i stumbled a stone midway
and you pulled my hand
towards thee
i lost myself here
but you founded me without any crease.
i sat in dark and wept
but you trailed my tears
with lovewords in my ear while weeping my tears.
i closed my eyes to dream
but your illusionary filled me
i recall the moment when we used to sail together
found you floating with me
in hands in hands as i can visually illusionary of you and me see
i held you as you were mine alone
and you kissed the desire in me
i asked you every time
wherever i stuck by
and you always made me float by
my own
i asked about you
from your friend
acquainted to me
but you suddenly appeared behind me
shutting the shutters of eyes
for making your presence feel by
whatelse to say and see
make you specail as you
always will remain
for me
but in memory
till the time you
are on/ tunned for foreign
leave and
donot agian sit besides me
sharing your feeling and thoughts
as i filmed in poetic form
but in your own version of photographs
clicked alone on foreign tour
pics of me created by you
all alone
for expressing plethora of love in naive form.
hishing sound, patched clothes with blankness
dull sunshine with all blemishes of blackness
running mid between the moonlight road
staggering with her own foots
just of male Woolf es
with lustrous eyes in a pack
those must be drowned
in firey ocean
thinking about blankness she hold
at that time
when she was caught in the trap
and victimized
making her owned self identity
as she was noticed aftermath
of last fiery night
being all alone lying aside
on the sunlight road
is this my night job?
westernized clothes
that make me prey of bunch of male
because of their uncontrolled biological
instinct conventionally sailed in ocean of prevailing thoughts
they do not feel to control or hold
because a woman westernized freely
feel to play their role
as commodity as their flavor for shortened
westernized clothes
as aftermath reactionary public say
oh sorry i do not mean to say this
their clothes make them victimized
this is their biological
instinct that mean to stare and say
whatever they feel at heat of moment
to unchanged conventional mode of pleasure
of verbal sexual abuse i must say
but do woman
react in this way
because they are in need of change
so to say
rather then shutting victimize in
open up in different way
so that male biological dominance in any
form also need to get victimize in
different ways
poetic expression, court justice,
not sexual pleasure when a woman do not feel
she is ready to play as heat of moment life
partner as uncontrolled instinct of man aroused
to feel and touch thee
but sorry i am not ready for you today
let do it another day
so man
need to know
woman also grab instincts
but learned to control
not to troll
when expressed freely
as man do.
let make them
victimize too
preach them
your instinct must be for one
as you think we must own for one
not as commodity
as you made me
last night
by publishing female within me
how i will make me believe
a guy will not haunt me
who will hold me
as you expressed
i was at fault
not you
because these are biological instincts
must be fueled
or my duty at night
must pay
what to do
but slap this thought process
conventionallized by society
being victimized in this way
or some other way from time
not in snail way but in
rain way turned
in thunderstorm way
methods as i suggested
so that the sword of victimize
at very base level reacting in different
modes must not cease but reach at its heyday
so that martyr of a victimize woman
must be paid
homage in different way by reacting at
and changing mosaic pattern at bases laid.
how as child i used to get pissed off with playing while sexual harssment and how my mother used to keep me in closest without providing us with true knowldge but the cruel tabboed environment Scroches inside my vein till time how i lived heinous crime of being ignorant.this being real definition of ignorant still haunts me
life skill
thought, random thoughts
still prompts
without scrolling, its own thought
thoughts , creativity of someone else
what is hidden behind.
sometime deep knowledge , sudden gush
particular interest
field yet to unfold.
random thoughts garlanded in petal forms
opening up one by one,
when needed to unfold taking its own space and form
when budded out as mature flower.
sometime broken here and there
petals folding and molded.
but those petals still have scent feeled
when just touched that may be
deep rooted inside also.
emotions, thoughts to deeply uproot
so echo can be made in dimed voice or sudden roar.
self identity
i roar,
my innerself roar ,
till time not hallicunated with a pill of attraction.
but when that attraction become senseless,
i again roar
with inner self concisouss thought
what to lose the real identity
touch of that being
who was magnetic.
still coined permanant image in me.
but that image of attraction may be surreal
create fibre of whole fabric
what an individual being.
ridicoulous poem
negiation for everything
every moment why should do this task
but those negitations led to drown
in negative hellinistic world
that i turn so insane
in doing routine core of not mudding up beautiful home
but my ownself in messed up form
untied, uncombed hairs like a mad doll.
trolling in home here and there
how can now i regain sweet beautiful
form what i used to behold
untill the time i learned
to frown at every tiny job
how to delearn when i turn around like a mad doll
still snail and roar all around
entire home
is this my inner soul
what try to reroll my beauty form
when i move outside and socialize myself
with aquatiences and non aquantieces
self consiciousness of being presentable
cakewalk without any worry
but those mean no more
new social world led me to new frown.
i wish i could watch
people fight together
i wish i could watch
people not dine together
i wish i could watch
don’t watch movies together
hold together
tight together
evening walk together
this is thought of
enemy of humanity
that hold like minded toghter
to blow the
of opposite together
that hold aspiration
of chit chat
grocery bying
house hold
scroll toghter
for enjoyment
but now they are
made to believe their is tiny
world of humanity enemies
who blow their near and dear
ones all togther with a sudden gush
like medicininal effect all togther