In my fantasy, I will buy scissors. So many pairs, perhaps a wheelbarrow full of them. A vanload? Way more scissors than any person has ever owned.
In every cupboard, in every drawer and on every surface in my house, you will find at least one pair of scissors. There will be scissors hanging from the walls, scissors hanging from the ceiling. Anywhere you look in any room, you will see scissors...
Then I wait.
I know The Moment won’t present itself immediately. It could take days, weeks even. But when The Moment arrives, oh boy, I’m ready.
Whatever it is, an envelope, a bag of candy, a dangling string… On that day I simply reach out and grab me a pair of scissors. It will be beautiful.
Surely they can’t all have vanished?
#irony #sarcasm #sardonic #everydayproblems
I am particles of energy
That split and multiply exponentially
Whose cosmic potentiality
Cannot be measured in any definable quantity
And I exist as only this
The ways in which I manifest
To substantiate the here and now
With words and actions and expenditures of the kinetic form
As evidence of influence
I shift and shape my subsistence
Based on cosmic inference
Personifying versions of your truth
There's ebb and flow and misdirection
And all is based on the reflection
All of these
the person
I Killed A Child
The deepest secret
that I never told
was that I killed a child
when I was thirteen.
She was bright
and dreamed
of space travel
and of inventing fantastic machines.
I yanked her from
her fluffy bed,
dragged her to the living room,
turned on the TV.
I stabbed her eyes
with a steely knife
formed of
of sand dunes and
of tanks exploding.
And I whimpered to her
as darkness
replaced the life that bled from her:
"That is where your daddy is"
I took a gun
and shot her ears
with the cries
of starved children
and the shrieks of vultures
ready to devour.
And I screamed at her
through salty tears:
"It's too late for you to save them!"
Her knees wobbled
somehow still alive
on life support
from the small light of hope
that drove her youthful soul.
And so I mustered
the shred of strength -or fear- left of me,
to explain
in a soft whisper
that some people
lose all hope
that they extinguish their light
And at this, her color drained
from red
to white
to blue,
the same colors
as it happens
that her father
could be wrapped in.
I killed a child
when I was thirteen.
I killed a child
and that child was me.
#ProseChallenge #DeepestSecrets
Ineffective Causality
If the car starts first try it's going to be a good day.
Okay, if it starts second try then it's going to be a good day.
Alright then, if there are no cars at the first intersection it's going to be a good day.
If I don't have to stop at the next set of lights she will be nice to me today.
Okay, if I can avoid changing to second gear at the next set of lights she will be nice to me today.
Alright then, if I can avoid first gear for the next two intersections she will be nice to me today.
If I can avoid looking in the rear-view mirror for thirty seconds then she actually likes me. Nailed it!
If I can hold my breath from the time I park the car to when I sit at my desk it's still going to be a good day.
If she's standing at the coffee machine when I go there then she likes me.
No, scrap that one.
If she talks to me before 10 am then we will get married someday.
Okay, if she talks to me before lunch time we will get married someday.
Alright then, if she talks to me before 4 pm we will get married someday.
Okay backtrack...
If I drive home and stop at no more than three intersections then she will definitely talk to me tomorrow.