Troubled by Love
Hold me tight
Hold me close
Keeping hushed words
For only the two of us
Youthful lovers
Within each other's grasp
Losing grasp
Chests tight
These young lovers
Are very close
Don't force us
Over the edge with your harsh words
People have hateful words
Just keep our grasp
We get to decide what's good for us
Hugs so tight
We're so close
Honey, I love that we're lovers
Down deep in the soul of lovers
There are secret whispered words
That keep them close
Hands grasp
Hearts intertwine tight
Planting roots for us
It's up to us
As we are queer lovers
To stand tall with our holding hands tight
Block out their words
Don't let them grasp
Don't let them in too close
We're almost there, we're so close
Come on, the two of us
Have almost done it with each in our grasp
We know as lovers
Loving words
Can make bonds tight
We young lovers hold each other tight
Our words whispered for only us
We grasp at each to hold ourselves close
Gender and The Body
I often look at my body
And hate it
I hate the curves
And the bumps
I hate that it chains me to girl
I hate when people say I'm beautiful
I just want to be handsome
I hate that I'll always be seen as a she
I feel guilty
For my lover
Who didn't know for a while
That my gender changes
Like tides of the ocean
I'm confused
I know that I'm
But it can be difficult
Sometimes I love my body
And sometimes not
I just need support
Please just use something else
I'm not a she
Or a her
Just a they
Following the words
Whispered by the flowing tides
Ocean Tide
The tide drifts in and out. Barely anything disturbs the ocean water. It is as still as I've ever see it. Just on the horizon, the sun is dipping down letting the moon have its turn in the sky. The sunsets are always so beautiful.
My mind drifts just as the tides do. Slowly thinking from one thing to the next, very fluidly. Sometimes I wish I could leave this island. But it's a silly thought. No one could leave. No one is allowed to leave. It was too dangerous since most of the world was destroyed. At least, that's what they say. No place to go but here.
But still, I wish......
A Cup
I could use so many nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives; all manner of spelled out and printed verbiage, that I may know, to stretch this bit of words into a two hundred count. I assume that many may consider it a bit of cheating on my part, concerning the requirement of this challenge. However, I truly could not pass up a bit of personal philosophy on it.
Knowledge is just a simple cup. It can be held by a pauper or a king. It can be fashioned by any craftsman to hold much or to hold little. It can be roughly painted with no need to disguise its intended use and function or decorated with jewels, precious and semi-precious stones to be appealing, perhaps even deceiving to those who look on it. Still, like a cup, it is meant to be a tool; a most useful tool to be sure. Without such a vessel, would I not 'cup' my hand to scoop up sweet refreshing water to my thirsty mouth?
It's not so much, this "cup" called knowledge as what it holds; wisdom to life, conversely - foolishness to death. So then The few words I first wanted to convey
To quote Albert Einstein,
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
I feel...
Safe around you,
I talk more,
Laugh more,
Stand my ground too.
Feel like,
I can do anything,
Absolutely anything!
I feel...
Like raising,
And raving!
Parading my skills,
Talents, beliefs,
Cravings released,
Like defeating,
My beasts and griefs!
I feel like its love.
I can't get enough,
Of you.
When your gone,
I think,
All I want is you.
When your here,
I'm happy,
Just me and you.
Everything's good,
When it's me and you.