dusk
under the merging hues
of fiery orange and and whispering white
I hide my heart's lamentation
and I'm not
In the Clouds
I was lost in the clouds,
where I discovered myself
I used to stare into the clouds
sauntering on nimbus thoughts
floating yet grounded,
billowing in the smoke
with thoughts in shapeless forms
forming mirages of substance
absent a solid foundation
free of the commitment
of being
collages of sky blues and pillowy ivory whites
contrasted with thunder laden grays and ominous deep dark
I searched for meaning in the clouds
longing for depth,
yearning for answers.
the answer.
the clouds roll on and along
but now,
am ever present.
as the fog lifts slowly
acknowledge my self,
to myself.
learn to be like the clouds
trying just to try
Aching bones like over-loaded levees
creaking and cracking
in triumphant tribulation,
trying just to try.
Sinews whisper sweet encouragement
to tighten and
While desperate digits
fumble in frailty,
trying just to try.
Palatable prayers
aware in their awakening
ignore the ignominy,
trying just to try.
Battle of Isandlwana
Pickets set. British soldiers sweating in their crimson royal red uniforms.
Rifles, breech-loaders, with smoke billowing at the twelve round max per minute capacity.
Over-run by warriors with short spears and massive cowhide shields.
Shaka Zulu, triumphantly remains ruler of Zululand.
Europe does not dominate Africa today.